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from my son

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    from my son

    Hi, those of you who know me will know that things have not been travelling well on my life front....and being the good ole alkie I am I have allowed myself a drink (or two) not anything like the levels I had stooped too but from what you are about to read well definitely enough. This is from my son who like me is currently homeless, he is couch surfing with friends, I have just found a boarding house and a job.
    Hi mum.
    I just thought i should get out in the air what your drinking does to you from my point of view.
    It changes you into someone else, someone who is mean and hurtful and gloats when other people are hurting.
    All I wanted tonight was to talk to you about how I felt, how I am scared and alone and in a very dark place with no one to light my way for me, and i wanted you to listen, I wanted you to promise to hug me and let my cry, I wanted you to promise me a big bowl of ice cream to feel me better like those times you did when i was just a kid and i was hurt or had been bullied.
    I wanted you to be my mum.
    Instead I got you when you had been drinking, I can hear it in your voice you see, I knew even before you told me about it when i came to visit you in circular quay, I was just waiting for you to tell me.
    You said that he was an asshole and that you "told me so" and that maybe I should listen to you more and your not so stupid after all.
    I can't help my heart mum, just like you couldn't with Collan, and I never said I told you so, I sat there and held you and told you I love you and that you wern't stupid for falling for him and that you where smart and funny and he was an idiot for not seeing the amazing woman in-front of him. I held the light for you because I love you and i hate seeing you hurt.

    You hurt my so much mum, you made me feel small and stupid.
    Everyone I love seems to hurt me so much Mum.
    Alan, you and maff.. and I am starting to wish that i couldn't love because it hurts so much.
    You say so many hurtful things when your drunk, but I will not stop loving you because I have seen who you actually are.
    You are bright, funny, smart, brilliant and compassionate.
    I know you love me because when your like this I can -feel- it and -hear- it in everything you do or say to me.
    When I came to help you move, when we were alone, I felt it then when you hugged me.

    I just want my mum back, because if i had her when i called tonight, she would have listened, she would have told me that I'm not an idiot and that I am smart and funny and that hes the idiot for not seeing the amazing young man in front of him, You would hold the light and lead me out of the dark because thats what people who love each other do for one another, we share in every triumph and we show our precious people that the tragedies that befall them arn't the end of the world and that there is light, that there is still hope out there even when we think there is none left.

    What I got was an old drunk woman who is bitter and only cares that something she did not approve off came to an end not matter how much the people closest to her hurt because of her, I got "I told you so".
    This isn't the first time I have had this kind of hurt from you, you told me once that "If you screw this up for me I'll kill you".
    It wasn't the i will kill you that hurt, It was the fact that you thought i would intentionally not try my hardest for something important to you, that i would intentionally screw something up.
    I hurt mum, I hurt so much and I feel all i have left is Despair.
    I am hurt.
    I am alone.
    I am lost in a very very dark place and do not know which way to go.
    Please let me have my mum back, because I need someone to light the way forward and I would really like it if I could find her again, and have her give me a hug and a big bowl of ice-cream to feel me better and to have her just listen and tell me that I am smart and funny and brave and handsome.
    That I am not alone.
    That I do not have to travel the dark places of the world alone ever again.
    That if by some chance I do feel lost all I have to do is ask and there will be a willingly listener and a warm hug waiting for me.

    I love you mum, so so much.
    Please please please stop drinking,
    I want you to be the bright and funny mother I remember that would always listen no matter what the problem was big or small.
    Most of all, I want a hug, I want you to chase all the fears away if only for a little while.
    Please don't leave me out in the cold alone, everyone I have loved, everyone that I have ever trusted to get close to me or be close to me has already left me there.
    I love you, please remember that, and know I will never stop.
    " I'm not trying to counsel any of you to do anything really special, except to dare to think and to dare to go with the truth and to dare to love completely." -R. Buckminster Fuller

    from my son


    That is such a heartbreaking email, I am in tears reading it. What a fantastic, loving, beautiful son you have.

    I really really hope for both of your sakes that you make the decision to quit drinking, you get help if you need it, and a deep desire in your heart to kick it for good!

    We are all here behind you. Come on Willow, you have the strength to do this....
    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

    AF 10th May 2010
    NF 12th May 2010


      from my son

      Oh, Willow. I don't know you - but my heart hurts for you. Be strong, sweetie, and try one day at a time. That AL monster causes such heartache to us and our loved ones. You and your son will be in my prayers.
      Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.


        from my son

        Oh the pain in that letter!
        Please this family.

        "Be still and know that I am God"

        Psalm 46:10


          from my son

          saying a prayer for you willow...both for the alcohol and the housing situation...
          what a wonderful son
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            from my son

            That was me a broken and loving boy!!
            But I never had the guts to write such a awesome letter!!
            You have what seems a very loving and wonderful boy there !
            My answer to those feelings were drinking,drugs and violence !
            We both do not want that for your boy !!
            Baby put on your big girl pants and BEAT the BEAST !!!
            You can I know it !!
            And you can't do it for your boy you have to do it for YOU and in time things will get better
            with the boy.
            Like Oney said I have tears as I write this.
            This really touched me in a deep spot of my heart !!
            I wish I was able to just give you both A big hug and tell you that people CARE !!

            MUCH LOVE and PEACE !!!!!



              from my son

              Oh Willow, the things we put our children through.
              My heart breaks for you and your son.
              Like Oney says, let us help you both.
              J x
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                from my son

                I will say prayers for you and your son.
                Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                  from my son

                  Hi All
                  Willow this is so sad to read. Sad for the hurt your son feels and sad for the pain it brings to you. I am a father who has not been the father I should have been at times because of my drinking. I have regrets that I can't change. I live with them but have also worked my program to get sober so their aren't any more in the future.
                  When I came to MWO I was not speaking with my son. Partially his fault partially mine. I now look back and my thinking was so clouded with al that the decisions and my behavior was not rational.In my drinking haze i couldn't feel or think or be the person my son needed at times.
                  Willow you do have it in your power to be the person your son needs in the future. The future can be so much better. With getting sober and mending bridges love is rebuilt.

                  This letter was written to willow. It could have been written to me by my son disappointed in how I was living my life and the effect it had on our relationship . Everyone of us parents should look into that mirror when we are reaching for the next drink. That drink goes way beyond just the effects the al gives you. That al affects all around us especially the ones we love the most.

                  Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                  AF 5-16-08
                  Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                  AF 5-16-08


                    from my son

                    Willow - my heart goes out to you. Like others, I was in tears reading this. i could have written this to my dad at certain times in our lives. I knew he loved me but AL took over a lot. Please - we can all help. This must have broken your heart reading it and you have been so brave posting it for us to read. What can we do to help? We are here for you. Loving hugs to you from me, you will be in my prayers, wish there was more I could do.

                    Hugs to you, Sun xx
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      from my son

                      What a heartbreaking letter to read i hope your situation for you and your son gets better. How did you both end up homeless?


                        from my son

                        Wow. I am speechless. What an amazing kid.

                        What are you going to do?
                        Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
                        That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
                        Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
                        Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


                          from my son

                          Willow I see this as an incredible opportunity!
                          The amount of love your Son has for you is overwhelming as is his repeated description of what a wonderful loving Mum you are when you are sober.
                          In this heartfelt letter he has really bared his soul and he is desperate to get through to you. So many of us destroy relationships with our drinking and never get the opportunity to put them right. We go beyond repairing them and live in regret for the rest of our lives.

                          Your Son hasn't written you off, he loves you so much and admires the person you are when you are sober. You can make this the turning point in you life, it sound like you are worth it and he is too :l
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            from my son

                            WLLS! My how i have missed you! You were the first one to help me when i came on to this site and you really touched my heart and i miss our chats. Hun we all slip up, i know i have but if this letter, this cry for help is not a wake up call what is.
                            What an amazing letter filled with so much hurt but SO SO much love for his mummy. He wants his mummy, bless.
                            This would break me and i pray it has you and that you have the strength to fight this and win. Just remember there are many on here who love you and are behind you EVERY step of the way. One day i swear im going to fly over and see you and chat. You are in my prayers wills.
                            Please take care, love pink xoxo
                            HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY


                              from my son

                              I don't know what to say apart from you are very lucky to have a son who loves you so much. He's showing so much courage and genuinely wants to support you - like we all do.

