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Will I ever feel comfortable in my own skin?

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    Will I ever feel comfortable in my own skin?

    I'm in awe that you've gone even a day without drinking. I'm still trying for hours. I feel as though I don't have a personality unless I've had a few drinks - everyone says that I'm great fun etc.etc. but I'm sure it's the alcohol. By the way I'm 60 so I really don't have an excuse. I have a wonderful partner, 3 labradors (black, cream and brown) and I'm trying to appreciate the life I have without the bottle.

    I'm currently trying (as of yesterday) to swap drinking with exercise - not sure how I'll go - but I'm trying:thanks:


      Will I ever feel comfortable in my own skin?

      Hello Dog lover and welcome.
      You've found a great place, packed with good people and good ideas for living and beating this thing and I don't think you'll have to go far to bump into the odd dog lover or two.
      Good luck.


        Will I ever feel comfortable in my own skin?

        That's a really good question brittzak. At the time I thought I did but I was drinking then so maybe not.
        Hi Dog Lover (I love dogs too!) Believe me, I never thought that I would get to this point of not drinking. This is a great site. Just don't give up...wish you all the best!
        Holding on since February 2, 2010


          Will I ever feel comfortable in my own skin?

          Don't simply hold on. Forge ahead.

          :new:I think if I have to have any disease on earth, I?m glad that it?s alcoholism. The cure is completely within my control. The cure is simply not to touch alcohol. If I?d had cancer and was cured but the doctor said, ?You will be cancer free unless you one day decide to eat tomatoes (a food that hurts me beyond belief I am so allergic to it) I think it would be a no-brainer to say, I choose to be cancer-free and never touch another tomato. Imagine, health by giving up something that is poison to your body already. That is the beauty of the disease of alcoholism. It's ours to cure.


            Will I ever feel comfortable in my own skin?

            i can totally relate to the thoughts and feelings expressed here. and the reasons for drinking. initially drinking made me feel more confident and like myself more. at some point a line was crossed and drinking became the major cause of misery and self hatred. since i have seriously cut back on the booze my whole outlook has changed for the better. im not 'there' yet but im leaps and bounds ahead of where i was 6 months ago. life goes on, the good and bad, the ups and downs but it is all so much better to deal with sober.
            Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
            Keep passing the open windows

