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The Battle We Face Daily!

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    The Battle We Face Daily!

    I was going through some material I had stored from my stay in rehab last year. Although this piece is not new, its message is timeless and powerful. This is exactly what we're up against daily. This is why we choose to fight this disease with undaunted strength and determination.

    "Hello old friend"

    Iv'e come to visit once again.

    I live to see you suffer: physically, spiritual, and socially.
    I want to make you restless so you can never relax.
    I want you to be jumpy, nervous and anxious.
    I want to make you agitated and irritable so everything; and everybody makes you uncomfortable.

    I want you to be confused and depressed so you cant think clearly or positively.

    I want you to hate everything, and everybody, including your self.
    I want you to feel guilty and remorseful for the things you have done in the past that you'll never be able to let go.

    I want to make you angry and hateful toward the world for the way it is, and the way you are.

    I want you to be deceitful and untrustworthy, and to manipulate and con as many people for no reason at all.

    I want you to wake up during all hours of the night and scream for me.
    You know you cant sleep without me. I'm even in your dreams...

    I want to be the first thing you think of when you wakeup in the morning, and the last thing you touch before you go to sleep if you can.

    I would rather kill you. But I'll be happy enough to put you back in the hospital, another institution or jail. But you know, I'll still be waiting for you when you get out.

    I love to watch you go slowly insane.
    I love to see all the physical damage that I'm causing you.
    I cant help but sneer and chuckle when you shiver and shake... when you freeze and sweat at the same time. When you wake with the sheets soaking wet.

    It's amusing to watch.
    Its amazing how much destruction i can do on your internal organs while at the same time i work on your brain, destroying it bit, by bit!

    I deeply appreciate how much you have sacrificed for me; the countless jobs; all the fine friends that you deeply cared for and you gave up for me; and whats more, for the ones you turned against yourself because of you inexcusable actions.

    For these, I am even more grateful. But especially for your loved ones, your family, the most important people in the world to you, you even threw them away for me.

    I cannot express in words the gratitude i have for the loyalty and respect you have for me.

    But do not despair, my friend, for on me you can always depend!

    For after you have lost all these things, you still depend on me to take even more.

    You can depend on me to keep you in a living hell; to keep your mind, body, and soul; for i will not be satisfied until your dead!

    So hello old friend, my name is "Addiction"
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

    The Battle We Face Daily!

    Wow Techie.

    Nice one. Thank's.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      The Battle We Face Daily!

      DEADLY thanks!
      "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

      AF 10th May 2010
      NF 12th May 2010


        The Battle We Face Daily!

        Thanks Techie, I got given something similar which I must look out and post, we can never be reminded enough.....
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          The Battle We Face Daily!

          Thank you, Techie.

          This is so much how it is, isn't it?

          AF April 9, 2016


            The Battle We Face Daily!

            Excellent post Techie, thanks.
            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


              The Battle We Face Daily!

              reading that was like sitting through a horror film!

              Thanks for the glimpse
              AF since Sunday 27th June 2010
              One Day At A Time

              Trying to be the best mother, daughter and friend that I can be.


                The Battle We Face Daily!

                Thanks Techie...excellent reminder
                30 day Challenge...started 16.08.2010


                  The Battle We Face Daily!


                  This is priceless! Thank you!



                    The Battle We Face Daily!

                    Thanks techie I needed that! Love Pinky xoxo
                    HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY


                      The Battle We Face Daily!

                      My heart sinks reading that, so painful but so damn true! I am no where near where I would like to be, and the piece expresses exactly how I feel from one moment to the next. Its confronting.



                        The Battle We Face Daily!

                        Thanks so much for sharing this one, Techie. I am adding this one to my daily readings.
                        AF since 7/13/2010


                          The Battle We Face Daily!

                          this is my first time on any site and i've just read your piece. My God how it brings it all back, what a living hell active alcoholism is. I have now been AF for 14 weeks and 3 days. Not religious, but I thank whatever power there is for keeping me this way. Thank you so much.

                          It's hard to fight an enemy that has outposts in your head.
                          Today, I will live one day at a time and do one thing at a time

                          It was obvious from a very early age that my mind and I were not going to get on. Kay Redfield Jameson

