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Suggestions re: new chat rooms?

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    Suggestions re: new chat rooms?

    Hi, all.

    Someone contacted me about adding new chat rooms and I think it's a great idea. I don't pop in very often, but when I do, I can see it may be a bit confusing, particularly for new visitors when there are a lot of folks chatting. We don't want to scare anyone off and I'd like to make chat as user friendly as possible. We probably don't need too many more rooms (one or two?); otherwise it may create even more confusion. And there's that door slamming thang when people leave...

    Would it make sense to have a "test" room for newbies to get comfortable as they explore FlashChat? Or rooms for specific topics (e.g meds, MWO program, non-MWO topics)? If so, what should we call them? I think a good room descriptor will go a long way in helping make sense of the experience.

    Also, perhaps a "Frequently Asked Questions" section would be helpful. I'd be happy to write something up if you can let me know what areas you feel are most important for those just starting out.

    Thanks in advance for any input. Your help, as always, is invaluable.

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    Suggestions re: new chat rooms?

    RJ, this has come up a bit lately, and I think it's a great idea to have a couple/few different rooms. Thanks for continuing to answer all our little hearts desires!!
    Idea: definitely the MWO topic vs. non MWO topic (read: problems/issues with drinking, supps, cd's etc. vs. parties) should be incorporated into the rooms. So many times with the newbies, they have questions, are despairing, they are frustrated, and DO NOT want to hear about what we brought for the dinner party and who stole my bra (hee hee... sorry). Not only the newbies, it happens with everyone at times that we are NOT in the mood to joke around and just want to get down to business and talk about something more serious like why we are truly here. HOWEVER, we all know that the humor has been a lifesaver and those parties have made many of us smile when we were crying, and allowed us to make some amazing friends all while either abstaining completely or moderating our drinking. That is a valuable tool.
    Maybe the rooms should clearly be marked as to the type of topics being discussed, then when people get sidetracked, they do not have to leave chat altogether, someone can just gently say "hey, in the room next door, there is a discussion more that speed going on". Worth a shot RJ! I'm trying to think of other things we spat over in chat other than downright ridiculous incidents... but that's the main one, I believe.
    Fun or business. Both very important.
    Thanks! What does everyone else think?


      Suggestions re: new chat rooms?

      Ditto- wish I had more time. I agree with Becca.
      Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


        Suggestions re: new chat rooms?

        A room for brand new people is definately needed. I can safely say that I encounter one to two new people a day, on the days that I visit chat, who need both answers and support.
        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


          Suggestions re: new chat rooms?


          Very helpful, thank you!

          I think I'll get with the chat developers to see if we can link a description from the session itself to describe each of the rooms. Until then, how do these four chat rooms sound?

          General Discussion
          We keep this room. If you wish, it's a starting point from which to navigate, to see who’s online, etc. During slow periods, this may be where most activity takes place anyway. I figure we’ll always need some sort of centralized area.

          Light and breezy (we can change the cheesy name)
          Good stomping ground for old timers to check in; focus is non-MWO topics. Catch up on family, job, relationships, who-stole-my-bra kinda talk. (We won’t describe it this way in the FAQ, Becca, no worries.) But essentially, it’s non MWO banter.

          MWO Q&A/Support

          Here’s where to go when you have questions, want support or need a friend. Great way to provide a shoulder for someone else, as well.

          Party Central

          For pre-organized or last minute gigs, here’s where MWO’ers go to hang out and have a good time. Typically fast paced, fun.

          See? Just like I said, we only need one or two more rooms. :-O

          Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


            Suggestions re: new chat rooms?

            Uh Oh, RJ knows about the stolen bra. Fan?????

            Great ideas RJ. I think it will be really helpful for new people.......
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Suggestions re: new chat rooms?

              Don't blame it on Fan

              Becca fessed up. She's so honest that way.

              Seriously, thanks for the feedback.

              Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


                Suggestions re: new chat rooms?

                HEY! Whoa, before Fan starts stealing other things cuz he's mad at me, I did NOT tell RJ it was you, Fan! Lush, you tattle-tale!
                Actually... it's all the Once Upon a Time thread. We're not being very brilliant at covering our tracks here...

                The new chat rooms sound perfect, and as said, we can tweak as needed.

                Did you guys see there's a newbie infosession at 7EST/4 Pacific? Let's try our best to support over there, I'm just worried about it getting chaotic when they are trying to figure it out. Does the parlor work right now?


                  Suggestions re: new chat rooms?

                  I want him mad. I want to see what he steals next.
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    Suggestions re: new chat rooms?

                    New chat rooms now set up

                    Hi. I've established the new chat rooms. They are:

                    Chit Chat
                    MWO Questions and Support
                    Party Central

                    The names are pretty self explanatory. I'll write up an FAQ when I get a chance and will try to provide some sort of logical links to them.

                    The important things to remember are:

                    * When you enter chat you always start in the General room
                    * To change to another room, simply click the pull down menu below your user name next to the word "Room" at the top of the screen. Select the room you wish to enter. Typically you'll coordinate with others in General Chat or privately beforehand about meeting in a specific room
                    * To see who's in chat with you in that room, look to the right of the screen. You'll hear audio cues as visitors enter and leave rooms. You'll also be able to view the user names under the room
                    * You can carry on a private conversation (the "whisper" feature) with anyone in any room as long as they are logged on to chat

                    Let me know what you think of the new configuration. We can always continue to tweak.


                    Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


                      Suggestions re: new chat rooms?

                      New Chat room response - sorry so late

                      Hi, I am sorry I am so late in replying to this. I do think it is of import. Here is my humble intake on some rooms.

                      ChatYellow1; I am a Newbie
                      ChatBlue2: I am in crisis
                      Chat .... : I want to discuss serious MWO topics --"MWO Serious Questions"
                      Chat...: Just want to fellowship with kindred souls.... "chat-chat" or your words

                      Also there could be just some generic rooms where people form community... in color codes ... green, sage, aubergine, rose, or just red, white , blue, purple, orange, etc...

                      Just my thoughts...


                        Suggestions re: new chat rooms?

                        Sounds great. Party Central will be a nice addition. The parlor was a little stuffy for my tastes, although the food was truly extraordinary.
                        * * *




                          Suggestions re: new chat rooms?

                          Just a thought here..........How about a "Abs" room and a "mods" room? Of course then you would have to have a "3sheets in the wind "room also! Just kidding........sorta!:H

                          "Be still and know that I am God"

                          Psalm 46:10

