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Army Thread 10th August

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    Army Thread 10th August

    Hello from a still very warm Greece even tho' it's almost 8:30 pm. Anyone want some heat shipped to them. I'll even pay extra and send it by courier....:toohot: Sorry to complain but it's humid as well and it takes the stuffing out of you after a while. Rain, that's what I'd like. Great big huge drops and zillions of them.
    Just stopped in for a peek as I have to walk Freddoccino in a bit. He hates the heat, poor little guy. Never has liked it and now that he's older it bothers him more. But at least he's in good health so that's what counts.
    Spuddy if you're there, I hope Pen isn't suffering. How did it go with the doctor?
    I think Jan was going to the doc as well. Hope all went well for both of you.

    I was gonna dye my hair and then never got around to it. I don't get it all over the bathroom much - can't imagine doing it drunk, good grief. But I do end up with lovely mahogany coloured ears and streaks down the back of my neck. BTW for spots on your skin that are hard to get off, try a whitening toothpaste. The kind that has baking soda or something similar in it. Works like a charm.

    I see things have calmed down a bit in satan's corner. I think someone got scared sh*tless that maybe one of us really has the :devil: on our side and could cast an evil spell..:H:H:H Either that or it was Tawny's post about him being two chops away from Barbie. That had me ROMFAL. Tawny can say the funniest damn things and in less than 10 words.
    For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
    AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


      Army Thread 10th August

      Zenstyle;930848 wrote: :H:H

      Yes, you have a point there! BUT... at least you don't have to spend inordinate amounts of time quaffing the stuff on the top of yer noggin like we do.

      Bye JC!
      One thing that gets me: I shave my hair a #2 every 4 - 6 weeks. Normally I do it myself. However, I was too lazy to do it this weekend and have decided to go to a barber. The feckers charge the same price for one haircut than what you would pay for a mid-range pair of clippers...

      I guess you pay for the convenience.
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        Army Thread 10th August

        Hiya, Stirly :hallo:

        Pleeeeeeeeezzzzzzz send some heat!!! But be ready to receive some come Jan / Feb :H
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Army Thread 10th August

          tiptronic_ct;930854 wrote: One thing that gets me: I shave my hair a #2 every 4 - 6 weeks. Normally I do it myself. However, I was too lazy to do it this weekend and have decided to go to a barber. The feckers charge the same price for one haircut than what you would pay for a mid-range pair of clippers...

          I guess you pay for the convenience.
          Actually I went to a salon last time cause I was sick of doing it myself and I needed a cut as well which I also usually do or Mr. Stirly does it for me. 65 euro for dying roots only and cut. Would have preferred going to a taverna for a good meal.
          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


            Army Thread 10th August

            tiptronic_ct;930857 wrote: Hiya, Stirly :hallo:

            Pleeeeeeeeezzzzzzz send some heat!!! But be ready to receive some come Jan / Feb :H
            Sounds like a fair trade to me. You get heat now, I get some then.
            Am off to walk the mutt before it gets any darker. Check back in in a bit...
            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


              Army Thread 10th August

              Yeah well: whenever Mrs. T goes to the salon and the text message arrives to announce the transaction I grind my teeth and remain very quiet...
              I'll do whatever it takes
              AF 21/08/2009


                Army Thread 10th August

                But I'm a guy. They simply shave from end to end. Taking the bald areas into consideration, its like a 10 - 15 minute job...
                I'll do whatever it takes
                AF 21/08/2009


                  Army Thread 10th August

                  Ha ha smooth as the day he was born, all over, you kinky sod :H:H
                  Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                    Army Thread 10th August

                    Oh dog... I walked right into that one...

                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Army Thread 10th August

                      Right, I'm going to have dinner and try and scrape my dignity off the floor before I come back :H:H:H
                      I'll do whatever it takes
                      AF 21/08/2009


                        Army Thread 10th August

                        The old 'my dinner is ready' ploy eh???
                        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                          Army Thread 10th August

                          tiptronic_ct;930866 wrote: But I'm a guy. They simply shave from end to end. Taking the bald areas into consideration, its like a 10 - 15 minute job...
                          Just got back and was reading the posts. No doubt someone else has already commented on this but...end to end.... Are we talking about something like this....puddy tat....:H:H

                          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                            Army Thread 10th August

                            Gone 10 minutes and back to a bald puss cat. :H
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread 10th August

                              I'll do whatever it takes
                              AF 21/08/2009


                                Army Thread 10th August

                                I'll do whatever it takes
                                AF 21/08/2009

