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Army Thread 4th August 2010

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    Army Thread 4th August 2010

    Alrighty, folks

    I have to be off as well. Early rise again tomorrow!

    Sleep tight. I hope Spuds & KTAB will feel better.

    Trusting Starty can switch off...

    That Jan has seen the doctor again is feeling better...

    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Army Thread 4th August 2010

      Zenstyle;926447 wrote: Och Ktab... that sucks. Is the heat pad not helping any longer?

      Have you got strong pain pills? If you do... now is the time... If you don't, double up the dose on the OTC ones. Have you made an appointment with the quack?
      ktab, make an appointment with me immediatly quack quack. im cheep..... we could moan about our backs for an hour and then we'll be chirpy....... groan
      ive got co codamol for tonight and volterol gel and a wheat heatpack grrrrrrrrrrrumpy duck
      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
      Keep passing the open windows


        Army Thread 4th August 2010

        Hi there Sherks and Miss M! Long time no see...

        Now... down to the case of the missing Tigger. Hmmmm.....


          Army Thread 4th August 2010

          just wondering what the official defination on a nana nap is. today i got up at 10.30.... did a bit of a jiggle machine and went to bed at noon ish and slept till 4, when i had to go pick my dad up. been awake since but getting sleepy now.... is that a nana nap, or a lazy duck.... or just a bit of sleep walking in the night?
          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
          Keep passing the open windows


            Army Thread 4th August 2010

            Hi gang...
            just a quickie as I'm gonna lie down as it's killing me to sit or do anything....
            but just to let you know am still alive but in excruciaiting pain(or however it's spelt)..
            but it's F'ing agony..
            missed to doc on the way back with Ollie so got in the chemist,
            she gave me Voltaren 100mgs..supostrys which are meant to be stronger than the stuff nurse was jabbing me with..
            so lets hope it works.....

            I must very ashamedly admit I had some brandy last night, I just couldn't stand it anymore..
            made me sleep and haven't had anymore..
            and not gonna have more..
            so am gonna put it down as purely medicinal purpose..!!
            and not beat myself up too much...!!!
            hence my signatures missing...!!!


              Army Thread 4th August 2010

              there's me going on about me..and I just read back, sorry to hear KT & spuds are in pain as well..
              hope you both feel better very soon..
              we are all in the wars it seems...:upset::upset::upset:


                Army Thread 4th August 2010

                LJ, I can understand your desperation with the brandy to alleviate the pain, but it really isnt worth taking the chance with it. whats next, can they do something for you. i hope this new stuff helps for the pain
                Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                Keep passing the open windows


                  Army Thread 4th August 2010

                  Zenstyle;926660 wrote: LJ.... don't waste all your good work. Pour the rest of the shit down the sink. Seriously...

                  It takes one to know one hun and we are not strong enough to play with fire like that.
                  yep I'm not gonna have more, I didn't buy a bottle, just had a glass as I was walking around last night, coz I just couldn't sit, lay, stand nothing and moving gently, slowly walking was about all I could do..
                  but NO I'm NOT gonna have anymore..
                  am pig sick with myself for having it..
                  so more...


                    Army Thread 4th August 2010

                    Zenstyle;926674 wrote: Don't beat up on yourself. It's only a glass of brandy. As long as it doesn't lead to more then it isn't worth giving it another thought...

                    Have you got an appointment with the Doctor? (Won't say Quack as it'll be a bit of a long haul for you to Spuddle's house...)

                    yep got appt on fri morn with specialist, dunno wot they can do..
                    it all points to a femoral hernia, was with my doc yesterday and she said he will confirm what it is and them decide on treatment, could poss mean an operation...
                    so hope it's not as I hate operations.....
                    I didn't realise what they were..I always thought it was something old people get..
                    have heard about hernias but never really knew what they were...
                    F'ing nasty things........:upset::upset::upset:


                      Army Thread 4th August 2010

                      Jan, I can understand drinking from pain but I am really worried about you .........

                      PLEASE PLEASE REACH OUT TO US AND LET US HELP!!!!!


                        Army Thread 4th August 2010

                        Night peeps

