Looking for advice. I am 40yrs of age, father of 3, work fulltime as an engineer. As is the case with many drinkers, I started with partying at 16 yrs old, through highschool, then even more in University, Always as weekend fun. Since my working career started, I kept to the weekend drinking, mostly beer, sometimes wine. I have missed the occasional work day, maybe twice in a year due to hangovers. Two years ago I went through a depression, burn-out, whatever label we want to use. I was not at work for 4 months, but then gradually returned. During that period, I was serious about getting better, so started taking anti-depressant, and quit drinking. As I got better, returned to work, am back to my old routine.
What scares me now, is I always seem to find reasons to drink on the weekends, and usually it is 12 beer or so in a sitting. During summer holidays, almost everyday. All my friends drink together, whether watching sports, camping, hanging out at the cottage, it seems the Al is incorporated into everything around me. I recently started attempting to drink moderately, but as soon as i get Al in the blood, that idea goes out the window, it's like all or nothing. The idea of having to have beer with me to have fun has been intrenched so deep in my psyche that I can't even imagine not having any at social events.
Anyway, my failure to go moderately this summer scares me a little, and I am concerned about the long term effects of binge drinking. I read stuff about the meds on this site, does anyone feel that these would help me or do i need a shrink? Don't know how to get over it.