...16 DAYS AF
"HE SAID go to the edge and jump; she said, I cant I am afraid; he said, go to the edge and jump, you have nothing to fear...I am with you; she said I cant, I am afraid.. she went to the edge , she was afraid, she jumped and she flew.....
Just joking. G'day Sapphire, and welcome! Good to see you here, and bravo on your 16 day's! Keep going!
Putting on my little hat with the propellor on top, attaching the flower thingy that squirt's water at audient to my breast, and orf into the day, as the sun, she start's a shinin'! Ah life. It really is a good habit in many way's, to alway's, not try, but just alway's look on the bright side of life.
A grand and luxurious POETS day to all!