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From one addiction to another...

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    From one addiction to another...

    *Sigh*, from one addiction to another. Now, i'm on chocolate biscuits. Have eaten nearly 1.5 packets, have put on about 1/2 stone :eeks:

    Am going to have to go cold turkey from those too :egad:

    Anyone else had this problem?

    Am seriously contemplating a 10 day cleansing diet, anyone wanna join me?
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

    From one addiction to another...

    You are used to getting your calories from simple sugars hence the biscuits. Trying swopping to fruit, you'll get your easy to absorb calories without excess.
    You could also try L-Glut to reduce the sugar cravings.
    Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


      From one addiction to another...

      goingsobermum;944089 wrote: You are used to getting your calories from simple sugars hence the biscuits. Trying swopping to fruit, you'll get your easy to absorb calories without excess.
      You could also try L-Glut to reduce the sugar cravings.
      Aww, thanks s'mum! I'm just so addicted to them. Grr, gonna have to go through the headaches
      One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


        From one addiction to another...

        When I gave up the booze I was very aware of my body craving sugar and was detemnined not to go down that route so I started eating peanuts instead. Now I have a serious peanut problem :H I eat ridiculous amounts of them every night! Like the booze I keep saying to myself "right none tonight" but I always cave in.. Here is someone who has given up cigarettes and booze but cant quit the peanuts!!! AArrrhhh
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          From one addiction to another...

          peanuts chilli! i bloody love peanut butter - eat it by the spoonful.

          now change, if you're going to detox please DO NOT buy "Colon Cleanse" (comes with booklet). This Draino substitute is pure on magnesium oxide & when i got it i thought, hey i'm tough, i'll give meself a bit extra.
          well i was shitting thru the eye of a needle a t 50 paces within an hour.
          lovey, couldn't sit down for 3 days.

          now i'm taking "Cleanse-U" a herbal liquid which altho looks & smells like Draino, is seemingly gentler on the system.
          As for sweet things, we don't have much in the house!


            From one addiction to another...

            Chillgirl;944098 wrote: When I gave up the booze I was very aware of my body craving sugar and was detemnined not to go down that route so I started eating peanuts instead. Now I have a serious peanut problem :H I eat ridiculous amounts of them every night! Like the booze I keep saying to myself "right none tonight" but I always cave in.. Here is someone who has given up cigarettes and booze but cant quit the peanuts!!! AArrrhhh
            Chillgirl, LOllllll!

            Beagle, i've tried colon cleanse. Went out djing one night, had 5 hours between shifts, felt like going during my first shift, but decided to 'hold on' till after my second shift. Lucky i did, cos when i got home, it was an absolute ka ka bomb, didn't know where all the stuff came from :H. Felt great after being on it for about 5 days, but apparently it's not healthy to stay on it for too long, depletes certain 'good' bacteria if you know what i mean.

            I've decided i am going to make some recipes from The Liver Cleansing Diet cooking section. There are some nice things such as banana cake and carrot cake. Have an issue with 'whole wheat flour', but will substitute for almond meal or gluten free flour :thumbs:
            One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


              From one addiction to another...

              I HAVE THAT BOOK & am using it for my dinner tonight....well bugger me!
              it is quite handy for some nice recipes though - the prawn fried rice one is really nice.
              the banana mousse is surprisingly tasty.
              haven't done the carrot cake thingo. got my personal chef Sara lee for that one!
              but as i'm not really a sweet tooth i can take or leave sweets.
              but straight out dairy milk choccy from cadbury....i'm a goner.


                From one addiction to another...

      [/video]]YouTube - Cadburys Whole Nut

                substitute hazelnuts for peanuts
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  From one addiction to another...

                  you've made me go weak at the knees Ktab.....
                  that's it, drooling now.
                  you know, i can do nearly a whole block in one sitting i reckon.


                    From one addiction to another...

                    addictive personalities

                    Change;944083 wrote: *Sigh*, from one addiction to another. Now, i'm on chocolate biscuits. Have eaten nearly 1.5 packets, have put on about 1/2 stone :eeks:

                    Am going to have to go cold turkey from those too :egad:

                    Anyone else had this problem?

                    Am seriously contemplating a 10 day cleansing diet, anyone wanna join me?
                    hi change,interestin thread,you hav an addictive personality,i found everything i do is like that,moderation was not in my vocabularity till seeing a physiotherapist for my recent neck surgery,its called a posterior cervical spinal decompression,when talking to him he said now i have to lern how to do things,all things moderately,his conversation helped me reallise i had to lern how to minimise everything i do,reteach the brain how to lern how to moderate,something i never got tot,make sense, i do wish you well gyco:goodjob::thanks:


                      From one addiction to another...

                      for got to say if you put your mind to it it does work good luck again gyco


                        From one addiction to another...

                        beagle;944225 wrote: you've made me go weak at the knees Ktab.....
                        :happy: I've never had that effect on a lady before :winkmonkey:......reckon you're only after me choccy though.....
                        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                          From one addiction to another...

                          you've seen right through me.....:naked:


                            From one addiction to another...

                            Well it is 70% cocoa :tonguemonkey:
                            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                              From one addiction to another...

                              i put on weight when i cut out the booze. i was eating crisps by the bucket load. i was just substituting one thing for another, but for me stopping the booze definately had to be number 1 priority. now that i am mostly sober i can address the eating, and the weight is starting to come down again. just be gentle with yourself, things will work out
                              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                              Keep passing the open windows

