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Stupid subject really

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    Stupid subject really

    Great advice here.

    There is a thread in the Long Term Abstinence called "The Stages of Alcoholism." This may you with your dilemma/decision.

    AF Since April 20, 2008
    4 Years!!!


      Stupid subject really

      You may have been on the wrong meds for depression. I was on 3-4 different ones before I found one thta fit me. Effexor made me feel exhausted. I would fall asleep in a drop of a hat. I am now on Wellbutrin and it was my fit. But, you can't rely on a pill, you have to work on what got you there. Also, our bodies are put through hell when we detox. It takes awhile to feel really good. Not 8 months though. I'd talk to your doc and see if maybe he/she could switch the med.
      Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


        Stupid subject really

        Thanks momof3 - I will check out that thread and have a look and see. I really hate that I have started drinking again but am planning on stopping again very soon. Just gearing myself up to it again.

        Brittzak - I wondered about my meds - I have been on celexa for about 12 years though - drinking the whole time of course, so was wondering if I should change it now I am not - well, once I am not again!! Now I am drinking again, I feel great again - so I will talk to my doc and see what he thinks - he was SO pleased when I had stopped - I know he will try to help how ever he can. Thanks for the advice.

        Hugs to you both, sunshinedaisies x
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          Stupid subject really

          If alcohol is making you happy why do you wish to stop? Why are you looking for a "way out"?


            Stupid subject really

            For Sunnyvalenting:
            "There is a thread in the Long Term Abstinence called "The Stages of Alcoholism."
            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10


              Stupid subject really

              Sunnyvalenting;936247 wrote: If alcohol is making you happy why do you wish to stop? Why are you looking for a "way out"?
              Sunny - Because many years ago, I would have one or two, one or two evenings a week. Then I would have the same amount every evening. then I went to three, one or two evenings a week. Over time I got to maybe 4 Guinness every evening. It is a progression. I don't want it to progress any more. My dad was an alcoholic - as was/are most of my family and I am not going to go down the same road to the extremes that some of them went. It might make me happy now, but I am taking the long term look at it and don't like what I know will happen. Because it is so hard to stop when I want to?

              Sunshinedaisies x
              How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                Stupid subject really

                That makes sense. I hope you can find joy w/o alcohol. Sounds like maybe it is sort of "familiar" and comfortable like an old friend for you. It can turn on you at any time. It gradually became something that I could not control. I am much happier abstinent now than drinking. AF for 7 months.


                  Stupid subject really

                  I agree with you. I am so scared at it turning on me, as i KNOW it will one day! I need to be AF for my own piece of mind and starting again was the worst thing I ever did. I WILL beat this though - I will!!!!
                  How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                    Stupid subject really

                    i felt great when drinking thinking that i had energy, had more self-confidence, etc. the problem with the booze for me was that i couldn't stop once i bent the elbow. there were days after a binge when i couldn't find the energy, want, or care enough to get out of bed. it was a disgusting way to live.

                    my sister is quite like you. she doesn't have energy when not drinking and doesn't feel well. once she's drinking, she's fine. as the others have said, depression could play a strong part in what you're feeling. there are many antidepressants available. if the one that you take doesn't work, try another.


                      Stupid subject really

                      Thanks Rie - I actually now have made an appt with my doc (not til Sept) to see about changing my AD. I have been on the same one for years and years - maybe when I stop drinking I need a different one? Nice to know I am not the only one like this (meaning your sister too!!). Thanks!!
                      hugs, Sun x
                      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....

