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Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

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    Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

    the Fawlty Towers Gourmet Night episode just popped into my head.) >>

    "Duck's off. Sorry."
    AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
    "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


      Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

      Fine - I'll just have a big trough of baked beans and garnish it with a couple of dead dogs. Again.


        Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

        You could have the Fawlty Towers Waldorf Salad, but we are just out of Waldorfs.
        Did you see the episode where the hotel sign had been rearranged into Flowery Twats?
        That's true.
        Boil water, put in chinese 5 spice, soy sauce, fish sauce and brown sugar. Poach chicken breasts in it. bout 15 mins.
        Take the breasts out.
        Reduce the sauce with honey until it is thickened. Don't let it burn.
        Shread the breasts. Put a bit of oil on them. Fry them with a bit of soy sauce and oyster sauce.
        And it's LEEKS not spring onions / scallions.
        Eatwith the shredded leeks and cucumber.
        Add a very tiny amount of hoisin sauce to your reduced sauce.


          Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

          I remember Farty Towels!
          "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

          AF 10th May 2010
          NF 12th May 2010


            Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

            I emailed Phill and he advised me to take it slowly.

            I've gone for 5milligrams three times a day.

            No effect yet.


              Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

              I love Fawlty Towers.....and Manuel ! Ha !( In a manly way , of course ! ha!) IAD
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss


                Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                hi tut, just wanted to add my voice(kinda) you ya thread. i read it all in two sittings.
                they played the metalica song at my exbrother-in-laws funneral, he was a 35yr old tattooist, not a dry eye in the house. 700 peeps there, bikies, crims, hard men all. was rather touching.
                your making progress, learning the tools/tricks.
                AF since 10/26/2009

                It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                  Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                  how it going tuts. i dont think you can expect instant miracles from any drugs. just stick with it and keep your mind strong
                  Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                  Keep passing the open windows


                    Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                    Hi everyone / Spuddleduck
                    I think it's going OK.
                    I'm up to 10mg 3 times a day. Not noticed a thing yet.
                    Struggling a bit with the cold turkey thing.
                    Went to my brothers for a few days. Told him about my problem and the Baclofen.
                    Not good.


                      Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                      Not sure why it was not good but I assume he was not happy with the news and you found it hard to tell him. In my experience it is best to be open with our families as I am sure they realise more about our drinking then we give them credit for. Its all part of the healing process. Keep up the good work you are doing well and if you are struggling with the cold turkey come here and talk to people, it really does help.
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                        Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                        Tutankhamun;935384 wrote: Hi everyone / Spuddleduck
                        I think it's going OK.
                        I'm up to 10mg 3 times a day. Not noticed a thing yet.
                        Struggling a bit with the cold turkey thing.
                        Went to my brothers for a few days. Told him about my problem and the Baclofen.
                        Not good.
                        I had to get up to 245mg before I noticed anything, although I had reduced my drinking a bit before 245. It helps if you don't drink but it still works if you do. I was at 3.6 kg/mg, just ike Dr. A.
                        Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
                        That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
                        Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
                        Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


                          Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                          Zenstyle;935602 wrote: Tuts... has somebody pointed you in the direction of the Baclofen threads yet? I'll bump one I started that has some info re titrating etc. and another with side effects info. You can find them in the Meds Forum. There are another couple of threads that are a very good read... I shall bump those for you also...
                          Thanks a lot. I had a brief look, seem really good.
                          Haven't increased my dose, but suddenly been hit by an express train.
                          I feel like I'm having some kind of out of body experience.
                          And my right hand and arm are twitching like mad.
                          Just trying to type this is difficult.
                          And I'm convinced my vision is a bit blurred. I keep having to squeeze my eyes tight shut to focus.
                          I've seen others say this, so I'm not panicking.


                            Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                            Has anybody else had flashing colours in front of their eyes? Just for a split second, but it happens every minute or so.
                            I still haven't increased my dose.


                              Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                              Tutankhamun;939349 wrote: Has anybody else had flashing colours in front of their eyes? Just for a split second, but it happens every minute or so.
                              I still haven't increased my dose.
                              Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
                              That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
                              Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
                              Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


                                Tutankhamun has left his pyramid

                                Hows it going tut????

