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How do I.....

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    How do I.....

    I've made a lot of promises to my husband - I will watch my drinking, I will take care of this problem, I have this under control - and then I always screw up. I'm so tired of disappointing him and hurting him (and me). On Friday I drank too much wine while making dinner and then having dinner. He was so turned off - and told me so Saturday am. So I was good Sat. and Sun. Didn't I go and do the SAME damn thing last night?? He left this morning for work and he was mad - he didn't say anything. I dread him coming home tonight and I feel like I don't have the right to say "Really - trust me - this time is for real." I don't know what to do. :upset:

    How do I.....

    I've been there with my wife. We are going to see me shrink together on Wed. I'd rec you do that, so he can understand what you are going through.


      How do I.....

      Hawk, I know how you feel. Been there...

      But, you being here is a really good start! This place has worked wonders for me! Are you doing any of the supplements, or CD's? I really think they help. Keep reading & posting. Don't give up... just be very vigilant, and keep at it!
      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


        How do I.....

        Thanks --

        Some of the supplements - I cannot take them all. I read the book and have the cds. I listened to the clearing cd. Only problem is I drift in and out while listening....


          How do I.....

          Hawk, think about tryin the topa. It has helped me loads. Havent drank in 5 months. Even if it just helps you cut back its a start. I wasnt planin on quitin but it helped that much.
          Gabby :flower:


            How do I.....

            gabby wrote: Hawk, think about tryin the topa. It has helped me loads. Havent drank in 5 months. Even if it just helps you cut back its a start. I wasnt planin on quitin but it helped that much.
            I'm going to my phsy tomorrow and hoping to switch from campral to topa. wish me luck! I printed out all the articles, research to show him.


              How do I.....

              Hiya Hawk...I know exactly how you feel....All i can tell you is actions speak louder than words
              I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
              One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                How do I.....

                Good Day Hawk,

                I agree with Macks. Actions speak louder than words. Try to make your husband part of the solution. Men like to assist practically (albeit they are not known for their good listening skills, grin). I'd say go and see a shrink and start medication. Limit your options and get rid of all the booze at home. And by all means occupy your mind while you're at home. You may want to go for a walk, or just start a hobby or something. Don't give your mind time to drift.

                Best of luck,

                Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                  How do I.....

                  Good Luck Andy!
                  Gabby :flower:

