yep two more days.. well one and three quarters...
but who's counting.....:H:H:H
yep he's off out today to spend the day at the centre with a little girl who was with him the last year..
seems strange, but we went there last week to pick some papers and stuff up & he wanted to stay & play with they all made a fuss over him..
well I don't mind and can uunderstand I supose coz she was like his little sister for the last year..
they were like a little married couple hated eachother but loved eachother...
got a little packet of presents for her all wrapped up in pretty pink paper..had instructions I HAD to wrap it pretty..
so anyway at least I get peace for half the day to chase around getting the last of my papers stamped and handed in...
got to take Ollie's & mine official docs to nacional police to have the copies stamped and the to tax office etc,etc..
would be impossible draging olie around each one on the bus...
I would've come back bits..!!!