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    Hiya all,

    As its nearly Halloween i thought i'd bring up the question...

    Has anyone ever seen a ghost???
    And before anyone says "No....But i have seen plenty of spirits" i thought i would get there first so we can get it out the way and move on..

    I havnt seen a ghost but i have had a weird exsperiance...When i was about 14, i was just getting out the bath one night...I went in my bedroom to get dried...I bent down to turn the radio down...( it was on teenager volhume ) and as i was about to touch the radio it started crackleing and then silent...Then it said my name...It started crackleing again..and then the radio came back on...

    It scared me enough to make me run downstairs in my towel and sit in the livingroom with my mum and dad....They looked at me like i was on drugs or something..

    This is where it gets really weird....Years later i was talking with my wife and her sister....I asked her the same question i am asking you now..."Have you ever seen a ghost?"....They both explained how one night when my wife was about 14 they were both in there bedroom and the radio had said my wifes name.......I hadnt even mentioned what had happened to me.....I dont know what this means or if its coincidense or what......But you gotta admit....that is weird...and a bit spooky...

    So in the name of Halloween

    Have you seen a ghost?
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


    Yes. I had gotten up, unable to sleep because we were waiting for the inevitable death of my cousin who had been involved the night before in a car accident. It was only a matter of time. My mother was staying with me while recovering from a stay in the hospital. Everyone was worried about how my mother would handle this because she had cared for him (her nephew) from the time he was a baby until he went to school, as his mother (her sister) worked full time. I got up to check on Mom, and when I turned on her bedroom light, I saw him standing at the head of my mother's bed. He looked down at her and then up at me and then very slowly faded away. About two minutes later the phone rang, it was the family calling from the hospital telling us that my cousin had died a little while earlier in the intensive care unit. Call it a Ghost or a spirit, I know it was him.
    "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008



      I just got millions of goosebumps when i read that.
      I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
      One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009



        Many years ago I lived in the UK and had the romantic notion that I wanted to buy an old farmhouse in Wales. One was available. The estate agent gave me the keys. Isolated, old, thatched roof, hollyhocks standing tall in an overgrown garden. It was picture perfect. I loved it.

        Apparently it had been abandoned and empty for years. I walked around inside. Very small rooms, low ceilings, funny little steps going down to what would have been the kitchen and a creaking staircase going up to two bedrooms. It was totally charming but very neglected. I noticed I had to duck my head going through doorways. I explored every nook and cranny. This definitely had possibilities! However, I suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Ill-at ease, even sad. I put it down to the mustiness of the enclosed spaces.

        I went back outside to take lots of photos so that I could discuss this project with a builder who could advise me on what was required to make it habitable.

        When the photos were returned, I noticed something in the top right bedroom window. There, without any doubt whatsoever, was a woman, arms crossed, leaning on the window sill, looking back at me. No reflection of anything, no blurry image - an absolutely clear shot of a woman in the window.

        My friend at the time freaked and burnt the photos and the negatives.

        Who was the woman - and what was that all about?



          Woah Tawney.....That is freaky.....It's a shame about the photo....I would love to have seen it....or not....Might have give me nightmares..
          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009



            Cool.....I love this stuff! More please.
            Gabby :flower:



              OMG Tawny,
              Chills all down the right side of my body, and it's not the topa. I don't know whether I should be afraid of this kind of thing, or comforted to know that there is an afterlife, or concerned for these departed souls. WOW. Fascinating topic! I bet there's a lot on the web about the supernatural, but it's probably completely infused with lunatics.
              Since we are completely 100% normal , I am more than intruigued. Betcha I won't sleep well tonight after reading these stories! Macks, you started this on an AF day for me! :H Extra calms forte...
              Bestlife, it seems your cousin must have needed to say goodbye...hope there were not hard feelings and that was a GOOD thing to see him one last time.
              Tawny, that woman must have had something very tragic happen in that house. Did you ever research it? From anything I've ever heard about hauntings (even friendly ones), the souls are usually not at rest for some reason. Too bad the pix arent's still around. Wonder if it would have been one of those thing where her image faded away....ooooo.


              I've never seen a ghost, but used to have a recurring dream every single year as a child when my grandparents would open their summer cottage. In the dream, I would walk up the stairs to the loft and there would be an old man in a rocking chair, knitting. He doesn't see me, and I sneak downstairs to the kitchen. As I turn around in the kitchen, there he is right behind me with a knife ready for the kill...
              it's of course at this point I woke up in a cold sweat with heart racing. SWEAR I had that dream once a year for at least 10years, right about the week before the cottage was opened.



                Ooh Becca, I had a recurring dream for years that would always happen in the same month. The dream was my brother and I would be playing outside of my childhood home and out of nowhere a dart that had a long string attached to it would pierce my wrist and my brother would try to pull it out but instead my skin would completely unravel like a knit sweater. I would watch my body literally disappear and my skin in a big pile on the ground. What does that say about me? Where is Dilayne with her dream group therapy? Sorry, off topic. Back to the ghosts.

                And Macks your story is downright odd. What does it mean? That you and your wife were destined?
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



                  No idea Lush....Saying that it has crossed my mind that one of our children might be destined to do something important....I dunno....I'm guessing
                  I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                  One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009



                    Becca i had a reaccuring dream aswell....The whole dream was like an old silent movie...with the subtitles at the bottom...
                    I was running through a creepy forest and i run into a cottage....I am being chased but i dont know what by..i end up in the kitchen and there is a old fashioned maid cooking in a big black pot....when she see's me she drops the pot...and the smash is the only sound in the dream...but it is loud enough to wake me up...and as i'm dozing...not quite awake or asleep...all the shards of the pot are flying around the kitchen in slow motion....i had that dream for years.....Sometimes dreams seem so real....

                    I wouldnt of liked to have had yours though...i bet that scared the life out of you..
                    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009



                      wow - these are great...chills chills and more chills
                      I've never seen a ghost but my sister has. She and I were staying with my mom for a bit right after college.
                      One morning my sister came into the kitchen and very calmly said that when she woke up there were two women floating at the end of her bed - just kind of looking at her. She wasn't scared and said they were there long enough for her to take it all in before they just went away. I kept waiting for her to tell us she was kidding but she didn't - just got breakfast and went on with her day!
                      She has never seen anything since - and actually does not even believe in this kind of thing.

                      No idea what that was all about.

                      Macks - I'm going to assume that you and Lisa were pre determined to be together- the universe reaching out to you two!!!



                        I have two recurring dreams. In one I am at the beach and all of a sudden a tidal wave starts building and I have to run from it. Sometimes I go under water and sometime I just run and run.
                        The other is that I am running or hiding from a tornado. I have been in several different places when the tornado comes but I am terrified. Natural disaster dreams! I've had a lot more of the tornado dreams.....sounds like stress to me!!!:H



                          Lisa, if i had seen two ghosts floating at the end of my bed...I'd of been out the bed...down the stairs...and out the front door like a shot....I'd proberly still be running now..
                          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009



                            I have what I call the "hand dream" I've had it since childhood. I think I am already awake, something is trying to touch me. It's like the Grim Reaper hand, the wind is always howling in the back ground. If it touches me I know I will die. I know this in my dream. I always wake up sitting straight up in my bed just before it happens. Scares the bejebus out of me everytime.
                            Humor is just another defense against the universe!



                              WOW! Love the stories! ALL of them! Whew!

                              Fan, that is an amazing coincidence? if you can call it that. What lead you to read the book at that point in time?

                              I have a few stories, many from when I had my office space located in a building here in Corrales, built in 1906 it had been so many things but there were three resident ghosts.

                              The first one I truly remember sitting up heart beating out of my chest was in my bedrooom in St. Thomas, in the VI. We had bought the house from a black family and as far as I knew they were the original owners. I wake up to an older white lady with long flowing white whispy hair hanging just like Lisa's sisters ghosts at the edge of the bed but higher than me. At first I was quite frightened, she did not speak to me but she did put out her hand palm up and it felt calming for some reason. She was not frowning nor was she smiling there was just a pleasant look. Found out a couple days later, that the orginal occupants had been three spinster sisters and one had died in our master bedroom. I never saw her again.

                              OK, a client just called and I need to do one more thing to a logo so gotta run.

                              How about this one? Have you ever looked into a persons eyes first time you met them and know deep in your soul, you know them? It is the oddest feeling, because you know mentally this is the first time you have met them . . at least in this lifetime. Gotta run but want to continue this another time.

                              Thanks Macks it's a great subject!!

                              Love ya all,

