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    Ah...Past lives...thats another interesting one...I have looked at people before and thought i know them...And when i spoke to them they were exactly how i imagined them to be....You might be onto something Mary
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009



      Whoa! Cool. But I'll bet you are making this stuff up.



        Not seen but heard

        When I was at college many of the people in my accommodation block went home at weekends. I was used to being around on my own so it didn't bother me. This particular Saturday I heard someone crying above my room so I went out of my room to go to the second floor to see if I could help. But as soon as I left my room the sound stopped. I went upstairs anyway but no sound and no-one else usually stayed at weekend anyway. Went back down to my room and there the sound was. I looked on the floor above again and the floor below. No sound. In my room there was still crying. I felt quite sad for the girl but as she stopped crying every time I went to help I decided I couldn't do anything. After the weekend I told my neighbours but no-one knew of anyone else who had stayed.

        We moved out to a different block at the end of the year and only then did a friend tell me that a girl had hung herself in my room exactly a year before on that date.
        Enough is enough



          Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.



   cant say that on Halloween....Come on you must have had one unexplainable exsperiance.....Waves...i enjoyed yours...that was a good one...
            Tumadre....wouldnt let you post eh...Obviously supernatural forces at work....Obviously
            I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
            One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009



              I guess I always wanted to have a truly unexplainable experience. But usually, when someone I really love dies, he or she comes to me in a dream to say they are all right. I'm racking my brain, but no talking radios, no weeping co-eds. I do have this feeling that I'm being guided by an angel. I am not a conventionally religious person, but I once had a dream that I was being forced to swim through an underwater tunnel. I couldn't swim back. I had to go forward. When I thought I couldn't go any farther, I felt myself gripped by a hand that pulled me through the tunnel until I could swim through to the other side and come to the surface. I woke up immediately with one word in my head...Faith. Now, that sounds uncredibly corny, I know. But it has sometime sustained me.



                There you go Fsophiah...I knew you had it in you....Plenty spooky
                I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009



                  I haven't personally encountered any ghosts or hauntings, but my older sister has. My stepfather died in 2000. About a month after his death, my sister awoke to the sound of the wood floors footsteps. Then, she heard Phil's voice calling out her name as tho he was looking for her. My mom also believes Phil fixed a light switch that broke shortly after he died. My mom said that it was something that she would have had him tend to was a reminder that she was all alone. Then one day, out of the blue, it was working.
                  Another time, the same sister I mentioned above, was housesitting with her boyfriend for my dad. My dad has an antique peppermill from Italy that belonged to my great grandfather. It used to play "O Solo Mio" every time you'd pick it up. I have fond memories of setting the table as a child dancing with the peppermill. Anyways, dad said it hadn't worked for years!! Then, while my sis was sleeping, she heard the song playing very slowly, very eerily. She tried to make it stop, but it wouldn't. Scary!! Then, as she and her boyfriend were walking out to the car the next morning, she noticed what looked to be like bloody claw marks on her boyfriends back (on his shirt). And, no, she didn't have long nails at the time! Maybe the ghost was trying to warn my sis about this guy?!? No, she never married the guy!
                  Anyone else??? BOO!


                    :wow: :wd:Boo! These are great!
                    All kinds of chills over here!

                    Waves, the co-ed one was spooky!

                    I was hiking on my B-day years ago in Colorado, and got up to old town of Tomboy(it's an old abandoned mining town @ about 10,000 ft elev). Iwas just hiking along by myself enjoying the day & looking at the old buildings, ...wondering what it must have been like ...
                    All of a sudden I see this guy sitting next to a woodstove, in a red flannel shirt, with a full beard, carving on a piece of wood.... It was like he was inside this one cabin... but the one wall was missing so I had a quick glimps inside... just like a window the past...

                    It was pretty neat!

                    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:



                      I have not seen a ghost but I do believe people visit us. Over the summer I was really struggling with my wine consumption and what to do and I had a dream where my father came to talk with me and when he was leaving he hugged me. As he was hugging me, I woke up -- it was so weird because it felt like he was hugging me like he used to when he was here. I swear I could feel it.



                        ouuuuuu - I love these stories..and don't even get me started on the dreams!!! BBL to read more..I might have one..I didn't see it but my sister swears by it...



                          I think they do Hawk, they come and visit. My girlfriend died over 20 years ago now, she was quite sick for a couple years before she died. Even when she was in the hospital, I could feel her next to me or touching my arm or hugging me and it didn't change after she died for about a year, I felt her sometimes at the oddest of times, I just knew she was beside me with her hand on my arm.

                          Waves, it is freaky to hear those stories. You know you heard her and you were in your right mind.

                          The building I was working in for about three years had been a saloon and dance hall early 1900's. There had been some deaths there. One woman, I never saw but felt her often when I unlocked the doors in the morning. the front of the building was an antique store, the back my office with a courtyard entrance. For security I had to go through the store to get to my office, there was one area where the air was always really cold, no matter the time of year and where I felt my hair raise on the back of my neck and my arms whenever I went through it.

                          I saw the reflection of a guy in the mirrored glass window one day that looked from the back of the buiding into the store area. He was just standing there looking at me. (The store however was not open yet and I was the only person in the building.) When the owner came in I told her about the reflection - here is the freaky part, she described his western cut vest exactly as I had seen him. then offhandedly she said, yes, I have seen him over the years. OOOHHHHHHH, that was hair raising itself!

                          About 7 years ago, I moved my office space to a brand new building. Never had a wierd feeling in here ever.

                          Judie, in the west here, I think there are tons of spirits hanging around, you probably did see a guy enjoying himself in his cabin. . . for real!



                            MKR! I just got goose bumps reading that!!

                            I've also had dreams of my Grandma, whose passed on, and when I wake up... it's just like she really was here, for a visit...:l :h Wish I had those dreams more often.
                            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:



                              Many years ago, I was involved with a church community. We all went on a retreat, and I was paired up with an older man I barely knew. For some reason, he confessed to me something that he hadn't talked about since the day it happened. In WWII, he was in France, met and married his wife. After the reception, they all piled in the car to drive to the next village. Ernie was drunk but insisted on driving. He crashed the car, and his new brother-in-law was killed. He and I bonded that weekend, and remained close, but didn't see each other often. One early morning, I was driving on a quiet stretch of highway. As I approached a hill, I saw a silhouette of a man standing on the right. He began to walk onto the road. As he reached the middle, he turned and looked at me, and I saw it was Ernie. As I continued driving towards him, he again turned, and crossed to the other side of the road. By the time I reached where he would have been standing, he was nowhere to be found.
                              I went home, wondering what it meant. Two hours later, my mom called me and told me that Ernie had passed away early that morning of a massive heart attack.

                              I actually moved in with his widow, Pierrette, a few months later. We often smelled his pipe tobacco, but only near the hearth where he used to light up. One day, I was dozing on the couch, and someone softly kissed my forehead. I wasn't scared. I just felt loved.
                              Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.



                                I loved all the stories and am a believer. I believe there are no coincidences, so Mack definitely it is a message to you & your wife. You probably planned to reincarnate together & even have this message sent. You are so blessed to have each other. I have never seen a ghost but my brother has. Not crazy about ghosts. Feel bad for them. I am more into dreams and out of body experiences and understanding the after life. I lucid dream all the time. Anyway .. thank you..for affirming

