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Underoos and Friends - September

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    Underoos and Friends - September

    Got it Techie, safe journey.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      Underoos and Friends - September

      thx k
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        Underoos and Friends - September

        byebyebridgetjones;964967 wrote: What can you do all day that's useful and doesn't require any bending ?
        Lie on the couch and practise your luge manouvres.


          Underoos and Friends - September

          Geez Techie - they DO free range, they just don't plop enough. Safe travels. Looking forward to NY pigeons on gargoyle pics.


            Underoos and Friends - September

            Peeky Boo Techie.
            Well I have trimmed the garden at eye level only.Most peculiar it looks. And now I am going to do the roots on my naturally blonde hair with brown roots.
            Just booked a day of work tomorry, and then two weeks worth.
            I hope they don't want me to bend over for any reason.

            Well come on Ktab. Who was the bloody quote from ?
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              Underoos and Friends - September

              tawnyfrog;964954 wrote: oscar wilde
              I thought it was oscar too .... but if not him then it must be Mark Twain??
              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                Underoos and Friends - September

                byebyebridgetjones;964967 wrote: What can you do all day that's useful and doesn't require any bending ?
                Conduct an interview with a complete twat. Best thing about it was I got lots of quotes to demonstrate how short sighted NZ managers are .........
                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                Harriet Beecher Stowe


                  Underoos and Friends - September

                  Miss Behaving;965011 wrote: Conduct an interview with a complete twat. Best thing about it was I got lots of quotes to demonstrate how short sighted NZ managers are .........
                  I have some contact names for you.
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    Underoos and Friends - September

                    byebyebridgetjones;965012 wrote: I have some contact names for you.
                    your back still sore Bridge?
                    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                    Harriet Beecher Stowe


                      Underoos and Friends - September

                      Miss Behaving;965009 wrote: ... it must be Mark Twain??
                      I think you're right, Missy. Wasn't if after he returned from Oz?

                      Bridge - how about you work on your first issue of the Chook Chronicles, to be published tomorrow? Many, many people are interested, you know.


                        Underoos and Friends - September

                        tawnyfrog;965031 wrote:

                        Bridge - how about you work on your first issue of the Chook Chronicles, to be published tomorrow? Many, many people are interested, you know.
                        I reckon Tawny just wants to know whether Athena beat the 97g record :H:H:H Not that we are competitive or anything ....... :H:H

                        And btw Bridge - did you settle on a name for the other chook?
                        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                        Harriet Beecher Stowe


                          Underoos and Friends - September

                          It is Missy.
                          Pee's me off a bit really.
                          Imagine if you had chronic severe pain, back or otherwise. How perfectly horrible.
                          Ah yes. The chooky chronicles. I wonder if the ladies would like some highlights ?
                          Must get batteries for camera.
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            Underoos and Friends - September

                            Miss Behaving;965035 wrote: I reckon Tawny just wants to know whether Athena beat the 97g record :H:H:H Not that we are competitive or anything ....... :H:H

                            And btw Bridge - did you settle on a name for the other chook?
                            No I haven't yet Missy. Mebbe Gaia or Demeter.
                            Haven't even picked these poor ladies up yet:H

                            Mercedes is a good regular layer at about 65 gm av.
                            Schapelle has been round the block a couple of times. I can't see her coming out of retirement.
                            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                            Rejoined life 20/5/19


                              Underoos and Friends - September

                              Sapph had some good advice on the hot and cold packs. I have one of those blue gel things that I keep in the freezer at work ...... have to say that when I do it every day (as opposed to just when I remember!!) it does make a difference.
                              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                                Underoos and Friends - September

                                byebyebridgetjones;965038 wrote:
                                Schapelle has been round the block a couple of times. I can't see her coming out of retirement.
                                schapelle probably has quite a lot to think about!! :H:H
                                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                                Harriet Beecher Stowe

