Ack Ack Ack!! Next time I need to go to dentist, will one of you just come beat me and take my money?? Couldn't be worse.
Had to stop at pharmacy. My very old friend, mother of country superstar was there, and we had a lovely reunion. She made me promise I'd visit very soon, and I am. She's just one of the lovliest people. Guess that's why I like son's music. It''s about real love and life.
Everyone, let's celebrate life today. We are ALIVE!! Yes, we suffer, and have suffered, but everyday is a gift (from my God) and is worthy of rejoicing. I can't wait for the weather to start cooling, the seasons to change, but I will, 'cause that's what happens. Have to go check on my pears, maybe today. It's so cool to harvest things I know my ancestors enjoyed too.
I'd so love to buy all my family land back, build a farm, be self-sustaining. I've been thinking of this for decades, actually. I know I'm a bit long in the tooth to do this now, but with some help, it can be done. Want to put in a lake on my property, stock it well. Then plant all types of fruit and berries there. I already said my Daddy's muscadine vines are loaded. We have 2 old plum trees that bear so much the limbs sometimes fall off.
My late, beloved, Aunt Nina told me my land used to be their corn and bean fields. Next year, there will be plowing and planting done there. Have to figure out how to keep the deer out!
Gracies saw my turkeys as she came over yesterday. Today, on my way out, I had to brake for Momma turkey. She was so startled she flew over my hood, but left me a messy present. All good. Just so glad I didn't hit her.
OK, off to rest me choppers. YUCK!! But let's all give thanks for our blessings. And you are ALL blessings to me.