well good morning everyone welcome back paano and welcome coco-nut ..sounds like everyone doing their best..iad you better please the wifey and well im on this labtop and phone are downand im not feeling too good ...one of thoes moods i guess...wellhave a great day one and all ..happy firday wait it is firday right..ps ruby hope things went well
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The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for august
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for august
well good morning everyone welcome back paano and welcome coco-nut ..sounds like everyone doing their best..iad you better please the wifey and well im on this labtop and phone are downand im not feeling too good ...one of thoes moods i guess...wellhave a great day one and all ..happy firday wait it is firday right..ps ruby hope things went well:beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for august
are they for me hehhehehehehehe hell yes that might just do the trick..lol thankx mama:beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for august
I'm back. Brutal.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for august
Well, I fought my way from the parking lot with EVERY file we've ever had! Judge was right on time. She questioned me briefly on why I'd brought the action, then him. He went into detail about how crappy the house was, how there was water damage in the bath and AC didn't work. Instead of sympathizing, she said, "And did you report this?" NO. "Why not?" No answer. He said he fell through the floor, went to ER, she said "Did you report this?" No. When she asked why he didn't pay his water bills, he said he didn't get them. Lie. She asked "So you think you're supposed to get free water?" No He went into detail about his hard times and how awful the house was. She asked why he didn't move. No answer.
I was awarded about $4500. He's mad as hell. Claims he put cash in our tenants drop box. Didn't fly. Now I have to see if he will make payments, or if I have to go to another court and garnishee him.
Was lot more stressful than I expected. I was lectured on my responsibilities, but he REALLY caught it.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for august
And I feel like the bad guy!! Just another of my faults, not wanting anyone to be upset. Can't imagine what he was expecting. I had proof of every payment he'd made, copies of letters going back to Feb, the certified letter he didn't pick up, copies of my delivery cofirmations and the agreement he signed about his deposit. He had a couple of bad pictures. Nothing else.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for august
Good morning. Got terribly drunk on vodka last night. Ran to see if I had posted anything while drinking. Thank God I didn't! Am I still drunk or did MB REALLY post porn on our site??? Thank all of you for all the sweet phone calls. Gonna be out of touch for the weekend because the kids are on their way and I'm frantically trying to clean up. I'm sorry I let you all down. I'm sorry I let God down. I'm sorry I let myself down. I will catch up on all the post later. It was GREAT talking with you this mornind, Biz! Hubby loved talking with you about diving. I love you all so much! VickiI'm not what I should be, I'm not what I could be. I'm definetly not who I want to be,
but I'm sure not who I used to be!
There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for august
Vick, no apologies to us. I'm sorry, that's all, because I know how you feel today. Drink lots and lots of water, OK? Wish I was more of a phone person. I just have time to stop in here occasionally as I flit around, and I'm drained right now from this morning.
We miss you when you're not here.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for august
Ruby - you let yourself feel like the bad person - no-one makes you feel the way you feel - only YOU. So STOP IT! You are not the baddie here. I know what it is like to want everyone to be happy - but I suppose sometimes we have to face reality.
Vicki - you too - you didn't let us down, same as I didn't. You only let yourself down - but you can get right back up and start again!! You need to feel better about yourself - have others DO stuff for you and try and heal! My Brother has/had gout - and it pretty much went away when he stopped drinking. Therefore he brings it on himself (Paul) so make him do the stuff that you are doing for him! And get the kids doing stuff too!!! IAD - please do what you are told. it is for your own good.
Gosh I am little miss bossy-boots today aren't I?
I am pleased that your court is over Ruby - try and relax now. Go for a swim and float in the water and just e-n-j-o-y. Breathe!! T - hope that you are feeling better - did MB's x-rated pics cheer you up?? LOL
Panno and coco - great to see you here too. I am not usually this bossy BTW.
I have to call the vet and see if I can get Miss Maggie in today - she has a female problem and needs her shot!! poor love. getting old stinks at times. Talk later all of you,
love and hugs, Sun xx
Bizman - hope you have a wonderful vacation! Wish I could be there too.How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for august
Ruby-I am so sorry that Court was even more stressing than you imagined...I hate any type of conflict and I would have been a basket case. I am glad that you won, though - and hope you get your money from him. Hopefully you will be able to relax the rest of today and have a great weekend.
Vicki-as everyone has already said, you need time for you. And you didn't let any of us down - so don't even go there. We love you unconditionally. I know this is going to be another challenging weekend for you but I do hope you can get some alone time. Please call me any time at all!!!
Mama-I loved that movie "Crazy Heart"......
I hope everyone in our family has a great weekend! I'll check in later when I have more time.Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for august
Thank you all. I know I'm not wrong in what I had to do. Hubs will take over dealing with him directly, since he sees how it stressed me. I've learned, too, from this, and will put a lot more emphasis on on keeping my records even more stingently, and will be even stricter on the tenants from now on. I hate SO much not being able to help people who need it, without fearing they will come back to bite me.
My other tenants, past tenants, came forward with letters of what we've done for them. That feels so good, to be recognized for what I did, even though praise is not what I'm after. Appreciation, maybe. Respect for the respect I give.
Somehow, I know I've been resented for my good life. For helping. I have more, so why shouldn't I give it to them. Well, news flash!! We've had many times when there's no money for groceries. I couldn't buy my kids 'the latest thing'. They, and we survived. I'm a bit 'out of place in time.' Hubs and I came from the real old school. We can get by on nothing for, and not worry. We don't feel the need to compete for status. What's important is health, family happiness, living, loving God, family, and country.
I know I'm off again, but DANG this day bit me! Not nearly as important as what so many of you are going through. Just have to get these 2 houses ready to rent again, and be more careful of who I let into my life. Hubs is one extreme, I'm the other. He's very guarded, I'm not. And everytime something like this happens, it reinforces his feeling. He's upset now he didn't go with me today, even though I insisted he not. This is MY property. I have fought hard for my place, my rights, and I don't ever want to think I have someone 'taking care' of me. (Reminds me of the old commercial 'Mother PLEASE! I'd rather do it myself.)
I'm much calmer now. I was shaking like a hangover from a 3 day drunk before. But I have to say, though the Judge and her clerk were fair, respectful, and honest to both of us, I felt compassion from them for what I was going through, and respect for my records.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for august
Ruby...STOP IT...this guy was a liar and a scumbag that was USING you and taking advantage of your kind heart.......I have gotten so mean and jaded when it comes to people like this cause I deal with their lies and BS every day....AND IT INFURIATES ME....you are a kind, compassionate person but in the landlord biz you have to be a pit bull....it stinks, but that's how it is....
Vicki...what is going on with you baby??? You don;t need to apologize, but I am worried about you and I will call in a little bit
hope the xrated photos did not offend...just tryin to be funny
ok back to work.....I love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem
The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for august
Oh, MB, no worries over the pics! It was for T. We all have a quirky sense of humor here. And Lawd knows I've seen worse! (IE: pic on Tigger thread!!)
Thanks, I know I have to buckle down, but I keep falling for all the same lines. Thank GOD it's not the way I deal with my life and loved ones.
BTW: Anyone know why some people say 'thank dog' in their comments?? Find it offensive, acctually, if they're make a religious point.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.