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Quitting Smoking

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    Quitting Smoking

    You know..... I just don't understand why I would even tempt fate with smoking. My father is dying of cancer and here I am binge smoking. Seriously binging!

    I am soooooo disgusted with myself. I really, really, really need to quit. Like now!

    I have one left in my pack and I plan on smoking it down to the filter. But, I really don't want to buy anymore! It is soooo time to quit. My lungs are all congested. The stress of my dad dying; I am smoking too much!

    Anyone want to join me?

    For those of you who have quit, any suggestions would be appreciated!!

    I know oney, you quit going cold turkey. Please share your experience with that. How did you muster the courage????

    Quitting Smoking

    8 minutes left until I quit. I seriously want to do this. This being the last feckin' time.

    I'm gonna go and smoke my last smoke now.

    Oney, I was reading your thread you started. Good info in there.

    Ok, I am off to puff. Then that is IT!


      Quitting Smoking

      Awwhh Good for you AFM..

      I had just had ENOUGH..I wanted to quit more than anything and I was sick of failing so I promised myself I would NOT feil this time.
      The first week was tough (ish) but I got thru it.

      Fallen Angel posted a free online course for quitting on my thread, check it out, it is very good.

      You have the perfect reason to quit hon.....and whats more, you can do it!!
      You are not giving anything nice up, just a filthy habit.

      I feel better, I look better, my skin is better, my hair and my breath don't stink, the kids are proud of me, I am proud of me.

      And I wil be proud of you too.

      Post here EVERY day without fail, that really helped me in the early days, made me accountable and I loved seeing the days rack up, oh and also put your days in your signature,,,,that helped me too.

      Here if you need me and well done on making the decision!
      "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

      AF 10th May 2010
      NF 12th May 2010


        Quitting Smoking

        Really good book - Alan carr on the Easy Way to Stop smoking - and it really is - I stopped with it. Oney - where is your thread on smoking? Just curious?

        sun xx
        How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


          Quitting Smoking

          How are you doing AFM?

          Here ya go Sun

          "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

          AF 10th May 2010
          NF 12th May 2010


            Quitting Smoking

            Thanks oney - I ended up last night scrolling through pages....and pages....and pages!! I quit in january - both AL and smoking, then broke my foot end of July - was home and bored - and yes, you have guessed it - started both drinking and smoking again! Have started my Topa again and am down to one drink a day - just before bed but now need to stop the smoking again - the Carr book was what worked for me before but I felt it was worth going through your thread as well - need as much ammo as I can get! Stupid stupid stupid that is what I was!!
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              Quitting Smoking

              You are RIGHT, get as much as you can in your Arsenal. There is also an Allen Carr The easy way to stop smoking for the Nintendo Wii.....I have one here if anyone wants it. I can post it on to them.

              Go for it Girl....
              "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

              AF 10th May 2010
              NF 12th May 2010


                Quitting Smoking

                I have that book, The Easy Way Stop Smoking. I read most of it a year and a half ago. I shall pull it out of the box I have it in and read it again.

                Doing pretty good. I miss the morning smokes.... but they were the ones that I enjoyed the most! Day 2 now; and I have a bit of a head ache this morning. Par for the course!

                My mantra: I hate smoking! I deserve to be healthy and stink-free!


                  Quitting Smoking

                  It'll be the best thing you ever did AFM.
                  Sending strength.


                    Quitting Smoking

                    Good on ya AFM
                    It really is the very best feeling to be free of this horrible hold nicotine has on us.
                    Hows it going?
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      Quitting Smoking

                      Feeling a bit better so far today!

                      I had a headache the size of Mt. St. Helens for about 99% of the day yesterday.

                      Kind of on edge as well. Didn't help that I had to run my kids around and get last minute school supplies. And to be honest, my oldest wouldn't shut up in the car..... (I know that is mean ) But that is how I felt. Plus her horrid radio station which is located on the mainland; so all you hear is freakin' base and static. UGH!

                      BUT, I managed to contain my frustration and got through it. LOL! I went to bed at 8pm and just laid there watching crap TV. Unwound from the day.

                      This is worth it! This is worth it! This is worth it!

                      I don't feel like killing anyone or making them at least cry today, so hoping for a less edgy one!


                        Quitting Smoking

                        Good for you AFM!
                        Drink lots of water to flush out the toxins and it will also help with your headache. Try and stay away from sugar and too many carbs -- I made that mistake and at the time reasoned with myself that at least I wasn't smoking but you pay for it in the long run. It will also help settle your nerves/emotions if you stick to a raw diet for a couple of days.
                        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                          Quitting Smoking

                          Thanks for all your advice, guys!!

                          I still have a bit of a dull headache. Par for the course.

                          Lungs feel like crap. Tight and congested. A good sign of clearing, so all is ok.

                          Eating too much, but that's ok too. I am at least eating well, and healthy. Maybe a bit too much bread, but it is flax and organic.

                          Lots of time on my hands when I am at home, so my house is VERY clean! Kind of antsy.

                          I went out with my sister last night and managed NOT to drink or smoke. We even went to a pub. I ate tons of nachos and wings! YUM! And we had some great conversations, and laughs. We haven't had that in a loooong time!

                          Anyway, I am hungry; should eat. LOL.


                            Quitting Smoking


                            Bloody GREAT going girl, going to a pub is very hard for 2 BIG aced it.

                            Proud of you xxxx

                            Eat yer little heart out x
                            "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                            AF 10th May 2010
                            NF 12th May 2010


                              Quitting Smoking

                              I quit after my non-smoking girlfriend dragged me to a "Quit Smoking in 5 hours" seminar. I thought, this is ridiculous, and had no intention whatsoever of stopping.

                              Well, to my astonishment, it worked. There were no horror stories or scare tactics, just facts: including the whole palava about the smoking industry covering up the results of their own research in the 1950s, and the way they spike their tobacco with a couple of thousand toxic chemicals just to make their product even more irresistable, etc.

                              Sly Stallone getting half a million dollars for smoking the right brand in a couple of movies was in there, too.

                              Anyway, the end result was I felt like a dick- there's a bunch of non-smoking cigarette executives making millions off idiots like me - I'm paying these soul sucking jerks several bucks a day to kill me! (I could hire a hit-man who'd do it cheaper and quicker!)
                              Every smoker spends years thinking "I'm going to give up, one day" and I realised, at the end of the seminar, that I would never be so stoked up and pissed off as I was then. So I said, "I'm going to smoke (and drink) as I usually do this evening, but tomorrow, I'm quitting (the smokes, at least.)"

                              Well tomorrow came and as luck would have it my girlfriend and I had a terrific row in the car. Found a crushed pack of stale Luckies in the glove compartment and got one in my mouth. She pulled it out before I could light it. That was the my final cigarette, one I didn't light. Good girlfriend, eh? I married her (or she married me.)

                              The cravings go away really quick and after a grumpy week or two I didn't miss the damn things. Once or twice a year I'll be hanging out with some smoker friends and the devil will tap me on the shoulder and remind me how damn tasty they are, but it's really no problem to look at the ashtray and think, thank God I don't have to clean one of those every morning any more. (I don't use the words God & devil in any religious sense, just as figures of speech)

                              Anyway, so I quit in 2006 and continued boozing like a pig... if I can quit smokes while off my head every evening, anyone can! Booze is a far tougher one to crack - which is why I'm here.

                              Good luck quitting the ciggies.

                              PS I think nicotine patches & gum are a dumb idea. Nicotine is the thing you're addicted to. Patches and gum keep you addicted, and solve nothing. Cold turkey is the only thing that works, (me thinks).

