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    My ex partner called me yesterday to tell me the shocking news that her younger sister had been admitted to hospital suffering with (what I can only imagine as) severe psychosis brought on by her alcohol and drug misuse. I was told she turned up at my ex's other sister's house around 9am yesterday morning in the pouring down rain, bare footed and delusional with severe hallucinations and also hearing voices. When my ex's sister phoned an ambulance and took her to the hospital she 'freaked out' and had to be sedated. She came round late this afternoon but is showing no signs of improvement at present.

    I guess the reason I'm sharing this is that although I was extremely saddened by the news and felt the pain and sadness in my ex partners voice, I was also effected indirectly as well. It was a harsh reality check for me. Without physically getting back into the arena again, this incident tapped into so much of my own personal stuff that I couldn't help but feel even more off balance myself last night.

    The fact is each and every day I am challenged by something that can mirror in me some past event, situation, thought, feeling etc that I will have to deal with. In the past this is where the vicious cycle would occur where I would use substances to cope with the feelings that were brought up. More often than not the feeling would not be fully recognised because fear kicked in and stopped me dead. "Quick reach for the drink/drug and ease the fear as quick as you can!" would be the prominent thought. So fear was usually the only emotion I regonised. I had no idea what lied behind that fear because I wasn't willing to face it and go underneath the fear and find out what was driving it. It takes a lot of courage to do that and I was not ready to do that then. This is where I believe I had to go to depths of despair beyond the mental and physical and into the spiritual realm. It's very much a realm I prefer to deal with today though. I'm not denying I still have to address my mental state and change my thought process. I'm not saying I don't need to take care of myself physically and look after my health as well. But for me personally, on a spiritual level I deal with real feelings. When I'm not in my head trying to think of the solutions and I just feel what it is I'm feeling I can allow myself not to be consumed with the feeling. It's almost like I can take the feeling out of me, look at it, recognise it, understand where it comes from and place it back inside me. I still have to deal with it, I can't just throw it away. But it's lost a lot of it's power over me and so rather than it consume me, I consume it.

    Last night was tough though because it tapped into something very deep for me that took me a long while to recognise. I knew the mirror was there in front of me but it was very misty. I've been off key for a few weeks now to be honest and it all boils down to my own insecurities and fears around my future. I've been isolating big time again. I'm not phoning people and talking to friends on a regular basis as I once was. I haven't meditated, said prayers or been grateful for the simple things in my life. I've had my daughter staying with me again this last week and it's been totally different than the last time she stayed with me for a week. I've been short tempered with her, I've been distant, I've put off doing things and in general I haven't felt very connected with her at all this past week. All this because I'm insecure and I've let that consume me.

    I guess though the real healing started when I heard the news last night from me ex partner concerning her sister. That started a process that allowed me to start feeling what was really going on for me through tapping into something in my past. I've said many a time that my past is my greatest asset, as from there I can heal and move forwards. Sometimes it takes something as drastic as this for me demystify the mirror though and feel what's really going on.

    I had a good day with Jasmine today!

    Many Blessings
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


    P, you've gone through hell. Jasmine, tho, is heaven. I love watching you evolve, and you're great life now.
    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:



      Hi Phil. I'm sorry to read about your ex's sister. Another reminder that we are dealing with a deadly disease. I'm glad you are re-connecting with your spiritual side. A day of peace and contentment is such a gift when it happens.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.



        Best wishes to you Phil, and i hope your ex's sister will be okay, and get herself back again.

        Keep on the path bro'. G.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-



          hi hippie thats really deep,i kinda no where your comin from,almost like years ago when i let everyone elses feelings,rule me,im my own person,ive been where youve been,i dont want to go there, and that was like the way you xplained it,like when you herd the news everyone exspected you to fall apart,or be your old self,i hope all works out for you,hang tough,gyco



            Hi Hippie
            Im sorry to here about your ex's sister, i do hope she gets all the help she can to get through this. Do you think part of the pain you felt was the fear that this could have happened to you? Maybe facing this, now this has happened, will allow you to let that fear go.

            I too now get huge comfort from dealing with emotions in a spiritual sense, I am often able to be the observer of these feelings rather that being consumed by them. By practicing a form of detachment from the particular emotion I can let it sit with me and feel it without it becoming overwhelming. Instead of i "am" happy, sad or fearful, I can "feel" happy, sad or fearful and realize that these feelings dont define me. The word emotion derives from "motion" and therefore isn't permanent, (thank God!).

            A definition I could relate to about our emotions and senses was that these were given to us so our authentic self, which is eternal, could experience our human-ness.

            Whilst your past is your greatest asset it sounds like recently you have been too focused on it to really experience the "now" with prayer, gratitude, meditation and enjoying your daughter. This incident seems to have shocked you back to connecting with it again and Im happy to hear you had a good day with Jasmine.

            Sending you much love
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996



              hippie, thats horrible news. im glad you posted. its great to see how you are thinking and dealing with this.
              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
              Keep passing the open windows



                New recovering abuser of drink, and drugs

                Hi guys hope your all at peace with yourselves. I joined your forum yesterday, This is my way of reminding myself where i,m coming from. For the last 30 months i have been clean from cocaine, and brandy. I could not kick the habit in England, so i came back Jamaica after 42 years in England, 35 of which i was hooked. Changing location was drastic, but i could see no way out. I,m now learning internet marketing, and fund raising to help youngsters to get access to the PC. Hopefully in time i can show them how to make a living online. The lack of work in Jamaica is terrible. So if we can get the kids online we can stop them from turning to crime.

                I want to find out how to become a affiliate of MY WAY OUT, the support which is available for any one feeling low, is a good thing.



                  New recovering abuser of drink, and drugs

                  Hi guys hope your all at peace with yourselves. I joined your forum yesterday, This is my way of reminding myself where i,m coming from. For the last 30 months i have been clean from cocaine, and brandy. I could not kick the habit in England, so i came back Jamaica after 42 years in England, 35 of which i was hooked. Changing location was drastic, but i could see no way out. I,m now learning internet marketing, and fund raising to help youngsters to get access to the PC. Hopefully in time i can show them how to make a living online. The lack of work in Jamaica is terrible. So if we can get the kids online we can stop them from turning to crime.

                  I want to find out how to become a affiliate of MY WAY OUT, the support which is available for any one feeling low, is a good thing.:goodjob:

                  i cant find my way out, affiliafe site, Help:thanks: Safestyle

