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Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

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    Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

    Africa. *smirk*

    I actually Preferred drinking in the morning (if not working or whatever). More bang for yer buck on an empty stomach. Plus, I'd pass out for a while, wake, eat and the latter half of day/night would be relatively sober and possibly productive. BONUS: The Secret to NO hangover!

    (OK, I am ashamed after writing that!! And to think I still prefer calling myself a "problem drinker". Who am I fooling??)

    Today is Day 1.

    Tut - just can't have it in the house. That's key. I know, obvious, but...
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


      Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

      Hey Tuts!

      Sorry you are having problems with your eye. There are a lot of us that are lonely on here....but we do have each other. You can usually find someone in chat too. What else do you do to occupy your time? Do you have a dog or should I say a Jackal?? Do you get out....go for walks, exercise? That is a very important part of repairing ourselves. Hoping your meds arrive soon and you can make a plan for sobriety.

      Everything I need is within me!


        Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

        Tutankhamun;927500 wrote: Tawnyfrog - it's filo or nothing for me. Call me a traditionalist. Ha!
        I like my pastry just right. Ha! Like I know the difference.
        So, my day .... I need a new cornea. I'm already on my second cornea on my right eye. Greedy sod that I am. That has now worn out. Got a mega fab kebab for my tea. I can feel burned bum coming on.
        Got half a bottle of wine, and will fail at not drinking it.

        What may I ask is the trouble with your eye. I've had corneal grafts on both eyes. Three actually. The first transplant rejected after a year. I have Keratoconus. I do fairly well with the gas permeable lenses. I wish you luck and good vision. john
        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


          Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

 disrespect.....I hope you do ok with your eye.......but maybe the Doc's need to think outside the Pyramid.......But then again I think you have socialized medicine.......witch our president wants to burden us with....Sorry but he really gets my goat on this ! It's been such a smashing success everywhere it's been tried.....(Just blowing off steam....I have several illness issues that I fear his kind of health care is going to really effect me!) IAD
          ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
          those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
          Dr. Seuss


            Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

            Hi all.
            John, I too have conus. One eye is moderately affected, and has never been grafted. The other has been an unmitigated surgical disaster for over 25 years. Anyway, it's not life threatening is it. Just a damn nuisance and demoralising. Sounds like you got it much worse.
            My kebab was tremendous. Mega hot. I've got a bottom like the Japanese flag this morning!!:upset::goodjob::H
            Had one glass of wine. A remarkable feat given the day I'd had and with living on my own.
            I'm determined to make baclofen work.
            I'm going for a long walk today. Blast the cobwebs away.
            Speak later and thanks for all your support.


              Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

              Hi Tut great to meet you (well in Cyber space anyway!!) luv the sense of humour ..... good luck on your journey

              How'd the walk go ...... no pubs on the way I hope
              Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                Tutankhamun;927899 wrote: Had one glass of wine. Tut
                Wow. I didn't know there was such a thing as one glass of wine. Well, unless it was a really BIG glass.

                Coco preparing dinner - this was when I still smoked ... gave those up (couldn't find large enough cigarettes).


                  Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                  Chillgirl;927504 wrote: I heard that the lastest drinking trend with youngster was vodka shots into the eye which apparently gives you an instant buzz, you havent been trying this have you Tut?
                  Good grief. I have also heard about alcohol enemas. Can't imagine going the THAT party! :H

                  But, in the eye? OW!!!
                  Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
                  That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
                  Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
                  Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


                    Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                    Hi PR
                    I go to alcohol enema parties every time I feel that I really should look up some old friends.
                    Youth really is wasted on the young if they are using good vodka as an eye bath. Why don't they just swallow it and then get someone to poke them in the eye? A double whammy. I'd volunteer to help them in their quest for ultimate pleasure. I'd happily stand there doing that all night if it was in the name of public service.
                    The walk was just what I needed. Lots of thinking done. I carry a pad around to record my thoughts. It's not egotistical. I just can't remember them afterwards.
                    By the way , Coco-Nut, my glass is ridiculously big, and always nearly empty. As is my head.


                      Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                      TUT - I reckon if you are down to one glass of wine tonights the night to make it zero..... what do you think?? :egad:
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                        Take care and look after yourself Tut.
                        I've only recently started on baclofen. It hasn't been easy but it is most definitely doing something.
                        I've had so much support here. I'm sure that you will too. A few have asked me to start my own thread. I'm not as brave as you. Not as funny either. Good for you.


                          Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                          PortabelloRoad;928051 wrote: Take care and look after yourself Tut.
                          I've only recently started on baclofen. It hasn't been easy but it is most definitely doing something.
                          I've had so much support here. I'm sure that you will too. A few have asked me to start my own thread. I'm not as brave as you. Not as funny either. Good for you.
                          Ah, go ahead and start it, PR! How is it going today?
                          Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
                          That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
                          Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
                          Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


                            Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                            PortabelloRoad;928051 wrote: A few have asked me to start my own thread.
                            Go on!

                            I dare you :H:H:H
                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009


                              Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                              Hi Tut!
                              Welcome aboard! I have heard that the young'uns light the vodka on fire before pouring it in their eye....adds a nice twist, don't you think?
                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                                Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                                K9Lover;928076 wrote: Hi Tut!
                                Welcome aboard! I have heard that the young'uns light the vodka on fire before pouring it in their eye....adds a nice twist, don't you think?
                                Where have I been? My flaming sambuca party trick is so last century then, isn't it? :H
                                I'll do whatever it takes
                                AF 21/08/2009

