OK, I see lots of pain, tiredness, blah, today. Come on, use your brilliant minds, people!! Vick, doesn't matter how clean your kitchen is (mine's a wreck) it's the communication, the partnership, the respect for each other. Yesterday's are gone (like the song, hook us up IAD!).
Birdy, you're feeling stuck and blah, so LISTEN to your music, love the nature around you, and think about the fun we're gonna have at the cabin!! We have a goal!!
MB, take care of YOU for a while. You AIN'T everybodies momma!!
Grateful, love, take your own advice in things. You are a wonderful, loving, woman.
There are others, but your aren't under my wing right this second.
I posted those links because I wanted you to see what we have to offer, but also, I go there for my dose of uplift sometimes. My 'Happy Place'. And it's wonderful.
Cheer up everyone. You are all great and mighty soldiers in your fight!!