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Underoos and Friends - August
Underoos and Friends - August
Waving_not_drowning;940830 wrote: In other news, I'm jumping out a perfectly good plane at 10, 000 feet, free falling for 45 seconds before the chute opens and am in no way scared
Underoos and Friends - August
fickle;940833 wrote: Yum!
I have to admit to being a bit depressed and vulnerable recently due to an erm.. odd experience with a GP. I went there to ask if there was any possibility of him prescribing naltrexone and got a bit of a lecture. in fact the guy made fun of me. the fact that i would like to stop drinking and become completely abstinent struck him as absurd. he said things like 'but you like drinking dont you?' 'what, so you want to be PERFECT' and pretty much laughed at me for asking for naltrexone.. and added that i should go to one of those expensive detox centres that the holliwood movie stars go to if i wanted that..... i've been really down about this... it's taken me ages to decide that the guy is a nut. i am now feeling silly and a bit sad about it all.
thanks for letting me vent guys
I know really good blokes that are hopeless at what they do and I know arseholes, who are better than me..
I have half a dozen Doctor mates and it's no different, you should have told him to jam it up his arse and walked out.....
Might have given him some perspective...What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....
Underoos and Friends - August
Thanks Fellas,
i think i was expecting great things due to the fact that he works out of the same place where they have D&A services so I thought he would be somewhat enlightened... i think i'll have to give a bit of feedback there.
Reggie, i still have the bac in my drawer. I'm so happy for Mr Tippy and glad you are going well too. Maybe i should revisit that whole idea. Tis true there is nothing else really available for me.
Underoos and Friends - August
Wavey I doooooo know that! It's me all along.
Hey, my little fella just told me to google this: just what i need for my garden: Hoselink Garden Hose Fittings - Home
Underoos and Friends - August
The bac freaked me out a bit because it came from india and they are very crumbly powdery tablets... felt like a bit weird chopping etc. Not sure if i got the proper thing. If you have any advice on where you get yours, please pm me Reg. I think it's time for me to try again.
Underoos and Friends - August
I've even gorn as far as considering selling my house so I can go to feckin rehab. I have been feeling nutts & under the gun. Why is it this darn country can not get it's act together regarding addiction treatments? There is freakin BIG MONEY in it! Why isn't there more available????
OK, off my soapbox now
shhhhh fickle
Underoos and Friends - August
fickle;940833 wrote: Yum!
I have to admit to being a bit depressed and vulnerable recently due to an erm.. odd experience with a GP. I went there to ask if there was any possibility of him prescribing naltrexone and got a bit of a lecture. in fact the guy made fun of me. the fact that i would like to stop drinking and become completely abstinent struck him as absurd. he said things like 'but you like drinking dont you?' 'what, so you want to be PERFECT' and pretty much laughed at me for asking for naltrexone.. and added that i should go to one of those expensive detox centres that the holliwood movie stars go to if i wanted that..... i've been really down about this... it's taken me ages to decide that the guy is a nut. i am now feeling silly and a bit sad about it all.
thanks for letting me vent guys
have a try with baclofen, Tipps helped me with it last year when I first put out my cry for help.......and it DOES work..been on it ever since, but am now slowly coming titrating down
but one major thing is that YOU want to stop..that is such a positive factor...
good luck with your journey, it is soooo worth it I promise, and so wil many,many others..I'm sure:l:l:l