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craving in deviation as m off work 3 days

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    craving in deviation as m off work 3 days

    Dear all,
    I don't know how can I spend my three days where I am alone with no job. Fear to slip up anytime. Please share and encourage me for the best.
    If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.

    craving in deviation as m off work 3 days

    Of course we are all here for you Kota, just keep posting and reading. Try and get out of the house as well, just enjoy the relaxation.
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      craving in deviation as m off work 3 days

      kota you need to put/have a plan in place, As you are trying to change it doesn't mean the things in life around you changes,You are trying to enter the sobriety world so you have to be prepared that you will have days of work ,people will still invite you to parties and very few people (except the ones here)will understand why you want to stop drinking.
      go for a walk think things through. you can do it.

      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


        craving in deviation as m off work 3 days

        Thank you for your posting!
        Problem is that I have to get out from home for some personal works. My habit is drinking al somewhere in park or hiding somewhere outside the home. Once started ,craving for al goes badly and got memoryloss when back to I will fill up my stomach before I leave my home to reduce temptation. Let us see!
        If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


          craving in deviation as m off work 3 days

          Thank you for your posting!
          Problem is that I have to get out from home for some perspnal works. My habit is drinking al somewhere in park or hiding somewhere outside the home. Once started craving for al goes badly and got memoryloss when back to I will fill up my stomach before I leave my home to reduce temptation. Let us see!
          If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


            craving in deviation as m off work 3 days

            hi kota,like when you 1st enjoyed your time with alchohol,you half to take time to find out what other interests are out there for you,now,my dear it is not easy,there are many ways to view this addiction,it i s just like anything else in life we do to much of,from my xperiences with it,40 years of it,its over rated,drinking that is, but at the same time how did i come to that conclusion,well the 1st 16 years of my life i never even picked up,but like many the feeling it gave to me at 1st,was great,until i got sick,like many i swore up and down and said i wouldnt do it again,wellover the next few years i xperimented again,and again nothing but pronblems,i , like many thot it wa normal to drink and get drunk,didnt everyone do it,ok to make a long story short,every 5 years up to the age of 45 i drank more,with all the stresses in life and the over indulging of drink,didnt help anymore,then depression,for 10 years,wonder why,hahahha,as we go on in our drinking career, as ive lerned of late,research ? we hurt the most important thing in are body , the brain ,the brain gets damaged,makes sense,were drowning it,then when we get to where we,or your at,were addicted,the brain rebels,and we wonder why,it the brain is contaminated,as a few have said,keeping busy is the answer,and yet some people shouldnt drink,just like many other things in life were not ment to have,or doi do wish you well,gyco


              craving in deviation as m off work 3 days

              Gyco n mario,
              How helpful are you people understand me well.I wil definitely pass the time talking with the people like you. I am really enjoying more than al but have to go out anyway. You know I have to lookafter my kids paying bills,shopping, dropping and pickings up from school, visiting local authorities.when I finish these job got drunk, sometime avoid appointment and leaving the work done.too many problems, why people made this disgusting stuff? ????????
              Anyway I am trying with yours motivation.
              If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.


                craving in deviation as m off work 3 days

                Gyco n mario,
                How helpful are you people understand me well.I wil definitely pass the time talking with the people like you. I am really enjoying more than al but have to go out anyway. You know I have to lookafter my kids paying bills,shopping, dropping and pickings up from school, visiting local authorities.when I finish these job got drunk, sometime avoid appointment and leaving the work done.too many problems, why people made this disgusting stuff? ????????
                Anyway I am trying with yours motivation.
                If nature gives us lemon, we have a choice: either to cry or make lemonade.

