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Morning drinking discuss!

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    Morning drinking discuss!

    I was just reading another thread and the issue of morning drinking popped into my head. I thought it would make for an interesting discussion, especially as it involves denial as well as complete honesty(if only with yourself).

    Many of us say we never took that morning lifter - we weren't hopless alchies because we didn't drink in the mornings. I then hear tales of folk drinking til they fall asleep at 1,2 or even 4am. Some say they go to the pub, come home have a sleep and drink between 11 and 3am. "AM" is in the morning so where do we draw the distinction?

    I said for years I never needed a morning drink yet often I'd be under the influence, alcohol in my system through til mid morning and sometimes early afternoon because of the sheer amount I'd crammed in the night before. I also had a partying phase where from 8pm Friday to 8pm Sunday I'd be taking E, speed and drinking beer. Dancing through the night into the morning when the sun came up with perhaps a few hours sleep, up at midday drinking mid afternoon through the weekend. We never classed that as morning drinking.

    I'm of the thought that cramming in so much drink we don't need to drink in the morning or drinking til the early hours, plus the other one where you might sleep until midday then drink in the afternoon - is all the same as morning drinking. The times and amounts are simply technical details.

    Something to think about both for both those on the wagon and those who aren't sure what is the right way for them.

    Have a great AF day.

    Morning drinking discuss!

    Hi UK
    Well I will be honest and say that over the last 6 months I did drink in the morning... Never before work because I teach and that was not possible.. Also 5 nights a week I would stop drinking at around 9pm so could get to work. But on my 2 days off I started to slowly...
    My ex husband went to France and bought back 8kgs of delicious cheeses, fois gras and all those other french delicacies..which are unobtainable here in Asia.
    On my days off We would start with a coffee and then open a red with some cheese and bread, problem was he could have 2 glasses of red but for me that would be the begining of the 'taste' and I would end up drinking most of the day.
    When he left, there was no more cheese but there was still wine so I found myself again having a coffee then alcohol (wine, vodka whatever was in the house.. often with coffee to make myself feel like it was 'less bad'.)
    I couldn't believe I was drinking in the morning, yet I was and when I started that was it... Thats when I came here to this site.
    I still have had slips and still have problems with alcohol.. but haven't drunk in the morning since then.
    Your question is very interesting... what does 'drinking in the morning mean?
    I tend to agree with you ... it basically means being smashed for a period of time.. whether its in the morning, early morning, late at night.. seems to be the same result.
    Hey great post, thanks


      Morning drinking discuss!

      I never drank in the morning if I was working. Generally, I'd drink a bottle of vodka after work and that would see me in a daze until well into the next day. I'd be at work most days reeling from the night before and not remember much about it until it wore off about 2pm and then it was only a few hours until I could start again(What a stupid way to live). When I was drinking and off work for what ever reason and on a binge, it was as soon as I could get any and not because I was feeling bad or hungover. Just because I could.
      When I was drinking with other people I felt that I was somehow curbing my enthusiasm so that I didn't look like a total wipe-out. It was when I was drinking alone that the pace really got going. and the days and nights just drifted into one another until I literally could not ingest any more. During these days I would not eat anything and it was several days after I stopped that I was able to keep anything down.
      Not good....


        Morning drinking discuss!

        Fascinating subject, UK.
        When is the morning drink?
        I know when I was working I used to have a couple of vodkas before I went in just to settle the 'nerves' I was working part-time so I'd be home 1.30pm a nice respectable time to have a glass of red with lunch, which of course led to a whole bottle, passing out and then start a new red with the evening meal. So the routine went on.

        During my last great drinking spree April 2009 to July 2009, there was no morning. Just passing out then waking up. Didn't matter what time it could be 10pm, 6.30am or noon, I had to take that first drink to stop me shaking and sweating just to get me through a couple of hours.

        I'm really interested to see what others have to say.

        J x
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Morning drinking discuss!

          This last stint, I had thoughts of having a drink in the morning to make me right. I did not do it because that us a sign of a Alkie... stupid huh.

          Regardless, it doesnt make sense. Drinking at all just doesn't make sense.
          Starting over again 09/06/11

          "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



            Morning drinking discuss!

            I certainly did drink in the mornings. Not because I had to (for physical reasons), but because I needed to carefully plan my drinking so that I could appear somewhat coherent when kids showed up from school and Mr. Wonderful arrived home from work. This strategy proved to be only mildly successful.

            I agree, though, that 'morning' really means little; it's more accurate to look at the overall time drinking and/or time in between.

            Great subject, UK - thank you!
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              Morning drinking discuss!

              I'm like Jackie Claire, I was having a couple of drinks before work, been doing that for the last few started when I was waiting tables and didn't have to be in till 4 in college, I would spend days at the pool and I remember telling myself "only 3 beers." Then, I had a job selling advertising for a radio, I didn't drink before work but we were supposed to be out making sales calls in the afternoon which to me meant going home drinking, then back up at the end of the day lying about work I'd done. Then I was on to the mortgage business where I worked for myself and sometimes didn't come in or took 3 hour lunches, more drinking at home. The last two years I have worked for a bank and I started drinking in the morning about a year or so ago, and then at lunch sometimes too. I have been literally wasted at work. Im AMAZED I wasn't ever fired, I guess that's what sales jobs will put up with when you're making your sales goals, I really think that's why nobody messed with me. I fooled myself that no one knew but I now realize they had to bc being sober myself I can spot when people smell like booze. Did I mention that my habit was costing me a fortune?? SOOOO glad I'm not living like that, I will have 60 days AF on Friday yay!
              I ain't afraid of no ghost....


                Morning drinking discuss!

                Ukblonde;937356 wrote: I was just reading another thread and the issue of morning drinking popped into my head. I thought it would make for an interesting discussion, especially as it involves denial as well as complete honesty(if only with yourself).

                Many of us say we never took that morning lifter - we weren't hopless alchies because we didn't drink in the mornings. I then hear tales of folk drinking til they fall asleep at 1,2 or even 4am. Some say they go to the pub, come home have a sleep and drink between 11 and 3am. "AM" is in the morning so where do we draw the distinction?

                I said for years I never needed a morning drink yet often I'd be under the influence, alcohol in my system through til mid morning and sometimes early afternoon because of the sheer amount I'd crammed in the night before. I also had a partying phase where from 8pm Friday to 8pm Sunday I'd be taking E, speed and drinking beer. Dancing through the night into the morning when the sun came up with perhaps a few hours sleep, up at midday drinking mid afternoon through the weekend. We never classed that as morning drinking.

                I'm of the thought that cramming in so much drink we don't need to drink in the morning or drinking til the early hours, plus the other one where you might sleep until midday then drink in the afternoon - is all the same as morning drinking. The times and amounts are simply technical details.

                Something to think about both for both those on the wagon and those who aren't sure what is the right way for them.

                Have a great AF day.
                Hi UK
                I'm relatively knew here, and am finding it great.
                I think that you have hit the nail right on the head.
                As I see it, 'morning drinking' means when you start your bit of the 24 hour cycle and where it ends. And then how it overspills into the others.
                For me, personally, my day starts when I have to start interacting with people. Or worse with myself.
                A month ago (before Baclofen), I woke up at 3am. So got up, put on Sky and made a breakfast and drank a bottle of red wine, before going back to bed at about 7am. Slept until 12. Then my 'day' started.
                That's how I see it.
                24 hours to bugger your life up in (probably) three 8-hourly segments.
                I considered myself alcohol controlled if I didn't drink in one of those three segments.
                Thank you for this thread. If I've got it wrong, I'm sorry. But that is precisely how I see it.


                  Morning drinking discuss!

                  I have, on occasion, started at 10:30am on a weekend, if hubs was out of town and going to be home early to mid afternoon. Gotta get that buzz on before he gets home and have it wear off some so he can't tell. Sheesh. I shudder just remembering it.

                  I've had 1 drink since 7/24/10, AF since 8/14/10.
                  Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
                  That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
                  Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
                  Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


                    Morning drinking discuss!

                    On the weekends if I had some left over from the night before I would drink in the mornings as soon as I got up
           My Story

                    AF - 08/06/2010


                      Morning drinking discuss!

                      I would occasionally start around Noon (years ago when my boyfriend and I lived together, and I knew he could drive if we went anywhere). Recently though (since I'm single) I only would drink in the evening (even on weekends I had a rule "never start before 7pm"). But I would drink so much that my body was still processing it in the morning, so although I wasn't physically drinking, my body WAS. My mornings were so hazy that by the time I got home from work I wouldn't even remember getting dressed for work. And to think I dropped my kid off at school like that! By the time I finally sobered up around 3-4pm, it was time to start all over again. My God what a vicious cycle!!
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        Morning drinking discuss!

                        K9Lover;937627 wrote: I would occasionally start around Noon (years ago when my boyfriend and I lived together, and I knew he could drive if we went anywhere). Recently though (since I'm single) I only would drink in the evening (even on weekends I had a rule "never start before 7pm"). But I would drink so much that my body was still processing it in the morning, so although I wasn't physically drinking, my body WAS. My mornings were so hazy that by the time I got home from work I wouldn't even remember getting dressed for work. And to think I dropped my kid off at school like that! By the time I finally sobered up around 3-4pm, it was time to start all over again. My God what a vicious cycle!!

                        yup sounds about right where I was a few weeks ago
               My Story

                        AF - 08/06/2010


                          Morning drinking discuss!

                          it didn't matter what time i woke...if there was a bottle by my bed, i was drinking.


                            Morning drinking discuss!

                            Interesting. I did NOT drink in the morning technically. If I count staying out all night drinking in after hours bars then yes. I really never nursed a hangover with booze. Because I was a binger, my binge being a one night all-out blast. I was so physcally corrupted by the toxins, I wouldn't dare drink. Sometime I think the cigarettes were as much a contributor to my misery as the liquor. I could go anywhere from three to seven days sober, and then the fuse would be lit again. INSANITY!
                            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                              Morning drinking discuss!

                              The thought of drinking in the morning has never appealed to me. I have never started before midday but to me it is no better or worse. I would start at say 3 or 4pm and stop at 8pm so i had time to get over my hangover in time for work. Weekends were my BINGE time. I would write myself off so bad i would not remember parts of the night or how i got to bed. And i would feel so ill i would not be able to stomach a drink for 1-2 days. Then the cycle started over. What a life... NOT!
                              HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY

