ok this might be a bit tedious but at least by writing it down i can get it out of my system.
to start : i'm a vet. been graduated 19 yrs. worked in city for 1st 5 yrs, intensive small animal prac, worked REALLY hard, didn't get paid much ( yep,believe it or not!) & began to develop stress associated with work. so many hours, after hours, critical cases, emotional cases, dealing with grief. at 23 i was not adequately prepared, but hey that was the norm in those days.
Past 12 years been living in the country - & i mean COUNTRY?BUSH?OUTBACK. Set up my own practice in '97, trolleying along quite happily, enjoyed it, fewer after hours, own boss, still paid myself shit but hey i was still doing what i trained for - being a vet. Got busier, & busier & busier. Only vet for 200 km radius & i can honestly say i was GOOD at what i did.
Last coupla years, stress been building. slowly, like Main Roads doing road repairs. gradually, the pressure built. i was the ONLY vet. i had to make LIFE OR DEATH decisions BY MYSELF, no help, no support, nothing. just me. i'll just pause for a sec to let you all know that nothing actually went really wrong for me over these past years, i have never been sued or anything, never killed anything that wasn't supposed to die, but the worry was ALWAYS there.
Intermission : although my drinking was worsening, I was still functioning well, never worked pissed, never hungover for work, no relationship issues that weren't "normal" for our rural area. But it was worsening.
Last year, I stopped being the local vet. I was burnt out, stressed, emotionally drained. Every little call/ animal problem became HUGE. Every single time the phone rang I got ( & still get) jumpy, anxious. So I stopped, notified people, tried to gently extract myself from that work.
Well there are certain people who just don't get it. Who ring, just asking, if i'm back at it, or can just give some advice, maybe take a look at Fido? These people ONLY ring me to get my professional self, not me as a person, not to say hey Beagle wann meet for coffee.
One in partic is a Russian lady, owner of our Post Office, who forever hounds me to cnte working for her. I cannot seem to flat out refuse but it really gets my hackles up. Now I have to go & see a sick foal & i am getting very anxious ALL over again just when i was starting to feel better....sweating palms,tremors,agitated like all hell.
I feel USED by nearly everyone in this town. There are only a few people who genuinely call me for friendship purposes & the rest are parasites, only pretending to be my frined when all they want is to be on the good side of the local (ex)vet.
So i'm due out to this bloody sick foal in 2 hrs & i'm sick myself.
There,sorry for the rant but had to get it out.
Hell i might even add more later.