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Underoos and Friends - August

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    Underoos and Friends - August

    [quote]ladyjan;940890 wrote:
    Originally posted by Waving_not_drowning View Post
    Are you a Pom young Jan?[/QUOTE

    :H:H NO deffo not..this young lady is from the eastend of London..a true Cockney.....
    I'm an upperoooonie friend from the Army.......
    I'm a poncey Git, lived in Hampsted for 3 years....
    What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


      Underoos and Friends - August

      All my best mates in London were Northerners....Very much like Aussies...
      What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


        Underoos and Friends - August

        Reggie;940892 wrote: Bob Katter dont know ficks cant see him concerned about anything except out back cow cockies who dont give a rats ...but aside from Brandt (greens) the others are a mystery
        There are six of em eh Reg, I judge Mr Katter to be the most colourful


          Underoos and Friends - August

          geesh! watch the stock market tomorrow

          sorry, i digress


            Underoos and Friends - August

            I'm off to eat, have to be up at 6am :-(
            What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


              Underoos and Friends - August

              fickle;940887 wrote: Good on you LJ,
              I am 44 (shhhhhhhh)
              live alone, no family nearby and have 3 kids... one past the worst (i hope) of the teenage thing, two more just approaching. had a friend at work completely cave in an binge for 3 days last work after her 14yo tore her to strips and posted crap allover facebook about her mum. teenagers :upset:
              it puts things in perspective for me - she has one.. i have 3
              ooooooooh shite................
              yep my girl was like the girl out of the exorcist....
              just didn't recognise my sweet baby girl....where the F had she gone...and been replaced by this demon from hell...:H

              but now she is a very responible loving young lady, gonna go to Uni as well, but I must admit there is such a twist to it all, coz I drank even more coz she was driving me beyond despair..
              and she hated me even more for drinking so much....
              viscious circle.......!!
              and thank fuck it's stopped..


                Underoos and Friends - August

                i want one of these expensive thingys
                iRobot Roomba Vacuum | Harvey Norman Australia


                  Underoos and Friends - August

                  see ya wavy... you posh dude....


                    Underoos and Friends - August

                    Nighters Dave, Reggie,
                    I can relate LJ - exorcist!
                    And the cycle thing - may my own soon cease!!
                    Must be off myself shortly. Early morning to go deal with the fallout from this weekend's uncertainty.
                    Have loved catching up with everyone tonight... promise to go chop up some bac and figure out a plan to start in the morning.


                      Underoos and Friends - August

                      whooot this looks like fun!
                      iRobot - The Vacuum Cleaning & Floor Washing Robots
                      nighters me loverlies..
                      take care LadyJan, loved talking to you


                        Underoos and Friends - August

                        fickle;940910 wrote: whooot this looks like fun!
                        iRobot - The Vacuum Cleaning & Floor Washing Robots
                        nighters me loverlies..
                        take care LadyJan, loved talking to you
                        and you...sleep well & sweet dreams...:l


                          Underoos and Friends - August

                          Waving_not_drowning;940830 wrote: In other news, I'm jumping out a perfectly good plane at 10, 000 feet, free falling for 45 seconds before the chute opens and am in no way scared
                          for fisk sake wave boy watcha wanna do that for ya phsycho:H:H:H
                          I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                            Underoos and Friends - August

                            fickle;940833 wrote: Yum!
                            I have to admit to being a bit depressed and vulnerable recently due to an erm.. odd experience with a GP. I went there to ask if there was any possibility of him prescribing naltrexone and got a bit of a lecture. in fact the guy made fun of me. the fact that i would like to stop drinking and become completely abstinent struck him as absurd. he said things like 'but you like drinking dont you?' 'what, so you want to be PERFECT' and pretty much laughed at me for asking for naltrexone.. and added that i should go to one of those expensive detox centres that the holliwood movie stars go to if i wanted that..... i've been really down about this... it's taken me ages to decide that the guy is a nut. i am now feeling silly and a bit sad about it all.
                            thanks for letting me vent guys
                            Ficks, that is really rotten that you've had to go through that, after gettiing up the courage to speak up. Do not feel silly. I can understand you feeling sad about it. After all, it does take an enormous amount of strength to tell. The guy is not a nut per-se. You just need to go back and explain properly. Maybe not to him, but to another doc in the clinic? I know it took me ages, but when I found my doc, I hated him for being so vigilant. Now, of course we love each other - doc/patient.

                            opan is Pan. Love xxx


                              Underoos and Friends - August

                              Before anyone comes in and destroys me, can I just say how destroying that is to one's soul.


                                Underoos and Friends - August

                                I am sorry for my past regressions. Please forgive me. Love Pan.

