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Underoos and Friends - August

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    Underoos and Friends - August

    Morning all chooks

    and hi Pan.

    Good talk last night. Ficks ...... :l I've just got to the end of my first whole week in ages where I've been completely AF. I hadn't been going over the top ... but I knew it was just a matter of time before I did. I am incredibly lucky in having a Dr that takes drinking too much seriously, but also doesn't resort to simplistic solutions. I know just what you mean about being really careful about substances other than al ..... I took some sleeping tablets last week for a couple of days and I was completely freaked out by it!!

    Anyway, feels good to have not caved in over the weekend and I was rewarded by being 1kg lighter today!

    Head down bum up today.
    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe


      Underoos and Friends - August

      Morning Pan, Missy, chook's, and all rooter's,

      Pan, you're up late or early. Not sleeping? How have you been?
      Great stuff Missy! I am SOOO rapt to have a clear head these day's. It really is priceless. I value a happy head in he morning's so much these day's, that if i were ever to go back to drinking, (which wouldn't be a 'slip' or relapse, but purely concious and intentional) not that i'm interested these day's and becoming less so, i could never go back to anywhere near previous level's. It would need to be a complete turnaround, (he he, unlikely at the mo') and short of going back to a selfdestruct mode, which i think i'm now almost over as my thinking has shifted and i'm less of a selfpitying eeejit, I prob wouldn't last long as a drinker cause the morning's would be far too hard. I'd either be able to have a quiet one now and then, with bugger all hangover, or if not, then give the stuff away once and for all. Not that i'm considering modding or drinking in the foreseeable future at all. Nope. I'm having too much of an interesting time discovering me, and what i can do. Lot's, i'm finding. Yeeaah.

      Bridget. I am missing you. I just know you you are flirting with that 'Henhouseharry 01784' over on the chook forum. And as for that boofhead 'Rooster001', well, they're both big cream puff's! Where art thou, Siren of the 7 and beyond, where art thou? :h

      Fickos, that doc is a bloody idiot. Keep up the search. There is a directory of doc's in melbourne i found once, that included doc's with addiction/al experience, and willingness to treat, hence hopefully a better understanding. Or, Royal college of surgeon's, whatever they're name is these day's, give em a ring, and get a recommendation. You're amazing, and beautiful, beeeeeeeauwwdiful too.

      A marvellous day to all malakas and marikas. :new: :welcome: :thanks:


      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Underoos and Friends - August

        Not sleeping. I wil read the rest in a minny. Just getting in to say hi to you before the hullabaloo, if the Army was any thing to go by.


          Underoos and Friends - August

          G, thanks from the bottom of my heart.


            Underoos and Friends - August



              Underoos and Friends - August



                Underoos and Friends - August

                Hi Pan, and all to come.
                Mr G, i think about drinking all the time still. i dont get cravings, but i think about getting tanked.
                I think me counting days helps me no end. I think "self, if you have one sip you have to start at day one."
                that puts me off, i like my chances @ one year.
                AF since 10/26/2009

                It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                  Underoos and Friends - August

                  i just re read my post, alot of ' i think" in there. I DONT think I 'thank' this much on the piss...hehe
                  AF since 10/26/2009

                  It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                    Underoos and Friends - August

                    Hi Asp, thinking is good.


                      Underoos and Friends - August

                      In my humble experience Aspy, as time goes on, those drinking thought's become much less of a focus. Thought's of getting tanked were once a focus more than not a focus, but these day's, too much other more interesting stuff going on for me, (which we must create, and grow, etc) so it's not a daily thought, maybe a couple of times a week, but easily dealt with, cause i value my sobriety and what it gives me, which is so much magic and joy. There is absolutely NO contest these day's.

                      Orf to the coalface. Must save universe.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        Underoos and Friends - August

                        Mornin' chooks, roosters, guinea fowl et al,

                        Awaiting delivery of a 10,000L tank today - whoopee - why ... if I can fill that I'll have another 66.6 days worth of water stored. I may get through the summer without having to buy any!!! My excitement is palpable, I'm sure.

                        That is all.


                          Underoos and Friends - August

                          :hMorning Pan,
                          Nice to meet sure are an early riser or is that a late goer to bedder? Missy B God onya for one whole week off the devils brew!!!! (she dances around room flinging arms and legs wildly in air...saffy looks on with alarm)....Aspy When I have those momentary thoughts of getting on the turps, I quickly replace that delusionary scene with the real one i.e. me lying on the couch..passsed out...mouth open...possible day...crook as a dog...feel like jumping off the roof....anxious....depressed....hates the sound of the birds (they sound like aliens) spewing....heart pounding...blood pressure up....gottta have another drink to feel better...everyone pissed off with me...feel like a dirty rotten mongrell........yeah great stuff that drink isnt it!!!!!!!!! Oh did I mention ...close the curtains...shut the door...dont answer the phone....dont shower for three it all again.......NO.....The sober life for me thank you very much....the lure of the first half hour if that of the buzz just doesnt cut it any life and its richness and experiences is worth so much more than that!!!!!! Mr. G. how you kickin today? I am super duper:h
                          I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                            Underoos and Friends - August

                            TF can you answer me a Q please? What is the "chook" forum?
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              Underoos and Friends - August

                              tawnyfrog;941462 wrote: Mornin' chooks, roosters, guinea fowl et al,

                              Awaiting delivery of a 10,000L tank today - whoopee - why ... if I can fill that I'll have another 66.6 days worth of water stored. I may get through the summer without having to buy any!!! My excitement is palpable, I'm sure.

                              That is all.
                              Whooooooo Tawnster...much excitement today, is this the red tank you talked about?
                              I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                                Underoos and Friends - August

                                Chill - it's a forum for Poultry Keepers. Bridge and I visit there often. You should see some of the fights that go on there!!!!

                                Yup, Sapphy - the red tank arrives TODAY!!!!!

