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Does Anyone Remember Me From Before?

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    Does Anyone Remember Me From Before?

    Hi everyone who has come back to me and said 'hi' and 'welcome.' I am so relieved to be back among you. I really value the advice from everyone, and I know I can do this. I do have to do it differently this time, because the way I did it then isn't going to work the same way... last time, I put lots of bottles out with very slightly decreasing amounts in each, and really revelled in the way I was drinking less and less each day, was admiring how well I was doing each day, etc. This time, we have 2 visitors living in the house so I can't do it like that. Someone is always watching me, or on my case. Also, my frame of mind is not the same this year. Last year I was sick of drinking, but I was relatively calm. This year, because I have recently become the carer of my 87 year old mother in law, who now lives with us, I am anything but calm and relaxed. I have now become tense, anxious and depressed even without the spectre of alcohol hanging over me. At the end of each day, all I want to do is grab a bottle and try to unwind. I thank God that I have not lost sight of the fact that it's not the answer to my depression and stress... in the long run it's not helping at all, and I do know that. I'm also about to lose my job, which was my one bit of sanity in all this, so again I reach for the bottle which helps tonight but not tomorrow of course when I wake up with those old familiar feelings of guilt, tension, hangover and stress.

    By the way - doctors here (and I have practically no choice, being so far from anywhere) will not give me meds! They insist on bringing my husband and family in for a group discussion about MY problem, won't even give me valium but insist that I would have to go in and be detoxed in a hospital. I cannot possibly do that. I HAVE to do this by myself. I know I can do it with everyone's support on here, because I know people understand and aren't judging me. I am currently away from home working, am cold, tired and miserable so yes I am ashamed to say that I do also have a (single) bottle of wine, but I am coming rapidly to the point where I know I will find the courage to give up again. And this time, I know it has to be for good, because if it's not, I will end up as another old drunk.

    Many thanks to everyone, you can't imagine how much it means to me.



      Does Anyone Remember Me From Before?

      hi mandalay,
      hang in there. lots of us are just starting to tkae the ole odat route, i'm only on day 2 myself but tomorrow is another day.
      sounds like you got a heap of "non- support" there which is going to be tough.
      i'm also stuck way in the middle of nowhere with no real support in terms of docs etc etc. thus know how you feel!
      i've been here nearly a year & haven't had any signif time af yet, but i'm trying!
      stick with us!


        Does Anyone Remember Me From Before?

        Hi all, sorry if this is indulgent, when I know everyone has their own issues out there. Anyway, I've decided that it _can_ be done even when people are looking over my shoulder ever step of the way, and despite the other stresses in my life - which might not go away if I didn't drink, but might be easier to just accept. I've started gearing myself up, this time. I've accepted that the best way _for me_ is to get my birthday out of the way, which is Monday, when I am being taken out for a meal with the family and when I KNOW myself, and know that I will be asking a lot of myself, being under huge pressure from other people, to have a drink... and if I've just succeeded in going AF by say 2 days, it would just be like failing. So I am just arming myself against failure, because that is what I personally can't cope with. But I'll be limiting myself, I am very determined to do that. I'm going to get all the supplements I need, had forgotten about l-Glut and how it helped me before. So it will all be lined up there for me, I will be in the right frame of mind, and I am going to just stop, cold turkey, on 6 September, my birthday. That will be my last drink. Tuesday morning I will be all prepared, no excuses like I have forgotten to get this supplement, or that supplement. In the meantime, I will start reducing the amount I am drinking by a bit. Tonight is a good start. I am feeling really positive about it!



          Does Anyone Remember Me From Before?

          Hi Mandalay,

          Good for you for picking a date. Now you need a plan to move forward. First, keep a close eye on your symptoms when you stop. Have you quit cold turkey before? If so, how many times and what were your symptoms? Your liklihood of having a seizure increases if you have had moderate to severe withdrawal symptoms when quitting before. I was a 2 plus a day wine drinker. My very last attempt to quit was a bit scary. I was all alone in the middle of the winter in a hotel room in Vermont. I had also taking ambien or ativan at the time and also quit taking that so it could have been a contributing factor.

          It would also be good if you told at least one other person of your quit date. That way, they can give you support and help hold you accountable. Drink lots of water, rest, take supplements, and read the tool box under monthly abs.

          Stay away from others who are drinking for awhile. This will only trigger you to drink. And, if you go to a social event, have an exit plan.

          Keep puting one foot in front of the other. It is hard initially but it gets easier. Life without alcohol is so much better. Believe me. It just sucks away your soul.

          AF Since April 20, 2008
          4 Years!!!

