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Underoos and Friends - August

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    Underoos and Friends - August

    Dear Ron01,

    I believe you're running an illegal and fraudulent raffle. There is NO sunlamp.


      Underoos and Friends - August

      Inspector Rex SBS. On now.

      Evening SM, Reggie, and Ron!

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Underoos and Friends - August

        Oh no! Rex has been drinking!

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Underoos and Friends - August

          Just watched Away We Go ... nice flick and now I'm going horiZontal.

          Rabbito hasn't checked in either since her return from Cairns and Rags is prolly off to Africa and Bets has prolly moved into her new apartment and Bluey's prolly swanning around in his ski jacket and Wavey's prolly getting his Masters in Japanese and ...


            Underoos and Friends - August

            Miss Behaving;926022 wrote: Thanks for your faith in me Tip!!

            And I wasn't going to post, but the reason why I'm lurking is that I have two things on my mind and I'm pondering them and just trying to work them through.

            One is that I'm going through the process of cutting myself loose from my contractual obligations around a big commitment which I have decided not to complete. It has had all sorts of emotional implications - some good, some not so good. Just working through them. But part of it is that its like I've flipped a switch .... I've been only just holding things together for a while and now my brain has gone "oh good, I can freak out and go crazy". The better half of me is trying to stay sane and prioritising my health, which is the main reason why I wanted to drop that commitment anyway because I was so highly stressed! I've had lots of "bath and early to bed" nights this week and sticking to my exercise regime. But I felt concerned enough about my mental state to visit my GP - who has been terrific (I have the best GP in the country!!) and I am back on anti-d's. But it will take a week or two for them to kick in and I'm still feeling like the black dog is a constant companion.

            Two is that Mr B has a Family Court case coming up this month. Which I dont want to talk about here because I am not a direct party. But it has an impact, and makes me both incredibly angry and incredibly sad. This is not the place to discuss the substantive issues, but it is really hard to have it going on and affecting one's life but not have any direct input into how it can be sorted. It is what is called in family law jargon here as an "intractable dispute" - not an issue where a child is in need of immediate care and protection but where there are other guardianship issues (based on differences in belief systems) that cannot be resolved.

            Phil's post today on the A-Z of attachment (dont think I got the thread title right) was very timely for me and I printed it off and read it on the bus home. I will post and tell him so.

            Anyway, that's why I'm lurking. Just trying to find some wisdom wherever I can and not trusting myself to make any sensible comments myself!
            Miss B, I really really appreciate your post. It gives me context and helps me regard my own situation. :goodjob: Thanks and can't say much more as am wobbly tonight.

            Guitarista;925367 wrote:
            Well, i suppose now the colon irrigation thread seems to have dissolved, i'm off to the Avocado forum, if anyone's lookin for me, okay? Okay.
            Hey G! Love to hear more on the colon irrigation threat :H oops typo :H:H:H


              Underoos and Friends - August

              Hey TF, have a nice time being horizontal eh


                Underoos and Friends - August

                AhhhhAh!! I reckon G's onto it Reggie.. whaddya think?


                  Underoos and Friends - August

                  Sorry, been distracted by the lounge.. love your work Reggie!!

                  Um.. Yessum.. I think people should have ready access to colinic irrigation. I come from a lovely farming family where everyone dies from bowel cancer in their early 40's. So YES I'd like to avoid that.

                  HoriZontal NOW!!


                    Underoos and Friends - August

                    Bloody HELL.
                    I've missed you all again. And I HAVE missed you folk.
                    Tomorrow is the last day of my sensible grown up job. Thank Christ.
                    I'm going to take those black stockings and rip em apart with my teeth.
                    Then I'm going to plough my laptop bag into the lounge repeatledly ...slam ...slam....slam....
                    I'm gonna jump up and down on that sensible little black skirt................................ .................................................. .....:upset:.......
                    Oh God I'm sorry.....I forgot where I was ....
                    Got about 16 things to comment on back there, but tomorrow friends........
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      Underoos and Friends - August

                      byebyebridgetjones;926246 wrote: Bloody HELL.
                      I've missed you all again. And I HAVE missed you folk.
                      Tomorrow is the last day of my sensible grown up job. Thank Christ.
                      I'm going to take those black stockings and rip em apart with my teeth.
                      Then I'm going to plough my laptop bag into the lounge repeatledly ...slam ...slam....slam....
                      I'm gonna jump up and down on that sensible little black skirt................................ .................................................. .....:upset:.......
                      Oh God I'm sorry.....I forgot where I was ....
                      Got about 16 things to comment on back there, but tomorrow friends........

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Underoos and Friends - August

                        Morning friend's,

                        Have an easy last day at that job Bridget, and reward yourself with a nice ginger beer afterward's, along with a little reflection on how magnificent a person you are, and your next adventure....;-)

                        Fickos......hope all's well today. How are you going? :h


                        Reg. As mature (i use the term loosely on myself) aged men, we need to look at a few thing's, health wise. I'm considering a colonoscopy very seriously. I have no health issues i'm aware of at present, but would know soon enough. I hear it's only one day, or half day outta our lives, and not as scary as i think.

                        Supermodel. :h And what are Missy chook and Bridget chook's view's on the Burqha?
                        Angelious, you beautiful, beeeeauwdiful!...........................:l
                        Where are you Jrabbitos?

                        A marvellous, safe and sober day to all malagia's.

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          Underoos and Friends - August

                          Reggie;926210 wrote: Mr G's about to start a "Anal Bleaching thread" he feels this needs to be canvased as does the colonising one.
                          hehehe, i use to go out with a stripper, anal bleaching is no joking
                          ah, the good old days...
                          AF since 10/26/2009

                          It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                            Underoos and Friends - August

                            The Thursday Chook Chronicles - Week 3

                            What a wonderful week! We saw both girls working at 100% efficiency. It is still to be determined whether they are merely compulsive or indeed pathological layers but their output was nothing short of astounding. Both girls celebrated their 24 week birthday today.

                            During the week Bridge again showed consistency and determination, producing eggs of a respectably large size. Her stats for the week were 57g, 61g, 61g, 61g, 58g, 56g and 61g. giving her an egg weight average of 59.2g, an increase of 3.7g over week 2.

                            On Days 1-5 Missy produced 62g, 68g, 65g, 66g, 65g. On Day 6 I saw her egg laying on the floor of their lounge room (not upstairs in the usual nest). This alarmed me but I entered and found the egg to be perfectly formed but totally sans shell. It seems Missy decided that "Nah, this one's a dud, I'll just chuck it out and start again". I sat with her and we discussed the situation. Little did I know that the shell-less egg was merely a prototype for things to come ... This morning, I collected her Day 7 effort. A whopping 90g egg. Unbe-bloody-lievable! Her egg weight average for week 3 now sits at 72.6g, an increase of 4.3g over week 2.

                            Egg total to date: 37 (Bridget 21, Missy 16)

                            Both girls now enjoy 8hrs of free-range forage per day with supplementary feeds of high quality layer mix guaranteed not to contain any ground up animal bits. I couldn't stand the thought of them eating some long-lost distant relative.

                            Wilson has accepted the job of Union Representative, inspecting the housing for cleanliness on a daily basis and generally making sure that all Workplace Safety Conditions and Practices are strictly adhered to. Wilson now wears a dust coat and carries a clipboard and ensures that the girls get their daily hour of dust-bathing, relaxation and meditation.

                            Missy's Mammoth Egg is pictured below:

                            Missy (L) and Bridge (R) at lunchtime spa and meditation retreat

                            I now have to completely reconfigure the Bumnuts Graph since Missy has rocketed off the charts.

                            That, ladies and gentlemen, concludes this week's "Chook Chronicles"

                            PS - I know. Far too much time on my hands. It's winter. It's wet. Soon I won't have time for this nonsense.


                              Underoos and Friends - August

                              Tawny, you are amazing
                              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                                Underoos and Friends - August

                                Wow Tawny...fair play...thats a feckin HUGE egg!

                                Your girls must be really happy.
                                "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                                AF 10th May 2010
                                NF 12th May 2010

