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Deeply concerned about husband

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    Deeply concerned about husband

    Today I am writing out of deep concern for my husband. He has been a functional alcoholic for many years, as have I. Over the last year he has developed major digestive issues finally diagnosed as IBS.. very painful and life altering. Many different meds have been tried, but all didn't work or had side effects. Maybe they didn't work well or had side effects because he always drank with them even though he wasn't supposed to. I am not sure.

    His gastro dr decided his IBS was anxiety driven, so prescribed Lexapro. It has helped many with IBS. Anti-depressants and alcohol do not mix, but DH has been drinking anyway. The alcohol is probably interfering with the Lexapro so that it isn't working as it should. And it certainly has made DH totally dysfunctional. As a matter of fact he is now drinking all day to help the pain. He rarely leaves the house. As of today, he hasn't showered in over a week. I finally seeked professional counseling yesterday and know I need to do tough love.

    DH is agreeing to quit drinking to try to improve his life. So I guess I am looking for those who are on antidepressants and have quit alcohol or are trying to. Also, IBS, does anyone have experience with this painful condition?

    I am thinking of investing in the products shown on MY Way Out. Anyone have an opinion on that or other ways to quit with the least agony!

    Thanks a million to all of you and I wish you good health!
    "We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
    ~John Lennon

    Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.

    ~Author Unknown

    Deeply concerned about husband

    :welcome: Dipgal!

    I have had IBS for most of my life, since I was 4, and now I am 49. I have been hospitalized for it several times, and this was even before I drank, and I have some advice for you in the hopes I might help you and comfort you and your husband in any way possible.

    1. Alcohol is the worst possible thing you can consume when you have IBS because it irritates the GI system like no other irritant. IBS is made way, way worse by things like milk, ice cream, etc. Also, avoid foods like: nuts, corn, seeds (tomato, raspberry), skins from apples and potatoes.

    2. Way before I drank, I took Lexapro and it gave me the most ungodly diarrhea I've ever had in my life. I lasted on Lexapro only 3 weeks.

    3. Try these helpful supplements, found at any health food store or on-line: Acidopholus (sp?) and L-Glutamine. I take both, and they are lifesavers.

    4. Regarding your husband's lack of bathing: a sign of depression. My best friend's father was a "functioning" alcoholic as well. Went to work in an office every day and wouldn't shower for weeks at a time.

    Positive notes: I moderated my drinking and went AF. My IBS has not been an issue in several months. Now, when I am bothered by a GI problem, it's most likely due to something I shouldn't have eaten (corn on the cob-a favorite of mine).

    PM me if I can help you in any way and I wish both of you luck in this journey.



      Deeply concerned about husband


      It's true that alcohol irritates the stomach. But don't be too quick to accept a diagnosis that this is psychological. Go to a GI specialist. They know a lot more than primary care doctors and there might be options. For example, for some types antibiotics work. Also if he has abdominal pain, the doctor can rule out physical conditinos that might be linked to his alcohol use.


        Deeply concerned about husband

        So sorry to hear that DG. I hope all is better soon. When I was drinking all day long, I didn't shower for a week or longer at a time either. It disgusts me now that I'm better, but that's the nature of the beast, and in my humble opinion it may be due to nothing more than the continual drinking. Of course drink's a depressant, but you wouldn't know the extent of true depression until after a period of sobriety, or at least drinking much less.

        If I'd had someone to help me wash I could have done, but it takes a very understanding (and capable) person indeed to wash someone who's wasted.

        All my thoughts are with you both, very hopefully things will be onwards (and upwards) fom here
        I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


          Deeply concerned about husband

          There was an article in the Journal of Psychiatry in April of 2010 which showed the the patients who were both alcohol dependent and depressed did best when treated medically for both conditions. In the study I think they used sertrilline and naltrexone. The combination did better than either alone and of course better than placebo.
          I suggest you get your DH to an MD who specializes in medical treatment of alcohol dependence and review the options.
          Also remember that suddenly stopping drinking if he has been drinking a lot for a long time may require medical treatment. Read the thread on meds as well. Very informative.
          Good Luck to you and husband. We have all either been there or were on our way. He needs an advocate right now and it looks as tho it is you. Also remember that one of the favorable determinants of success here is a supportive life partner. Again this sounds like you.
          All the best

