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Hey Everyone,,,it's been quite a while

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    Hey Everyone,,,it's been quite a while

    Hi Everyone,,,, I'm sure not everyone will remember me, but I am sure the "old timers" (not in reference to age) will. I have been hitting up this program on and off for about three years. I just wanted to tell you guys what I have been up to start.

    Well, I originally found this site because I thought there must be some program out there that would teach me to drink like a lady. The first two were always like that but then off to the races I would go. I was fortunate enough to not start drinking...and I mean at all until about ten years ago. I did not drink alcoholically for the first five years. When it struck, it all went pretty fast. I searched the internet on controlled drinking and came accross this site. I actively read the book, used the supplements and followed the instructions. I would be able to moderate for short periods of time but would always wind up drinking to much again. I tried Topamax (terrible side effects) and Naltrexone, aka the Sinclair Method. Truth of the matter was is that I did not want to give up drinking. I just wanted to drink normally. Well, no matter what I tried, that never happened. Even after long periods of abstinence, I would return to the drink with a more progressive vengance. I didn't want to go to AA since I lived in a small town and feared someone would find out and it would damage my legal career.

    Finally, in February, my Dad was diagnosed with a terminal disease. Within the same time frame, I left my law firm as the real estate market had diminished. I picked up again and drank a bottle of wine in about an hour and a half. After that was gone, I picked up some vanilla vodka. In all of my drinking career, I NEVER touched the hard stuff. I woke up with my head in a cloud and knew that I could not continue like this. I could not look back in regret and know that I didn't do the best I could for my Dad in what will be his final year. I knew I had to be there for my Mother and needed to on my "A" game for what was to come. I had to be able to get in my car ANYTIME of the day or night if needed. I knew what I finally had to do. SURRENDER. I took my sorry, hugover ass and marched it to a noon AA meeting in town. I was scared to death and tried to minimize my severity to anyone who talked to be (god forbid they thought there was an alcoholic in AA). I came to that meeting everyday and much to my surprise, nobody threw a party because I was there, nobody said I had to come back, nobody told me I had to stop drinking. They only suggested I do ninety meeting in ninety days and ask for a sponsor. Well, I did both. I am now on day 200 of sobriety and I continue to go to my meetings and am slowly working with my sponsor on steps. Now by no means am I cured. I am in recovery and it took me ten years to get here so I cannot expect to be pre-alcoholic state restored in a little over six months. I don't know why it works, but it does. I am no longer embarassed by it either. What would have been embarssing is suffering negative legal or moral consequences if I continued drinking.

    I also learned about the "phenomenom of craving" which I identified with immediately. It's that little thing that gets set off in our heads upon the first ingestion of alcohol. It is a medical condition of the liver and pancrease that does not process alcohol like a normal person. If you have a moment, google it and read about what it is that happens to "us" that makes us different. This is why alcoholism runs in families. It is not our fault but we have to recognize it and try to treat it.

    Hence, I am back sharing with you what has thus worked for me. I do just take it one twenty four hour period at a time and I have collected two hundred of them. I am there for my Dad and know that I don't get a chance to do this time with him over and am glad that I can be proud of daughter that he needs during this time. I am NOT a social drinker. I am an ALCOHOLIC and cannot drink SAFELY. Therefore, I will never be able to return to a moderator or social drinker again. It is what it is. I can't change it, only how I react to it.

    I hope this helps someone, somewhere. As part of my program, I am passing on my personal experience to others hoping that maybe another person, in the same situation can know there is hope.

    Today, I am happy again!
    AF since 2/4/10
    Nicotine free since 3/31/10

    Hey Everyone,,,it's been quite a while

    Hi Shiraz girl!! Great to hear how fantastic you are doing!!


      Hey Everyone,,,it's been quite a while

      Hi Shiraz
      Thank you so much for posting this
      It helped me a lot today.. especially the phenomenon of craving, I did'nt realise that is why I can't just have one or two drinks...
      Take Care


        Hey Everyone,,,it's been quite a while

        Hi sg! It's great to hear from u again and so glad u r doing well. My mum also has terminal cancer and the only way to deal with it is sober.
        Good luck and lots of hugs to u
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Hey Everyone,,,it's been quite a while

          Hi shirazgirl welcome back and well done on your 2oo days, sorry about your Father.hope you stick around ,

          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


            Hey Everyone,,,it's been quite a while

            I do remember you~

            I appreciate your thoughts and inspiration. I still struggle and am in the madness of what transpires after just a drop of this insanity once it goes into my blood stream.

            I pray to reach the place you are at present and am determined.

            Beginning a new job and once the income add's up I hope to reach out more for whatever it means.
            I spend my pennies and nickles on the vile liquid and it discusts me while I intake.

            I don't want to end my life in this way.


            " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


              Hey Everyone,,,it's been quite a while

              Hi Shirazgirl

              Welcome back and major respect to you for finding such inner strength at such a tough time in your life. Sending cyber to you.

              And to you too StartingOver - I'm sorry I didn't realise your mum was ill as well.

              Love Mrs D
              AF since Sunday 27th June 2010
              One Day At A Time

              Trying to be the best mother, daughter and friend that I can be.


                Hey Everyone,,,it's been quite a while

                Shirazgirl, so wonderful to see you. Thank you for sharing your inspirational post. I am very sorry to hear about your Dad's illness. It's so wonderful that you are fully present to support him and your Mom.

                I had the fabulous opportunity in July to attend the 75 Year Anniversary AA conference in San Antonio. One of the first speakers I heard told his story that began with fun drinking, then went to homeless / hopeless drinking. Then recovery and college and back to a functional life. It wasn't until the very end of his story that he mentioned he is a sitting judge as well as an active AAer. He said the only thing that changed for him in terms of his AA activities when he went from lawyer to judge is that he had to stop his direct involvement in prison outreach. (conflict of interest) So you just never know where life is going to lead....... That was a powerful story for me speaking to our "fears" of being "discovered." I am not as fearful of that any more.

                So good to hear from you and congratulations on 200 consecutive sober days! Wish I could be there for your 1 year coin.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  Hey Everyone,,,it's been quite a while

                  Hi Shirazgirl,

                  I was wondering about you and how you were doing. I used to post under the name Tulipe, if you remember me.

                  Congratulations on your 200 days. I think you have your priorities right - better to live with your awareness and contorl of your addiction than to lose all face professionally and personally because of it.

                  I wish you the best and thank you for sharing. Your strength early on helped me to stay around and finally commit to an AF life.

                  AF since May 6, 2010

                  Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                    Hey Everyone,,,it's been quite a while

                    Thanks everyone. I will continue to add in my 2cents when I think it will be helpful. I try to be of service to others seeking freedom fromt his twisted disease....
                    AF since 2/4/10
                    Nicotine free since 3/31/10
                    FINALLY FREE

