Sunday morning and feeling very happy! Saturday night came and went with no problems.
I decided to buy a bottle of reduced alcohol red wine 5.5% in case I 'really' wanted a glass of wine later in the evening (moderation is my long-term goal). Decided to have a glass of the red wine while chilling in the garden waiting for dinner, didn't really enjoy it so left half and ended up throwing it away.
At dinner I'd decided to have a glass of white wine - one glass left in the bottle that had been sitting in the fridge since Tuesday night, had it enjoyed it but didn't want another, declined my hubby's offer to fetch me a bottle of wine....RESULT:goodjob:
Watched TV with a glass of diet coke, then had a cup of tea, went to bed at 10.30 read my book for a while, my brother called at 10.45pm and I was able to answer the call and chat for 45 mins without the guilt of being drunk on a Saturday night and talking rubbish... my poor brother has had to endure my slurred late night chats for so so long - I wasn't always drunk but was always tipsy

The L-Glut is definitely working for me - I take it in the morning a huge heaped teaspoon with a glass of juice and again around 6pm - it really does take the cravings away - also take 1500mg Kudzu per day and 350mg of Milk Thistle.
Eating healthy too, no snacks, lots of fruit and veggies I hope all these positive feelings continue for coming months. I won't update this every day as I don't want to bore you guys with my day to day journey but I'll keep it updated weekly if only me my own sake to keep me on track and monitor my journey, god bless and thanks for being there:l