Hello from a still very warm Greece even tho' it's almost 8:30 pm. Anyone want some heat shipped to them. I'll even pay extra and send it by courier....:toohot: Sorry to complain but it's humid as well and it takes the stuffing out of you after a while. Rain, that's what I'd like. Great big huge drops and zillions of them.
Just stopped in for a peek as I have to walk Freddoccino in a bit. He hates the heat, poor little guy. Never has liked it and now that he's older it bothers him more. But at least he's in good health so that's what counts.
Spuddy if you're there, I hope Pen isn't suffering. How did it go with the doctor?
I think Jan was going to the doc as well. Hope all went well for both of you.
I was gonna dye my hair and then never got around to it. I don't get it all over the bathroom much - can't imagine doing it drunk, good grief. But I do end up with lovely mahogany coloured ears and streaks down the back of my neck. BTW for spots on your skin that are hard to get off, try a whitening toothpaste. The kind that has baking soda or something similar in it. Works like a charm.
I see things have calmed down a bit in satan's corner. I think someone got scared sh*tless that maybe one of us really has the :devil: on our side and could cast an evil spell..:H:H:H Either that or it was Tawny's post about him being two chops away from Barbie. That had me ROMFAL. Tawny can say the funniest damn things and in less than 10 words.
