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Trying the Tapering route

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    Trying the Tapering route

    Hi All,

    Just to give you a background, I am a chronic alcoholic with advese drinking patterns. My usual consumption is generally 6 doubles of hard liqour everyday. For the last one month it has gone beyond that and i have resorted to morning jumpstarter just to get me out of bed. I faced a shock today when i vomited in the morning with traces of blood and decided that i need to get out of the bottle. I stay in an islamic country where drinking is frowned upon and you dont get even simple anxiety disorder drugs like Valium. I have decided to take the tapering off route wherein i can cut down gradually.
    Just like my usual day i went to my regular pub and decided to stick to lagers and that too only 2 pints. But i guess alcohol makes you reckless i ended up having 4 in 4 hours. But thats not the issue as i have made up my mind now to cut it to 3 for next 2 days and 2 for a couple of days before calling it quits. Despite of 4 pints i am not getting sleep and facing a racey heart. I have decided to take refuge in this site/forum and share my journey to soberiety as i am sure that will keep me motivated.

    Wish me Luck,


    Trying the Tapering route

    Hello Vynan and welcome. You have come to a good place here. I am concerned for you that you vomited blood. Is there a doctor you can see there? I understand that alcohol is frowned upon where you are but I'm sure you can find a doctor you may be able to confide in. I wish you all the best and hope that you take care of yourself and stick close to this site. John
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      Trying the Tapering route


      Thanks John,

      Looking forward for all the support



        Trying the Tapering route


        As stated, I want to be honest in this forum as i want to use it for motivation to acheive my soberiety. An update, In the process of tapering off, the 4 pints of lager did not do the trick and i sweating like shit and no sleep. I have some important work to take care of so had to resort to a shot of Glenmorangie- Quinta Ruban to calm myself.



          Trying the Tapering route

          Hi Vynan,

          Im pulling for you on your new journey to sobriety. This is a really good place with many many wonderful supportive people who really want to help you in whatever ways you need.

          Im really wishing you the best as you get through these early days. As many of the people on this site will tell you, sobriety is really worth all the battles to get there. I know you will be much happier in your life without the booze dragging you down.

          Hope to hear how your doing soon!


            Trying the Tapering route

            Hi've come to the right place. Watch the video "Rain In My Heart" videos on the motivator I've ever seen!!! Best wishes and I look forward to following your progress as you journey toward sobriety. Hugs.
            :h Mish :h
            Never give up...
            GET UP!!!

            AF since 25th November, 2011

            What might have been is an abstraction
            Remaining a perpetual possibility
            Only in a world of speculation.
            What might have been and what has been
            Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


              Trying the Tapering route

              Vynan - hang tough, friend. What you are attempting is not easy, but it CAN be done. I see you found 42Cat's taper thread. Here's some more information you might want: How To Taper Off Alcohol

              This is NOT medical advise! Just suggestions for you to consider. Maybe you could take a couple of days off work, or use a weekend to do your beer taper.

              Glad you're here. Keep reading and keep posting. You've made the right choice even though your mind might try to convince you otherwise! I couldn't even make a guess about what kind of resources you might have around you - but others have been successful tapering on their own. You can be, too!
              "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                Trying the Tapering route

                Day 2

                Last nights sleep was completely irregular and one shot of glenmorangie did help but at the cost of feeling guilty. Though it was not enough, it did give some comfort. I guess thats how you taper off. I woke up late today but feeling a little more freseher than over the last few months, reminds me of my soberity days..but no where close to absolute soberity. Plans for today- I am gonna stick to a a healthy nutrition, green teas, multivits and liver health pills. For the tapering- Beers in the evening again- May be only 3 pints today.
                I am on my way to AF life and i can feel it as thats the first thought which hit my head when i woke up



                  Trying the Tapering route

                  Hi Carl,

                  Phew! That's some tough love you've got going on the kiddies there. Glad you saw sense and got the kid's off the grog before it became too much of an issue. My main concern's here however, would be with withdrawal, nutrition, and basic human right's.

                  Best wishes. G.

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Trying the Tapering route

                    Best wishes to you Vynan. Stay safe, and be careful.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Trying the Tapering route

                      Hi Vynan
                      I am really wishing you well here. I totally understand the difficulty in terms of a lack of awareness or support for alcohol problems because I am also in an Islamic country... like you there is no infrastructure for our type of problems.. I have found this website invaluable in terms of support and non- judgement from everyone I have encountered. I found when drinking here, the sweating unbearable because here it is already extremely hot, really felt so much better when I stopped
                      Good on you, keep going
                      Take Care


                        Trying the Tapering route

                        hi vynan,interesting way to get off Al,it is doable,ive stopped with help of hospital stays,for months and years,ive stopped with help from here and other addiction sites,ivve stopped because of my mental state and where it was leading me,was eventually gonna kill me,i guess for me and im trying to give you aalternatives to where my drinking took me,now this isnt about me,but you,obviously in the country your in the rts of people are different,i found treatment for 31 days helped me,maybe thats why that lady from india was in the place i was at,she couldnt get help in her own country,i think id stick with your plan and taper it down on the booze,or find a treatment center in another country take a leive of absence,i thot id add,toatal sobriety has its ups and downs,so has modding,i thot id be honest like you as of now ive lerned how moderate in everything i do,even a drink or 2 is better then nothing at all,i do so wish you well gyco


                          Trying the Tapering route

                          Day 2 Evening update


                          profuse sweating under control though sweating mildly. Got some half sleep for 3 hours, appetite slightly improvred from zero levels. Racey Heart slightly eased. Pulse normal at 98. I think i will not get too excited about this and go zero on alcohol and continue with my taper off plan and have 3 pints of lager in the night.

                          Thanks for all the support



                            Trying the Tapering route

                            Hi All,

                            Went out last night again and followed the same ritual like yesterday. I ahve some important stuff today so really did not want to play with heavy withdrawals as everyone here pointed out in tapering the problem elevates from day 2/3 onwards. Had 4 lagers and this time that was enough to calme out. no shakieness, sweatiness or racey heart. Though no sleep.
                            Intersting observation- in alcohol withdrawal the little sleep you get is very dreamy and feels like you are half awake...strange feeling.
                            Its a weekend night for me tonight(UAE Fri-Sat) and I am gonna bite the bullet and cut down one more tonight



                              Trying the Tapering route

                              Day 3

                              Continued with the same ritual with marginal reduction in Alcohol. Slept nicely no sweating, shakiness or heartbeats. Today being a weekend havong huge cravings.....


