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Underoos and Friends - August

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    Underoos and Friends - August

    Hi Cindi,

    No, i've never heard from Maxman since i've been on this site, i'm sure. Unless he's changed his name?
    Hope all's well there, and have you had your break?!

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Underoos and Friends - August

      Chillgirl;938767 wrote: Mr G - your thread or mine
      BJesus! One must be careful what one wishes for! Errr...ummm, err, i like a woman who can take the lead....

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Underoos and Friends - August

        Reggie;938338 wrote: Australian Jokes for Children
        Daughters got a new computer she emailed me this to see if it works HAAAAAA.. Hilarious!!!!!! NOW! on to the Old bugger Whinge WHINGE ALERT daughter gets a new 800 sqidillions computer IN MY DAY....I couldnt even get that "Lost In Space utility belt" I so really needed to complete myself from the local news agents, I worked at.. when i was a little Reg .For feck sake i was employed there as a paper boy!!! On me bike at Six every morning. Delivering the punters their AGE ....HUN HEARALD.. Womens Weakly and..No Idea publications. What does young Reg get....NO discount ..... News agent Manager slave Boss says Reg you off loaded those left over Saturday Ages didnt YA !!!!! ..Parents .say...NO Reg on ya for a livin ... wake up reg WACK.... heres ya one dry weetie biscuit ..Off to school ...shit I was deprived I tell ya:upset:
        Bring on ZEEEEEEE revolution Missy Ill be your Trotzzky to your Miss Lennin

        Ahh That felt good sorry Y fronts but i needed that little self indulgent post
        resume normal programming
        Karl Marx
        yeah and to add insult to injury Reginald we had a handful of hot gravel in the mornin for brekky and twas luxury........lived in a shoe box in middle of road....tell the kids or tday nd they wldnt bleva yah............tell the little buggers NO NO NO NONONONONONONON
        we raise the bar so high for our kids these days that by the time they get to 18 where is tho go?????? The freakkiiinnnggg moon......alls been had, alls been experienced...nothing left to get, nowhere left to go, nothing left to do......I see this in my own children and their friends...we need to be strong enough to leave something for them to aspire are burning out earlier than ever, lying drunker and drugged out ...not just those with the hard luck stories, but more than ever those kids from loving supportive parents.....given everything that money can buy, allowed to experience the world as if there is no tomorrow....lets give them love, a paper round, some hard work, our time, less gadgets, some simplicity , some prescence (not presents)
        I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


          Underoos and Friends - August

          Morning Undies,
          Forgot my manners in my last rant about the state of our children some of whom so seem to developing (through no fault of their own a 'pathological sense of entitlement'). hi To Chill, Miss B; Angel; Tawny; Cinders ; Mr. Guitar Man and all......Bridge if you are there.....I have an aversion to heights, so if you are going to string me up, please do it from a short distance from ground.:H
          I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


            Underoos and Friends - August

            i totaly agree sahpp, my misses is 14years younger than me and she has a way different idea about phones and facebook/twitter/msn type junk. it is life or death to have the latest phone, and then you need to report about it/with it on all the sites....

            slightly off topic,
            AF since 10/26/2009

            It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


              Underoos and Friends - August

              'pathological sense of entitlement'

              hehe, thats the one...
              AF since 10/26/2009

              It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                Underoos and Friends - August

                Yes I have been out walking.........
                Don't you just LOVE exercise.....?????
                Lowers the Blood sugar levels....makes you nice and shitty for when your

                PERSONAL TRAINER

                comes around

                Bitch dog ran away from me at the beach and wouldn't come back. I had several strangers, their dogs and their food trying to help me. NUP.

                Now she is hung up in the chicken coop.
                Watch out Sapph. You're next:H

                And I really ROOLLY want a 'Lost in Space' utility belt.

                That is all.
                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19


                  Underoos and Friends - August

                  *** Whinge Alert ***

                  I'm sooooo fsick of feeling like the Michelin Man. Currently wearing skivvy, woolen vest, knitted jumper, sleeveless but serious knitted cardi, scarf and woolen fedora (albeit at a rakish angle). That's just what's on the top half. It bloody snowed in The Grampians and in the Pyrenees Ranges today. They're in my neck of the woods. I can't recall a winter as miserable as this one. Maybe I just used to march my way through ... in a legless fashion. Left, scrape, left, stumble, left, trip, lef, fall, le, oh bugger it, I'll just stay down.

                  That is all. For now. Because it is raining.


                    Underoos and Friends - August

                    And a very good day to you too Tawny
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      Underoos and Friends - August

                      tawnyfrog;938974 wrote:
                      woolen fedora (albeit at a rakish angle).
                      I bet you're super stylin'!! But I say the best hat to be worn on said angle is the miniature cowboyhat, preferably with sparkles.


                        Underoos and Friends - August

                        And I need a miniature cowboy why exactly? Sheesh ...


                          Underoos and Friends - August

                          ... and another thing ...

                          *** Whinge Alert *** following on from Reggie's whinge - I get this email from Apple saying "Amaze your Dad with an iPad". WTF ever happened to a box of three (3) hankies and a new comb? Hm?


                            Underoos and Friends - August

                            Well the hat doesn't actually come with a cowboy attached. It's not like a snail...


                              Underoos and Friends - August

                              So does the miniature snailhat come with a snail and sparkles? I'm such a fashion tragic.


                                Underoos and Friends - August

                                byebyebridgetjones;938897 wrote: Yes I have been out walking.........
                                Don't you just LOVE exercise.....?????
                                Lowers the Blood sugar levels....makes you nice and shitty for when your

                                PERSONAL TRAINER

                                comes around

                                Bitch dog ran away from me at the beach and wouldn't come back. I had several strangers, their dogs and their food trying to help me. NUP.

                                Now she is hung up in the chicken coop.
                                Watch out Sapph. You're next:H

                                And I really ROOLLY want a 'Lost in Space' utility belt.

                                That is all.
                                ROFLMFAO HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA It was the Frog and the G. Man that made me do it Bridge.......twas all their idea....they said you would love me to rock up to your place and submit you to a hideous workout or ten...get em Bridge :H:H Nasty Frog Nasty Mr. G
                                I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs

