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Underoos and Friends - September

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    Underoos and Friends - September

    Oh, what the hell... Tawny will forgive the public dispaly of acceftion this once...

    :l:l Indy :l:l
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Underoos and Friends - September

      Gotta stay strong for everyone, so Im just having a wee moment thats all..... Im just anxious about sleeping tonight, the aftershocks last night kept kids and I up and on edge.It makes me nervous what tonight will bring, they seem so much worse when your in bed at night. I wish I was in a position to get ways but unfortunately I cant leave at the moment. Thanks for your support.


        Underoos and Friends - September

        OK - if you can't get away, that's ok. Do you want to keep talking to us? Will that help? I know it's only just gone 5pm so you've got a long night ahead ...


          Underoos and Friends - September

          He he he hahaha thanks tigggss


            Underoos and Friends - September

            I will be okay, just meself all worked up, you know the old habit to help with the nerves is to have a drink, not so smart now tho, so nerves are worse, gotta keep busy.

            Maybe talk here for a bit if you can???


              Underoos and Friends - September

              tiptronic_ct;953301 wrote: ... Tawny will forgive the public dispaly of acceftion this once...
              But she will NEVER forgive crap spelling.


                Underoos and Friends - September

                Opps... sooooo sowwy
                I'll do whatever it takes
                AF 21/08/2009


                  Underoos and Friends - September

                  Sure thing Indi ... we're good at distractions ...


                    Underoos and Friends - September

                    Hi Indy, thinking of you and the kids and hoping that things get better really soon for you all. Cant possibly imagine how you must be feeling, it must be really tense with the waiting. Do you have other family or neighbours with you at the moment to lend some comfort and support? If you muster up the strength take some really deep breaths every so often to try and keep any panic or overwhelming stress down. Do you have the power on there, if so, maybe you could distract yourself by playing some calming or cheerful music......keep talking to us we are here for you
                    I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                      Underoos and Friends - September

                      Sorry...had to go get the boy...he's in such a cheeky smart arsed mood I wish I hadn't

                      Indi....have you made contact with the SES State Emergency Service or your equivalent ?
                      Just for reassurance, direction, and a contingency plan ?
                      Have you got family/friends in another part of the country to stay with ?
                      The aftershocks will happen, but you don't have to be there for them, surely.
                      By the way ANYONE's nerves would be shot to shit by now. Seriously, you are doing bloody well to hold up as well as you are.
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        Underoos and Friends - September

                        Thankyou, Yes Im lucky, I have power, but no water at the mo. I will have to go get dinner for kids and stuff soon so that keep me busy for a bit. I cant complain there are many worse off than me, I just wish I didnt have a drinking problem in times like this!!!

                        Thanks Missy B, thats very kind. I should go sort out dinners and stuff and hopefully a stodgy meal might help the cravings.....

                        Thankyou all very much, just gotta ride the craving wave and come down the other side, isnt that what they say!

                        Regards Indy


                          Underoos and Friends - September

                          Hi indy - I'm back too.

                          I've heard from other people about how the aftershocks are so incredibly unnerving. And some of them have been really big. It has had such a huge impact -- particularly given that Chch was the last place that any expected this to happen.

                          are you ok in terms of your accommodation?? How old are your kids??
                          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                          Harriet Beecher Stowe


                            Underoos and Friends - September

                            Indi - that craving wave is only a thought. Just a stupid thought. Take care


                              Underoos and Friends - September

                              No I don't get bored much, Froglet.
                              It's just when I DO, I get up to mischeif. Kind of naughty and sneeky.
                              One time I tried to shave under my eyebrows (to save time, you understand), but I slipped and took one brow off and almost enucleated my eye.
                              Another time I rang my ex boyfriend, and got his new GF instead. We got on well as it happened. He was the only one who wasn't impressed. I know this because he told me so. In no uncertain terms.
                              And this is all WITHOUT alcohol.
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                                Underoos and Friends - September

                                Its all been very well organised in regards to all that stuff, and for the most part all is well apart from the after shock things. Everything up and running that can be, no complaints there, have all the friendsfamily support but have been hiding the drinking a bit around them and just dont want to talk to them about drinking stuff

