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venting here,apologies

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    venting here,apologies

    Yeah Beag's, have some a these. :l:l:l:l:l

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      venting here,apologies

      Hi Beags, I lived in a very small isolated outback community in W.A. some years ago, so I undertsand about the isolated environment and the social set-up that you are living in. Its a tough one!!!! On the one hand you want some social contact, on the other hand your choice of neighbours is limited to folk who have relied on you as the only vet to fix up their animals!!! Can you get out of the place at regular intervals and get some breathing space? I used to fly to perth or drive to Kalgoorlie regularly just to blend in with the crowd and relax. Hope you have a better day today me girl...ending you luv and hugs...btw good onya for staying af yesterday....woohoo:goodjob::h:l
      I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


        venting here,apologies

        Zenstyle;944621 wrote: Change... If these people don't make you feel good when you're around them, then they are not for you. You're better off without folk that bring you down... Ugh! It's horrible when people suck you dry like that! Steer clear of them I say... xox
        Thanks Zen, i am seriously contemplating ejecting them from my life 100%, something to think about!!

        Beagle, sorry for :hijacked:, but one thing i will add: when i was feeling at my lowest and could not just cope with anyone, i didn't answer the phone!
        One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


          venting here,apologies

          Dont want to stick me nose in, tell me to rack off if you want to....just wondering about those valiums that you are taking...have you been on them for a long time? I read a book called "Benzo Blues" when I was in a Psych Hospital for a bit of time out some time was an eye opener to say the least...talked about the downside of taking them long term and the rebound depresssion/anxiety cycle they create....just a thought
          I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


            venting here,apologies

            Last post was for Beagle guys:h
            I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


              venting here,apologies

              Zenstyle;944632 wrote: I would defo consider getting shot of them if they're not adding to your sense of wellbeing. I mean, what's the point in letting them make you feel bad? Unless they would be there for you in a crisis... exceptions are made for those type of people... )
              Yeah, good point Zen... A crisis would really show them up...

              It is easy to become so used to unhealthy situations and toxic behaviour that you lose track of what's real and what is healthy behaviour.
              One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                venting here,apologies

                Hi Beagle,
                And good morning. Zen said:- "Some people have a hard time "relating" to people who are authority figures (such as yourself) and they sometimes think they won't be deemed worthy of their friendship. i.e. What would the vet want to do with lowly little old me?" (I don't know how to do the quote thing yet)
                This is so true, My councellor from years ago has often said she would like us to be real friends, but to me she is still the wise woman and life saver. I really must make more contact with her and ask her out for a coffee!
                So how did you sleep? I laughed so hard when I read your versions of the answering machine message. You have a great sense of homour!
                AF since 12 April 2010


                  venting here,apologies

                  gawd if i haven't read back & now wanna go out & find you all & friggin HUG you all to death.
                  you're alternating this cynical leathery individual between laughing & crying!

                  oh gyco that was funny when you left out the word 'you":H

                  thanks you guys i'm flabbergasted by your kindness.
                  i'm going to print out this thread & keep it with me.....gettin' all sooky now.....

                  :h you lot.


                    venting here,apologies

                    Morning tant didn't sleep too well as i tend to have very & slightly disturbing dreams!
                    But hey, i'm still going reasonably strong on the af front & have no doubts about today.
                    Didn't get my bloody bath last night either! Got busy cooking for men folk (we're shearing at the moment) but hey tonight husband away watching the footy so peace for beagle will reign....
                    ....& just pencilling a draft of my answering machine message today...:H:H

                    How's you?


                      venting here,apologies

                      Well, i'm going to vent.

                      Friend whom i lent $1,700 (given me $800, still owes 900, which never seems to come) to and whom still hasn't paid it back, invites me out to lunch today... Do you think I've heard from him? Yet again, it was all b/shit... yet, every time i go to "move on", he contacts me and tells me some lie...

                      I'm thinking of changing my number, i'm really starting to HATE him. How dare he...
                      One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                        venting here,apologies

                        oi change give me the pr**k's phone number & i'll do a number on 'im!
                        seriously, what a doofus. can you write/email to him really explaining that the money is in dire need of being paid back? & as for the lunch...pffft.
                        we just don't need people like that in our lives, do we?
                        do they think that just because we have a problem with booze that it makes us stoo-pid also? when in actual fact, ( & i like the reasoning behind this!) if al destroys brain cells, & a law of nature is that only the strong survive, then arguably all of our weak brain cells are destroyed so we only have strong ones left! :H:H:H it was a funny email at the time anyways.
                        vent away anyone, just let off ya steam.


                          venting here,apologies

                          Zenstyle;945763 wrote: He invited you out to lunch, then didn't call to say he couldn't make it? Plus he still owes you money? Well... I'd be really disappointed in a person that did that. Sorry Change... that sucks...

                          Thanks Zen, i think it does too. I've just about had enough of this individual...

                          I've actually decided that i am almost at the stage where i am going to write him a curt letter, demanding the money. I don't think i even want him as a 'friend' anymore. Every time he feels me pull away, he gets on the phone or emails.

                          Beagle, he drinks more than i ever could. For that i have to feel sorry for him. His life is in tatters.

                          I bet he could afford to go out last night, but to ring me, or message me yesterday like he said he would is obviously too hard.

                          Meh, just about over the 'hurt' feelings and back to my old nonchalant self
                          One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                            venting here,apologies

                            Sweet beagle...
                            just reading this thread since we visited in chat...
                   are an amazing, strong woman.....shearing, chopping wood..i have visions of Laura Croft, Tomb Raider, but in outback gear...
                            I ditto what everyone else has said, but mostly I want to offer a hand of friendship....
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem

