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Underoos and Friends - August

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    Underoos and Friends - August

    Sitting on the beach in NZ in winter!!!!!


      Underoos and Friends - August

      Rags;943195 wrote: Sitting on the beach in NZ in winter!!!!!
      they weren't in the water though :H
      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

      Harriet Beecher Stowe


        Underoos and Friends - August

        hey all just checkin in...going good this time day 4 but chompin at the bit for a grog...hanging in there though...take care everybody
        Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


          Underoos and Friends - August

          Boycie - hang in there, girl.

          Just in for a quick thaw. It never got above 8C, nasty, sleety, sideways rain but guess what? I'm catching water like other people catch crabs! Whoopeeeee.


            Underoos and Friends - August

            Hi Boycie. Dare to win!!

            Hey everyone, just 2 more sleeps to go, then off to Africa. I'll be like a stranger again when I come back... but going to try my hand at internet cafe ing if there are any in the wilds of Livingstone.
            Also going to see if we can get into Zimbabwe for lunch at....
            The Victoria Falls Hotel


              Underoos and Friends - August

              boycie;943214 wrote: hey all just checkin in...going good this time day 4 but chompin at the bit for a grog...hanging in there though...take care everybody
              day 4 Boycie, well done, hang in there!!!! Keep distracting yourself...reading...going for a friend anything at all...little chunks of time....have a nice bath...listen to some loud music...drink lots of some inspiring stories from some long term abstainers....writing some gratitude can do it..go for it:goodjob::h
              I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                Underoos and Friends - August

                I mean drink lots of water...
                I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                  Underoos and Friends - August

                  Rags, I am seriously jealous of your African jaunt! Hope you have a really amazing time and we'll see you when you get back!

                  Boycie - yeah, what they all said. I'm trying to do a 30-day stint myself, and have been struggling a bit for the last 24 hours. But I'll get through and I'm sure you will too.

                  Sapph - if you're tough enough to fight off double pneumonia, telling your friends you're not having a drink should be a piece of cake :H:H Hope you're feeling much better and starting to recover.

                  Nice to see you Zenny and Greenie!

                  Fickle - totally in agreement with your long rant last night. There is a Law Commission report about alcohol laws here, which has re-opened public debate particularly around the recommendations that Government has decided not to accept. The figures keep being bandied around about the proportion of the population that has a drinking problem, and how we have a binge drinking culture and all of that stuff. But most of the debate is about limiting teenage drinking - no-one seems to do the math and suggest that at the numbers that are being bandied about, we are talking about quite a high proportion of the working population being included in the "problem drinker" category. And there is absolutely zilch debate about the need for more and differently targeted addiction services.
                  Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                  Harriet Beecher Stowe


                    Underoos and Friends - August

                    Rags;943256 wrote: Hi Boycie. Dare to win!!

                    Hey everyone, just 2 more sleeps to go, then off to Africa. I'll be like a stranger again when I come back... but going to try my hand at internet cafe ing if there are any in the wilds of Livingstone.
                    Also going to see if we can get into Zimbabwe for lunch at....
                    The Victoria Falls Hotel
                    Rags thanks for the PM, I wrote a reply but I think that somehow it got lost in cyberspace....I will take your advice and do the sausage thingy...small chunks of info......Jealous and envious re your African trip...That Hotel looks divine...are you going to the game parks? POst some pics if you can get to an internet cafe:thanks:
                    I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                      Underoos and Friends - August

                      Missy B......Batten the can do it!!!!!!! Tie ya good self to the bed......lock the door and swallow the key, remember to ride the wave of the crave............hop in the bath with some candles, nice music.....put on some headphones and play Lady Gaga really really loud whilst running around the house naked......anything at all......:H:H:H
                      I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                        Underoos and Friends - August

                        Evening all, or none (?)
                        sapphire1;942501 wrote: HI Ficks, correct me if I am wrong, but I thought that Naltrexone was readily available for prescription from G.P.s as well as Campral. I had no trouble getting my doctor to prescribe Topomax (off label) becauseit is not available anywhere in the world as yet as a first line anti=craving med. I pay around $70.00 a month for it, but it is worth every cent (two bottles of vodka costs more). Hope this info helpsSapph, I must have a lot of bad luck. I did get a script for campral but it did not do the trick. No luck getting any script for Nal or anything else. Now on Bac and so far so good. Hope you're feelling heaps better

                        Tawny, I'll have to go find my camera to send a pic of the giant gum my house is practically under. Where I live, to remove it you would have to apply to council for a freakin permit.... it is HUGE!! And I confess, I love it. But I do worry about it all the time, especially in storms. NO idea what kind it is but it has HUGE leaves about a foot long. Maybe some gums are more prone than others - I remember walking to a mate's place in the bush a while back and a bloody great branch came crashing down near me. I was flabbergasted as there was not a breath of wind. Seems they just let go sometimes. Those kind are called widowmakers.

                        Rags, you are making me jealous too! Have you heard about this? Adventurer returns after cross-Africa cycling trip - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

                        Miss Behaving;943192 wrote: It is hot here today! Has that "end of the year is coming up" feel to it. I did my usual lunch-time training circuit which is along the harbour front, and there were heaps of people out running, cycling, sitting on the beach.

                        Tawny - 7 more sleeps until spring, yes??
                        Unbelievable Miss B! How can you be HOT while is snowing all around????

                        Miss Behaving;943269 wrote:
                        Fickle - totally in agreement with your long rant last night. There is a Law Commission report about alcohol laws here, which has re-opened public debate particularly around the recommendations that Government has decided not to accept. The figures keep being bandied around about the proportion of the population that has a drinking problem, and how we have a binge drinking culture and all of that stuff. But most of the debate is about limiting teenage drinking - no-one seems to do the math and suggest that at the numbers that are being bandied about, we are talking about quite a high proportion of the working population being included in the "problem drinker" category. And there is absolutely zilch debate about the need for more and differently targeted addiction services.
                        Sorry I wrote a book but glad you were interested Miss B!

                        Don't worry Sapph, I'm not expecting to form any lobby groups. Just whingeing is all.

                        There - wrote another book! Off to cook dinner.........


                          Underoos and Friends - August

                          Hey Saph,
                          Got your PM, thanks.
                          Here's the itinerary just to make you salivate. next year they are including bits of Zimbabwe.... maybe Mgabe is relaxing things a little to get some USD into the country. We'll try to get a single entry visa at Livingstone.

                          See the REAL Africa with Intrepid Travel

                          See the REAL Africa with Intrepid Travel

                          Miss B... hang in there. Or take a dip in the beach.... some bloody chilly weather headed your way.
                          I bet Tawny is using the wood from that fallen branch for a raging fire tonight.


                            Underoos and Friends - August

                            Geez Fickle, I'm doin' it in style... in a truck with seats in it, with a fresh water tank, and tents! Bugger cycling, though I do have a bike. But used for gentle rides round Lake Illawarra.


                              Underoos and Friends - August

                              Hey, I just realised, with those 2 itineraries, you'll all be able to work out where I am each day! We meet this Sunday 6pm at Nairobi, which they count as day one. There you go... we can put a map up like the one Tigger has!


                                Underoos and Friends - August

                                Late check in as per usualle.......Jeez I'm behind the 8 ball here at the mo....even having finished with the grown up job......
                                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                                Rejoined life 20/5/19

