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How Drinking KEEPS on Haunting Me

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    How Drinking KEEPS on Haunting Me

    Today I decided to switch my auto insurance to the AAA Club (which I have been a member of for 9 years). I checked on the rates (online) and couldn't believe how cheap it's going to be! Wow, finally a bit of good luck! So the representative calls me about 15 minutes later and we start going over all the details. Well, as it turns out my DUI does not drop off my record for another 54 days...on October 16, 2010 it will have been 10 years...a DECADE and I'm still haunted by it. Due to that, my quote DOUBLED and now I'm not sure if I want to just go uninsured for the next 54 days or what. Just another kick in the ass and a reminder of how AL gets it's claws in you and doesn't want to let go.
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

    How Drinking KEEPS on Haunting Me

    just pay monthly and cansel it when its time .. just an idea not sure if it would work .. but good luck and dont you dear drive without ins
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      How Drinking KEEPS on Haunting Me

      K9 - think of it more as a reminder why drinking sucks! Can't you take out some temporary cover for the next couple of months? Driving uninsured would be insane. I know 10 years seems like a long time for this to be on your licence but the penalty has to be severe to try to deter people from doing it. I thanks be to God never got caught but what a relief to know this will NEVER be an issue again....
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        How Drinking KEEPS on Haunting Me

        Wow! I had no idea it was 10 years. I thought most crimes fell off one's record at the longest 7 years! What I think I'd do (not that you asked ) is only get liability insurance for two months, then switch to full coverage in a couple months.

        I'm sure nothing will happen in the interim, but I would be paranoid, myself, and probably get in an accident being that way.


          How Drinking KEEPS on Haunting Me

          I definitely would check into other insurance options temporarily.

          The price of getting caught or into an accident uninsured is way too high.

          I had an impaired 7 years ago. Although our insurance rates go down with every year we have a clean driving record - it is still something that I feel humiliated about. A good reminder why we want to be sober


            How Drinking KEEPS on Haunting Me

            I will just go month-to-month with my current company, then in October I can enjoy the benefits of cheaper insurance with no DUI on my record! Yay! It was a good reminder, and I kind of needed it today!
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              How Drinking KEEPS on Haunting Me

              Hey K9....

              I'm in CA as well and got a DUI 5 years ago. I had AAA at the time and they raised my yearly rate to over $5000!!! I had to switch insurances and go down to liability only.

              A couple of years ago I bought a new car so I needed full coverage. I'm with Mercury right now and pay about $175 a month. Anyways, a couple weeks back I went on the Nationwide website and got quoted almost $50 less a month for the same coverage so I plan to switch once my policy is up to renew.


                How Drinking KEEPS on Haunting Me

                Have something planned to splash out on in October with the money you will have saved in celebration!
                While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
                Benjamin Franklin


                  How Drinking KEEPS on Haunting Me

                  wow...good to know k9
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    How Drinking KEEPS on Haunting Me

                    K9 look at it this way, your life is so different today than it was ten years ago. You are living without alcohol, you have a great relationship with your daughter, and you can even flip a U'y to drive past a DUI checkpont without any fear!!(that comment of yours cracked me up!!) This blip in the road is just giving you a chance to reflect on the wise choices you have made, and how far you have come!

                    You've come a long way baby!!

                    xx Kate
                    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                    AF 12/6/2007


                      How Drinking KEEPS on Haunting Me

                      K, the venerable old company we've have ALL of our houses insured with, plus life insurance, AND auto, that I WORKED for for 3 years, dropped us like a cold potato in 2000 when I had a DUI. Well, Hubs didn't take it well, and pursued the matter. We went to another company, and moved ALL our insurance to another county (because some of our houses were there), and we had people higher up calling, trying to get us back. But the stigma, rightfully, was mine. And Hubs wouldn't budge. The agent who had dealt with us lost a LOT of revenue because we pulled out of his office.
                      I don't in ANY way condone my transgression. But, at this age, this stage in our lives, and with the amount of business we did with this company, though I paid more for my coverage, it was rewarding that the higher ups realized this was a once in a lifetime transgression, and at NO time was I driving. I don't want anyone to think I didn't believe I should pay for the POSSIBILITY I might drive, but after everything I'd gone through, mostly because of an officer who has now been arrested for felony spousal abuse, and the years we'd gone without any claims, this does seem harsh. For Hubs if not for me. I could have accepted any punishment because I felt so guilty. But it's all commerce. And I think the options you've been given are good ones. Wait it out, and NEVER, EVER, repeat that event. It is a matter of life and death.
                      Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                      awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                        How Drinking KEEPS on Haunting Me

                        WOW K9 yes hold out with your current policy for the next two months. You HAVE come a long way. I LOVE your honesty and openness. John xxx
                        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                          How Drinking KEEPS on Haunting Me

                          A couple of months isn't bad at all after waiting ten years! Congrats. I know what you mean about things like that haunting you...I had one brush with the law when I was twenty (I was trashed and loud, then got mouthy with a cop...yeah, got arrested). That's the only legal trouble I've ever had but it still haunts me when I fill out job and school applications--some only ask about felonies but some ask about misdemeanors as well. I can get it expunged from my record, I just learned, but it'll be expensive. Still, it will be totally worth it. Ugh, I still cringe when I when I think about it! To be honest, I'm lucky didn't have a repeat in the following years.
                          Tomorrow's another day.

