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Fighting Cravings

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    Fighting Cravings

    I'm fighting cravings tonight after a blow up with my husband. I guess I want to numb myself and pass out. I am feeling the impulses like waves coming and going. They are not as strong now. I am not going to act on them. I can't just throw away 24 days of sobriety. I need to learn to deal with things without alcohol which makes things worse. Its also a holiday weekend and my first in years that I'm not drinking. It's Friday night and I am sitting here alone again. The truth is that alcohol will not cure any of my problems, only cause me more. As bad as I am feeling now, I will feel worse if I wake up tomorrow morning having drunk alcohol. I have to hold out.

    Fighting Cravings

    XWino, you know the truth - it's all right there in your post. Good job for wading through the emotions and realizing that AL simply makes everything worse and never better.

    I'm sorry you had a fight with your husband. I used to drink over that situation too as I'm sure you used to do. What I'm realizing is that having disagreements is part of any marriage. Most people can handle without drinking. I can learn to do that too.

    My husband and I fight FAR less now that I have been sober awhile to work on better communication with him. I hope that eventually your relationship improves now that you are sober to be able to work on it rather than just react (badly) with AL to whatever happens.

    You can do this. If I can, I know you can too.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Fighting Cravings

      I am right there with you wino
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Fighting Cravings

        You know I have talked with people who have 20+ years of sobriety under their belt & they still have days when they feel like going out! But they say if you just get through that one day, 9 out of 10 times you probably won't pick up!(hence the one day at a time). Do whatever it takes-yell,scream,eat,laugh,shop,call someone,etc... your sobriety means the most!

