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am I addicted alcoholic or over drunkard?

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    am I addicted alcoholic or over drunkard?

    My friends,
    I usually drink whenever I get a bit of time from my work.its been almost 25 years. Initial 10 years it was of the 15 years almost 300 days in a year. 8-10 hours office work and 2 hours for drinking. I usually take snacks whilst drinking.
    Body,s response whenever staying al free. body doesnot react anything when I remain al free for couple of days.
    ..I have good stamina and plenty of energy.sexually also active. No shaking at all.
    ...the only thing, I can not remain al free when I am on off works.
    ... but defintely I have lost memory power.
    .. when I got drunk I do heavy and lost memory control more often these days but I can manage walking to home and travel. No vomotting whatever I consumed alcohol.
    please suggest if I need medication when I decided to withdraw alcohol at all.
    Your experience would be highly appreciated.

    Good luck for all of you!!!!
    If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.

    am I addicted alcoholic or over drunkard?

    Hi Kota,
    If you can manage to be alcohol free on some days and don't experience any shaking, then I doubt you are going to have dangerous withdrawal symptoms. It sounds like the cravings would be the worst thing for you and maybe a bit of irritability and not knowing what to do with yourself. Mentaly rather than physically if you see what I mean.

    I guess it would be a good idea to make a list of things to distract you when you aren't working. Are there things you like to do other than drinking? Do you like reading, writing, walking, cooking, playing games, sports etc?

    Also there are supplements you can take to lessen alcohol cravings - Kudzu is one you can get from a health store, or your GP could prescribe you Campral, which is also supposed to be good. Others on here will be able to tell you more about supplements than I can - lots of people find them useful.

    K x
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      am I addicted alcoholic or over drunkard?

      Hello Kota, How much do you drink and what do you drink? If you are drinking for 300 days in a year I would say that depending on how much per day, then you drinking to excess. The safe drinking level for a man in Australia is 4 units per days, which is 4 standard beers. They also recommend at least two days per week alcohol free. Withdrawal symptoms can take anywhere from 4 to 30 hours after the last drink to show up depending on the individual. Have you got a doctor or a medical person that you can talk to about some medication to take to help you if you do get withdrawal symptoms?
      I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


        am I addicted alcoholic or over drunkard?

        Hi kota. It sounds like you wont experience the shakes etc. I suffered from irregular sleep patterns and mild headaches initially ( and a craving for sweet stuff) but thats about it.
        Be strong-
        We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
        Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


          am I addicted alcoholic or over drunkard?

          thanks all.

          Kim,sap and rebirth,
          Thank you all for your interest and suggestion about my problem. Sap,I usually drink thrice than the recomended limit that's why am worrying. Othewise,I have still good health ,no shaking,good digestion, nice blood pressure, control of suger, no physical problem on withdrawal for a couple of days regardless the hour. One problem is that I lost my control on general behaviour when I got drunk. Once get drunk I eat a lot so m getting fatter day by day and loosing memory power. Apart from that deteriorating health, relationship to family and friends. Ineffective jon performance so possibily of loosing of job can,t be denied.
          If I loose my current job there's less chance to find another. ..that's why I must n very must stop my drinking.
          Rebirth congratulation for being sober for a long
          ..could you share how you achieve that? Is that medication or support from special one,exercise, meditation, love n motivation from anyone you still have temptation to have drinks

          Love to hear from all of you

          If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


            am I addicted alcoholic or over drunkard?

            Hi Kota, I have been Alcohol free now for 45 days. I am taking Topamax that I get from my doctor in Australia. It helps to stop the craving to drink. There is a lot of information about it on this site and a lot of people on here have had a lot of success using this medication to get off alcohol. If you cant get it from your doctor where you are, you can order it online from the pharmacy that advertises through MWO. I have found Topamax to be a lifesaver and apart from a few very mild side effects such as tingling in the hands and slight tiredness, very easy to take. It worked straight away for me and also at a very low dose 50mg. YOu can take up to 300mg quite safely. Have a look at the information about it Kota, it might be an option for you. How are you going at the moment? i am wishing you well, you can do this and it will be worth it. Life is so much better when it is not controlled by alcohol.
            I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


              am I addicted alcoholic or over drunkard?

              How friendly and social are you sapphire !!!
              Actually I am healty physically but poor by pshycologically fear of to be an addictive so would like to give up it at all.I am now heavy drunker. Based in London but migrated from Asia. Have you got any information that taking topamax is also addictive or not? Can get it without prescription of a doctor online.?many thanks. .
              If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


                am I addicted alcoholic or over drunkard?

                kota would you not try the 30 day abstinence plan, and when your mind & body is more clearer decide what you want to do,As you keep drinking your body & mind will deteriorate more,we can only take so much punishment, check out the monthly abstinence thread were there is a tool box that will help, goodluck

                :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                  am I addicted alcoholic or over drunkard?

                  Thanks a lot Mario for your information. Could you suggest what happens if I started topa..for couple of weeks to stop this medicine also an addictive? If not how can I buy without the prescription of a doctor?
                  Have a good moment ahead! !!
                  If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


                    am I addicted alcoholic or over drunkard?

                    Giving is living. ..
                    If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


                      am I addicted alcoholic or over drunkard?

                      Topamax is not addictive is not addictive KOta, I get it prescribed for me from my doctor in Australia, or you can order it from the online pharmacy on this site. If you click of the Health Store at the top of the Home page it will tell you how to go about it. It is the medication that Roberta Jewell, who first started the MWO site used to help her with her alcohol addiction. I hope you are doing well Kota. Keep trying. Sapphire
                      I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs

