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Life was too successful before become alcoholic !!

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    Life was too successful before become alcoholic !!

    Hi , friends,

    its Kota who was a very successful person 5 years back but now ruined very badly .
    Actually I started drinking at my early age when I finished my schooling .I got first position in the result of final exam .I was very talent.One of my friend's brother suggested to celebrate the night with gathering and having some fun with alcohol.To be honest, I was too slim at that time and wanted to gain some weight.He suggested this is the right way to gain your weight.. I started drinking with roasted meat every night.I used to drink before I appear my college level exam.Though I use alcohohol when I sat in exam I got third position in my country in graduate level .It encouraged me further and din't think any bad on this habit.Now I understand it was in initial phase so no big attack in my memory power.

    Gradually, I keep on drinking and now I drink until I lost my memory.Now I feel I am devasteted in all sector.

    1. My memory power went to almost zero.
    2.My family realtion went bad,my wife ignores me to sleep together !!
    3. I just work for living cost , as I used to earn a lot from my business before...I had all facilities servants, Car,beautiful wife,children,family,two three houses in different places and many more...
    4. Now I closed down my business ,left my coutry to live in abroad where I am feeling lonlyness and my drinking dose going very well. I am not afraid of society and from family members which made me more alcoholic.
    5. Frankly speaking I have lost my business , family,time,children who used to say me a drunkard,relationship,assets and friendship as well ...
    6. Now ,I swear not to drink tomorrow but tomorrow never came !!
    I know all of consequences of drinking as I am very well educated and social worker in communities.I had very strong hold in country's politics,education and social activities now everyting have gone down.

    7. I am proud of me that am educated having extra ordinary mind but my effotless behaviour making me a very unsuccessful person in the world.

    Actually, I want to revive to my previous life but in vain. Bogged down by my habit.Please be my friends and share your past how you became sober... I can be an assest of the society and country as well as I have had very sharp mind by birth...
    Seeking your help... am helpless no one is with me, all friends and family I lost badly ...
    If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.

    Life was too successful before become alcoholic !!

    :welcome: Kota
    Thank you for sharing your story with us, like many people here, alcohol has caused you much loss and heartache but wanting to do something about it is a huge step and Im so glad you found us. This site has a wealth of knowledge and experience on all issues relating to AL addiction and you only need to ask and people will help you.

    Check out where you will find great advice on quitting. The Newbies Nest is also a good place to go and introduce yourself.
    I wish you much strength in conquering the demon booze and finding the happiness beyond.
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      Life was too successful before become alcoholic !!

      hi there kota and welcome it great to see you posting .. you will find everything you need to find your way out keep reading and writing and posting any and all of your question and believe in yourself you can do this and rememeber you are not alone anymore we are all here for you
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        Life was too successful before become alcoholic !!

        I would also like to welcome you Kota. I found staying engaged here at MWO in the beginning really helped me. I wish you well. Read and ask questions and you'll soon be making many new friends!
        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


          Life was too successful before become alcoholic !!

          Dear senior members Cilllgirl,Techie,Tlgrs,

          I am too happy to get your response on my problems. What a humanities you all have ??
          I realize my major problem is that i feel myself so well known educated about the world and never listen my family members who are junior to me in education.Actually , I am looking for the people like you who have more depth knowledge in this matter and the meaning of life. Please find a wayout to elleminate my ego.... Too much thankful to this forum and you people.Just to let you know that I am a truly new member to this forum and would like to make many friends . Please help in my way out...
          If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


            Life was too successful before become alcoholic !!

            I know behaviors are learned and can unlearned !!
            If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


              Life was too successful before become alcoholic !!

              Kota, Welcome!
              I too lost a lot by drinking alcohol. I got divorced, almost lost my career. At one point my children asked my ex husband ("when does mom have TIME to drink?"). I lost their respect.
              I have everything back except the husband now! I also have humility and understanding and do not take my abstinence for granted.
              I went to a clinic in January and they prescribed Baclofen for me. I stopped the cravings so that my judgement not to drink could win over the compulsion to do so. You describe tomorrow never coming! How well I relate to that.
              Well my tomorrow finally came and it is TODAY!
              Good luck. there is a lot of wisdom on this website. Check it all out. I hope you find your way soon!


                Life was too successful before become alcoholic !!

                I am sorry to hear that you lost your husband ! As far I know all these relation are manmade so no worry .Try to live alone sharpen your body and mind so that you can fight to any problems.I am sure you have risen your self esteem as well which is most important in the life... Nobody make you inferior without your permission .. !! talk to you soon !
                Whenever I get an opportunity I used to tell do not taste alcohol at all cause many people say in initial phase ,I can give up the habit at my own anytime .Terrible that is happening in my life. God bless you .
                If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


                  Life was too successful before become alcoholic !!

                  kota, I sent you an e-mail, but glad to see you posting here, getting involved. That's how we start, to learn and get well. Welcome.
                  Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                  awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                    Life was too successful before become alcoholic !!

                    Hi Kota. Welcome.
                    What is your native country? To where did you move? I think moving to a different country is stressful in itself. You alcohol addiction is not insurmountable. Many here have conquered it.

                    Best of luck and God bless you in your struggles.
                    Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
                    That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
                    Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
                    Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


                      Life was too successful before become alcoholic !!

                      Hello Kota, Welcome to My Way Out
                      I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                        Life was too successful before become alcoholic !!

                        Hello Kota, Welcome to My Way Out.... I am new here also, about one month ago I found this site and it is just wonderful. I have been alcohol free now for 42 days and it is so liberating and I owe it all to reading and posting on here and becoming a part of a worldwide community of people just like you who want a better life. I look forward to getting to know you and supporting you along the way:welcome:
                        I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                          Life was too successful before become alcoholic !!


                          Me actually from asian country India.Living in the UK with family but they are ignoring me a lot.I can't satisfy them at all.I used to stay sober for a couple of days and get drunk when I get off days. Yesterday, I lost my control in a party though I sweared to be sober... Really a graet problem.Is anyone in London so that I can share my problems. Please help me , I really want to give up it at all....Kota
                          If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


                            Life was too successful before become alcoholic !!

                            Kota - if you are in London you will have lots of AA groups you can attend, you can find the times and locations on the internet. This might be a good way for you to get real face to face support as well as meeting other people who will understand. Do you have a good GP (doctor) you could speak to, he might be able to refer you to a addiction therapist.
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              Life was too successful before become alcoholic !!


                              Hi chillgirl !

                              Love to hear from you .Yea I know AA meeting date and time but do not have a willing power to give the time for that.Whenever I get free from Job starts drinking envisaging a glass of beer but get drunk of 10 pints at least depending the time I get.
                              I am physically sound now and not planning to see a doctor .Just I want to talk and share my pain like you people .You could be an inspiration and life guard for me .Please keep in touch and inspire me again and again .. if posiible please connect me to the one who became sober after a heavy drunkard !!!

                              Many thanks,
                              If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.

