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Army Thread 13 August 2010

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    Army Thread 13 August 2010

    Popeye;933363 wrote: My dad had a blackbird chick that lay in his garden for a day or so and when he assumed it was almost a goner he brought it in and reared it for a month with a matchstick and dog food. When it looked ready to go he fed it outside and one day away it went. He says he keeps an eye out for it and says there's one that he almost recognises.
    Awwhhhhh no way, that is so cool.:upset:
    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

    AF 10th May 2010
    NF 12th May 2010


      Army Thread 13 August 2010

      one2many;933360 wrote: So do I Pops, I have the dog inside and have fed the cat 3 times so he is stuffed.The Ispca are kinda wank around here, they won't come for a cat or a dog let alone a bird.
      Just popped in for a quick peek and saw this. Sorry to say but even if the cat is stuffed, it could still kill. There was a documentary about cats that are outside all the time. They can kill up to 30 times just for the fun of it. Anything from rodents to birds to grasshoppers. Makes you sad for the little guy but if his parents don't rescue him soon, I don't really think there's much you can do. Except if someone here knows anything about feeding really small birds. Then maybe you could put him in a box of some kind with a mesh covering over it so he's got light and air and that the dog or cat can't get off. I hate it when things like that happen cause I feel so useless to help. I found an abandoned kitten a few months ago and managed to find people who would take it and it would be out in the garden with their other cats. A week later it disappeared and a few days after that a similar kitten (same colour, same size) was mewing in the lot next to us. It was on top of the wall and when it saw me it jumped down into the thick, high grasses and I couldn't get to it. Never heard it mew again so I guess it found food and water okay. Made me feel bad tho' that I couldn't get to it. I would have taken it back to those kind people.
      They don't come for cats here either and if they come for a dog, I don't know what circumstances they keep them in or if they just put them down. We called for almost a month to city hall to come and pick up a sick stray dog last year and we finally got results when I went down there in person and found a neighbour I know who works there. They picked it up within half an hour. And another time a cat got hit by a car and had her back legs paralyzed. I called my neighbour again and he gave me the number of a guy who deals with things like that and he told me to take it to a nearby vet. If you don't have inside contacts here, it can take forever to take care of something like that. There is a "Friends of Animals" group that you can call but they only take dogs. And you get an answering machine and if you're lucky someone will call you back...

      Hiya Popeye. Lovely about that bird. Dogfood, eh??
      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


        Army Thread 13 August 2010

        one2many;933364 wrote: Awwhhhhh no way, that is so cool.:upset:
        Yep! My old da has his moments.


          Army Thread 13 August 2010

          JackieClaire;933346 wrote: Rightio I'm orff to get busy in the kitchen
          I've got to shake this blah feeling off so I think a chocolate cake may be in order.
          Hope the choccie helps, Jackie. I'm complaining about the heat again today. Think I'll just shut up. At least I can get out and about without getting drenched (although to tell you the truth, I'd love a walk in the rain. Would be so lovely and refreshing...
          Okay. Off again to get some vacuuming done. I won't be negative and say that I don't like housework. I'll be positive and say that I'm going to get it over with and out of the way...
          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


            Army Thread 13 August 2010

            morning all. getting a puppy tomorow and im right excited. now i still dont think its a great idea for pen. and i also would have preferred a rescue dog after watching programme the other week about battersea dogs home.... but...... dogs are mr spuds department and he insists ... and im afraid i did go all goooeey when i met the little for a name. mr spuds want to continue the theme... pen, ink etc... he wants quill, which i think is a bit odd. i like tips (with respect to our tips) as in felt tip. any suggestions
            Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
            Keep passing the open windows


              Army Thread 13 August 2010

              Hi Spud (that was my best mate's nickname at school),
              I'd love another dog. I've been dropping hints and Susan seems to be warming to the idea. She says she doesn't like them but I know better. A little terrier would be great.
              A name...Hmmm....Biro?


                Army Thread 13 August 2010

                Thanks guys,

                He keeps falling over, like his front half is too heavy. I picked him up and he was fine, no shaking or anything...I am too soft for my own good, this bird will dominate my whole day.


                Lead (as in Pencil)
                HB (as in pencil)
                "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                AF 10th May 2010
                NF 12th May 2010


                  Army Thread 13 August 2010

                  I think the little bird is dying, his head is all over to one side and he is just spreadeagled on the gound, he is not chirping and just seems so weak, he beak is all dry and my heart is breaking and I have tears streaming done my face.

                  I need to toughen up.
                  "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                  AF 10th May 2010
                  NF 12th May 2010


                    Army Thread 13 August 2010

                    i love scribble, with biro as a close second. ill suggest them to mr spuds. its his final say. im off for my second day at work this aft (ha call that a day) i really feel this is gonna go well. fingers crossed

                    my r's come out a bit funny so it could be scwibble.... o yes i like it
                    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                    Keep passing the open windows


                      Army Thread 13 August 2010

                      o poor little birdy. i hate seeing little creatures helpless. when i was a kid we had a little sparrow that had fallen out of its nest. my dad put it in a box and cared for it. he told me it got well and flew away but i found out later it had died...... and father christmas doesnt exist. sounds like it has damaged itself badly... poor little thing. lets hope it passes without pain
                      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                      Keep passing the open windows


                        Army Thread 13 August 2010

                        one2many;933383 wrote: I think the little bird is dying, his head is all over to one side and he is just spreadeagled on the gound, he is not chirping and just seems so weak, he beak is all dry and my heart is breaking and I have tears streaming done my face.

                        I need to toughen up.
                        I'm sorry Oney...
                        All I can suggest is leaving where it is and hoping that mum and dad find it. They'll try to hide it and feed it if they find it.


                          Army Thread 13 August 2010

                          It's dead, I wish I hadn't found it now. Kids are looking at me as if I am mad for crying.

                          Maybe I was sad before this happened ad thats why I am crying.....I dunno, Iam such a stupid cow.
                          "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                          AF 10th May 2010
                          NF 12th May 2010


                            Army Thread 13 August 2010

                            one2many;933398 wrote: It's dead, I wish I hadn't found it now. Kids are looking at me as if I am mad for crying.

                            Maybe I was sad before this happened ad thats why I am crying.....I dunno, Iam such a stupid cow.
                            No you're not :l


                              Army Thread 13 August 2010

                              No you're not,Oney :l
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army Thread 13 August 2010

                                :l:l Oney :l:l

                                HEy Pops.

                                Enjoy work, Spudilicious
                                I'll do whatever it takes
                                AF 21/08/2009

