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    It seems i have upset a few folk on here recently and i wanted to say im sorry...
    yup im having a tough time but that is no excuse and i need to realise that others are aswell,and that life has dealt many a tough hand and we are all fighting demons of one sort or another...
    this site a wonderful place ,with wonderful kind hearted people and i feel bad ...
    anyway the damage has been done and i would just like to wish you all love...never give up trying to give not a bad person,just a little lost and i often cant seem to connect with others ....take care all x


    I guess I am out of the loop Swan 'cos I have no idea what you are talking about - hopefully, those you have upset will forgive you. You are right though - we all are going through a tough time and often folk say things they don't mean, so good for you for apologizing. If there is anyone in particular, maybe a PM would help? as I said, I am out of the loop so have no idea - but hope it all works out for you - hang in there and whatever the situation, please stay with us here - we are all here to help against the demon AL, and believe me, we all need all the help we can get. So, carry on with the hard journey,

    hugs to you,

    sunshinedaisies xx
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....



      swan! love you so much! xxx



        Swan, I was planning to PM you this evening in reply to yours. I'm sorry it's taken so long, but I've been extremely busy, hon. Again, I'm sorry, and I'll be happy to talk to you. I too don't know what you've said or done, but we're not here to judge, just help, and sometimes all of us misstep. You're great for making this apology. I'm here to help you, OK?
        :hug: Rubes
        Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
        awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:



          I also do not know what you have done to upset anyone, we all say and do things we regret, but it takes courage to admit it. So let it pass..



            Swan, please don't go. PM me please!




              Swan I made the comment last night that you don't talk to me. You then said you loved us all and I immediately sent it back to you. If this is your concern do not let it bother you a second more please. Yes many of us have been dealt some serious blows that we try to medicate with alcohol. I often come across as tough and ready to roll when I'm in chat. I'm really quite vulnerable too. Hate that!:l Anyways I wish you the best and strength to overcome all your demons.

              Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

              St. Francis of Assisi



                Oh Swan what have u got to be sorry about? I have never heard a bad word from you or about you. Could you be viewing things from a wrong perspective because life has been so very hard for you this year? xxxooo



                  Swan you know I am here for you....
                  pm me if you want to have my number sweetie
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem



                    Swan I think sometimes we forget that when you are struggling to get sober and others are as well, some times what is typed here is taken out of context. We live all over the world. Here in the US we may say something that would be offensive to someone in the UK for example. Keep on keeping on.
                    Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear



                      Hi Swannie

                      not been on for ages but jst clicked on your post... You have been through so much and have been so very brave and strong. Having to deal with such a tough hard hurts and is not easy. Dont know what you feel you have said and done but i hope you have read your replies and take some strength from the love and support that is being offered to you, people dont offer that to somebody unless they hold them in high reguard. You are loved and respected on this site. Stay strong.

                      BH x

