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Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

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    Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

    I don't know whether this kind of thing is OK here.
    Music makes me cry. Andmakes me feel better.
    This is what is making me cry today[/video]]YouTube - ‪Metallica - Nothing Else Matters [Original Video]‬‎


      Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

      Nice track Tut. Posting music helps me too sometimes.
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

        Been tough today.
        Had 2 pints of turbo nutter cider. But that was all day. Still a decent day for me in that regard.
        Worked out a really good story line for my new kid's book.
        The cider helped and then didn't.


          Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

          For Southernbelle
[/video]]YouTube - ‪Lynyrd Skynyrd - Tuesday's Gone‬‎
          If you don't like this kind of thing, then I apologise.


            Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

            Hi Tut, I'm just signing off for tonight.... 2 pints sounds pretty good going, say farewell to your old friend AL he's not a real friend anyway and you may think he helped your writing but wait till your clear headed and AF! You will find a whole new you in there......
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

              Thanks for that Chillgirl. You know that thing you got on your piccy / avatar. I do that with my hands all the time. Drives me mad. I bat between my thumb and all my fingers whenever I'm thinking. Which I'm always doing.
              Chillgirl;928962 wrote: Hi Tut, I'm just signing off for tonight.... 2 pints sounds pretty good going, say farewell to your old friend AL he's not a real friend anyway and you may think he helped your writing but wait till your clear headed and AF! You will find a whole new you in there......


                Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                Tut it's a yoga meditation pose, the fingers are touching in a circle To seal the energy flow. It's called "mudra" which is a Sanskrit word..... Goodnite
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                  Thanks Chillgirl
                  I'll start doing that for real.
                  I've decided to go all out cold turkey before my baclofen comes.
                  I've just thrown a whole bottle of red wine down the sink -oh, no, what have I done!!
                  And I went to my superkarket and spent all the cash I had in the house on a load of shellfish and I'm going to make a huge fruits de mer later. With no cash, I won't be able to pop down to my local shop later, as it doesn't accept plastic. And on Sunday it will be the only place open.
                  Boy, am I nervous. I've haven't had a day without booze since I was eight years old!!! Kidding, but not by much.
                  Wish me luck.


                    Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                    Since you are the boy king, I'm guessing that was a couple years ago! Ha

                    Anyway, good for you on dumping the wine. Yum, fruits de mer....sounds delish! Just check back in later if your getting anxious.....or press your fingers together (like Chill) and breath!

                    Everything I need is within me!


                      Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                      Tut it's not 'luck', it's dedication. We have allowed certain channels in our brain to rule us, as we've programmed them to expect AL. Habit, addiction, doesn't matter. Now, go out and find something, ANYTHING, to wear you out till time to sleep. And expect your sleep to be hard too, as it's been triggered by it's dose of AL daily. Lots of tricks to help with that (PM me for some) but it really is toughing it out a few days. But the brightness of our sober vision, experiences, even our bodies, is worthwhile.
                      Even after experiencing the rewards, the thoughts creep in. "Just one" "I can handle this". That's as tough."Why Not", comes to mind. Then ask yourself, "why". You'll thank me later! :H
                      Really, hang on, it's a bumpy ride at first. But by not masking your life with AL you'll find out you're so much more alert, attentive, alive. But all the reality IS real. Whatever you were trying to escape in the first place will still be there. But THIS time, you can deal with it, on level ground.
                      Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                      awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                        Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                        Tut just want to say I admire you for what you've just done, it was not an easy thing to do.... hope all goes well :goodjob:
                        Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                          Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                          Tut, how is it going? That really takes guts to cut off your alcohol supply, esp since you've not gone day without in recent memory. Maybe it will be what you need to get momentum? Here's me rooting for you!!

                          Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
                          That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
                          Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
                          Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


                            Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                            Tut well done on doing it cold turkey!

                            I actually woke up in the middle of the night during my last drinking weeks feeling such anxiety that I got up and went to the booze cabinet where all the old bottles of port, liquers, half bottles of spirits ect were (i was mainly a wine drinker) and I got in my car and drove to the bins at the end of my road and dumped it..... It was all part of my exercism in these final days, something inside was screaming enough is enough!!!
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                              Tutankhamun;929299 wrote: Thanks Chillgirl
                              I'll start doing that for real.
                              I've decided to go all out cold turkey before my baclofen comes.
                              I've just thrown a whole bottle of red wine down the sink -oh, no, what have I done!!
                              And I went to my superkarket and spent all the cash I had in the house on a load of shellfish and I'm going to make a huge fruits de mer later. With no cash, I won't be able to pop down to my local shop later, as it doesn't accept plastic. And on Sunday it will be the only place open.
                              Boy, am I nervous. I've haven't had a day without booze since I was eight years old!!! Kidding, but not by much.
                              Wish me luck.
                              I just hope it wasn't a Brunello di Montalcino. That thought brings tears to my eyes. Seriously, Good move on your part. I wish you luck till the bac arrives!
                              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                                Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                                Hi everyone
                                Thanks for all the support.
                                Well, I've now been free for about 24 hours. Not that great, to be honest. Terrible night's sleep.
                                No shakes or other physical symptoms. Mine's much more to do with psychology, panic, anxiety. I feel like I need a drink to face the world. Deliberately haven't been out of the house yet. I'm going to make myself eat a big breakfast (booze has been my breakfast for years). Got lots of work to do later, so will try and be doing that as all the shops close. I hope that if I get engrossed in writing or something, then I will not notice as the witching hour approaches.
                                I hope my Baclofen comes soon. I'm excited, scared, hopeful and full of trepidation all at once. Someone (me, actually) has kicked my crutch away, and I'm hovering a bit at the moment.
                                What fun we're all having, aren't we?

