Pends on what is the cause of down in the dumps-ness Regs............can it be rectified with a distraction or does it require more long term action..........just arskin
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Underoos and Friends - August
Underoos and Friends - August
Pends on what is the cause of down in the dumps-ness Regs............can it be rectified with a distraction or does it require more long term action..........just arskinI am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs
Underoos and Friends - August
And amazingly... I did not mention a root! (Why is it men allus think that)
I'm not downplaying the joy and wonder of the root.. nevertheless there are a bazillion other things that may bring cheer to a lassie..... a massage, perfume... sweet talk.. travel and adventure.. what are Ms Reg's interests eh Reg?
Underoos and Friends - August
let me know what you do for mrs reg & then i'll tell mr beagle to do the same, if it works.
fusky panic attacks! dastardly debilitating thingies. makes me all sweaty & breathless...but were we not talking of roots? same outcome huh?
Underoos and Friends - August
Does she drink lots of coffee? If so.....cutting down is no. one. Massage calms the nervous system, so if you want to do something for her personally whilst the doc is organising referral etc. book her into for a series of good massages. I am a remedial therapist and cant speak highly enough of the benefits of hands on for this problemI am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs
Underoos and Friends - August
Reggie;939169 wrote: well she a muso like me plays the flute classically trained thats how we met through music but since having our lovely daughter we have both stopped playing i reckon thats got a lot to do with it
Any chance of a small parlour musical adventure once a month? It could brighten everyone's life.. As a small child my mother held piano recitals once a month in our loungeroom and local people would come to sing/perform. It's a dim distant memory but it was a treat... a wonderful atmosphere. Pity we've been overtaken by TV these days. She was a great accompianist.
Underoos and Friends - August
Actually yes, Sapphy, if I could wish for anything it would be a massage once a week... I think it would make my life complete! (almost anyhoo)
Reggie, 'Shower' brought this to mind[/video]]YouTube - The Go-Betweens: "Spring Rain"
Underoos and Friends - August
Fong chi lu hi we. lon fu wei kung.
Yeah, i can feel a tour coming on Reggie!
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Underoos and Friends - August
And if that doesnt work Reg, You, Mrs. Reg and the ever faithful but recalcitrant Olive will all have to book your place at Bridges Chook HOuse/Dungeon for your very own private neck stretching session. for fusk sakeI am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs
Underoos and Friends - August
Guitarista;939180 wrote: Fong chi lu hi we. lon fu wei kung.
Yeah, i can feel a tour coming on Reggie!I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs
Underoos and Friends - August
Hi Fickle, Quite agree with the idea of massage making life almost complete...I have been practicing for almost 20 years and have seen lives transformed!!!!!! It can make that much difference when all the tension is removed and years and years...layer upon layer of stress pealed away to reveal someone renewed and revitalised. Problem with me was I was too busy fixing everyone else up and slowly sinking into the abyss myself.I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs