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Introversion and Alcohol

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    Introversion and Alcohol

    The term "introversion" was coined by Carl Jung, along with its antonym, "extraversion", as described in this quote from wikipedia (bolding emphasis mine):

    People who prefer extraversion draw energy from action: they tend to act, then reflect, then act further. If they are inactive, their motivation tends to decline. To rebuild their energy, extraverts need breaks from time spent in reflection. Conversely, those who prefer introversion expend energy through action: they prefer to reflect, then act, then reflect again. To rebuild their energy, introverts need quiet time alone, away from activity.

    The extravert's flow is directed outward toward people and objects, and the introvert's is directed inward toward concepts and ideas. Contrasting characteristics between extraverts and introverts include the following:

    * Extraverts are action oriented, while introverts are thought oriented.
    * Extraverts seek breadth of knowledge and influence, while introverts seek depth of knowledge and influence.
    * Extraverts often prefer more frequent interaction, while introverts prefer more substantial interaction.
    * Extraverts recharge and get their energy from spending time with people, while introverts recharge and get their energy from spending time alone.

    from wikipedia MBTI article
    From as far back as I can remember, I've been an introvert. I'm talking as a child, way back before AL ever entered the picture. Notice that "introverted" does not equate to "shy" or "social anxiety". I'm not shy and have very well developed social and communication skills... but I really like being alone. I'm talking almost to hermit levels. I enjoy (prefer, actually) doing lot's of "normal" activities alone: playing computer games, going to the beach/surfing, cooking, playing music, etc.

    Anyway, while thinking about my alcohol use, I started realizing how much more time over the past decade I was spending alone drinking at home, which seemed also to be increasing with time. I was still doing the above sorts of activities, with the outdoorsy ones being during the day while not drinking. I had always been in touch with my introveted tendencies and it never really bothered me.

    But then I began wondering if my alcohol use was making me even more introverted/isolated. At first, it seemed like the obvious answer was, "yeah, duh! addict brain defending its drinking time". But now I'm not so sure. During recent days and weeks when not drinking my introverted tendencies don't feel any different at all-- I still want to be alone, but I read or worked or played games or whatever instead of drinking. And as I mentioned in the beginning, I was like this before I had ever experienced alcohol. Hmm.

    So, I started this thread for couple reasons:
    - to explore for myself whether alcohol and introversion are at all linked within myself (being introspective! )
    - to see if any people here could relate-- most of you all seem crazy-extraverted to me! (maybe that's just your online personas?)
    - to see if any other interesting ideas/discussion would come out of it.

    Anyone care to weigh in?

    Introversion and Alcohol

    This is interesting and I'm going to need to process it a little more. I can really see both qualities in me so I'm sure that means I'm misinterpreting something.

    I enjoy my time alone and enjoy certain kinds of interactions with others. (I'm talking in sobriety now. Things were different through the progression of my alcoholism) Maybe I'm still finding the "real me."

    Interesting topic!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Introversion and Alcohol

      Hello Holding Pattern and Welcome to MWO!
      You have chosen quite an interesting topic for discussion.
      First of all, I am most definitely an introvert! But, I others often label me as an extrovert because I am not shy at all. Much like you! I enjoy my own company as well as the company of others, of my own choosing! I hate crowds, I hate noisy crowds even more! I am neither shy nor uncomfortable in larger groups, but truth be known, I definitely do not prefer large groups!

      With this being said, it is not surprising that I did much of my drinking alone! Not due to lonliness, but simply because I am an introvert! Fortunately for me, these days, I do not drink and I quite enjoy my time, whether alone or with others much, much more than I ever did while drinking!

      But, this discussion has prompted me to wonder, if giving up alcohol might be more challenging in some ways to our friends the extroverts? Especially those extroverts who tend to also be somewhat shy? Do the activities and surroundings that extraverts enjoy lend themselves more to an environment of drinking alcohol?

      Like you, I would love for others to weigh in on this!

      Best wishes and happy to have you with us!
      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        Introversion and Alcohol

        Doggygirl;954931 wrote: This is interesting and I'm going to need to process it a little more. I can really see both qualities in me so I'm sure that means I'm misinterpreting something.

        Hi DG, you're not necessarily misinterpreting anything. Without getting too deep into MBTI personality theory, Introversion and Extroversion are two ends of a spectrum of preferences, with most people falling just off to one side or the other of the middle. Of course, there also are people who fall fairly heavily into one side or the other, with me as an example of a pretty strong (but not quite extreme) "I": I have to really be pushed to interact with others during my free time (of course, I spend all day interacting with others at work, but that's not "free time") and will generally avoid it if possible.

        KateH1;954934 wrote:

        But, this discussion has prompted me to wonder, if giving up alcohol might be more challenging in some ways to our friends the extroverts? Especially those extroverts who tend to also be somewhat shy? Do the activities and surroundings that extraverts enjoy lend themselves more to an environment of drinking alcohol?
        Certainly, especially the whole bar/club scene. One thing I most definitely do not have to worry about is, "what will I do if I can't go to bars/clubs anymore?" Except for very limited occasions, if I had a choice between drinking in a bar or not drinking at all, I'd not drink most of time.

        I just thought of another way to phrase one of my questions: am I a hermit because I drink alone, or do I drink alone because I'm a hermit? Ha!


          Introversion and Alcohol

          In rehab we talked about this a lot.

          Women tend to drink alone. It is one of the qualities of women drinkers.

          I don't think we are introverts, I think it is because we naturally fall into of self-preservation.

          Drunk, we are easy prey.

          AF April 9, 2016


            Introversion and Alcohol

            Sheri, leave it to you to post this!! Yes, I have also done the Myers-Briggs test and I clearly measured as an introvert. I think a lot of people still confuse the term intovert with shy and as HoldingPattern clearly pointed out, these are not one and the same!

            Cindy, I cannot speak for any other women, nor women in general, I can only speak for myself. I drank alone because, I hate bars...crazy huh, and alcoholic who hates bars! But the self preservation part has a ring of truth for me. I always found it absolutely impossible to have a quiet drink (or 10!) alone in a bar! Some guy always seemed to think that I needed or wanted "His" company and even when I would politely refuse, my wishes often went ignored, until I got up and left. So I learned not to drink in bars. Now, with a couple of friends, that was a different story! But, frankly, most of the time, I liked drinking alone.

            In response to to Holding Pattern, I am curious,what is your description of a "Hermit"? How much time, and what quality of time spent with others keeps us from being considered a hermit?
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              Introversion and Alcohol

              Sheri, the test you linked is interesting. No wonder I drank - I've been in the wrong profession! ()

              These tests are very difficult for me sometimes because my natural inclinations were really re-directed at a very early age. (child competitive athlete, and not by my own choice) There are so many times when I'm not really sure how *I* feel due to the fact that the hard driving Type A stuff, along with a plastered on smile were just drilled into me so young. I often wonder how I would have turned out (not related to alcohol - just school and career choices, etc.) had I been allowed to grow up more "normally" whatever that is.

              Or maybe none of that mattered and I would be exactly the same regardless.

              Who knows. My brain is burning now, in a good way!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                Introversion and Alcohol

                I wonder what part age plays into this? In my younger years (now 44), having fun, out on the prowl and being an extrovert as hell was normal. Then older, the old "been there done that" kinda took over. Kids and marriage ( and work) took over for years. But with divorce years ago and the kids almost out of High School, I now, still have no desire for groups at all.

                It's like a play on (paraphrase) Winston Churchill's "If your not a liberal when your 20, you have no soul and if your not a conservative at 40, you have no brain.

                If your not an extrovert when your young, speak up!

                If your an extrovert when your older, Shut up!

                Drinking absolutly drives you to a shadow, but does getting older as well??

                And yes, I know 44 isn't that old..


                  Introversion and Alcohol

                  Cinders;954960 wrote: I don't think we are introverts, I think it is because we naturally fall into of self-preservation.

                  Drunk, we are easy prey.

                  You know, this hadn't even occurred to me, yet now that you've said it it seems so obvious!

                  Sheri;954968 wrote:
                  I'm an introvert. In fact, I'll take it a step further and say that I'm an ISFJ according to several Myers-Briggs Type Personality Indcator Tests I've had done professionally through my workplace for teambuilding purposes and on-line just for fun and they have always come out the same.

                  In terms of how I would describe myself, it would be similar to Kate, but with a little more shyness, particularly when around unfamiliar territory and people I don't know. I drank socially during my younger years, and enjoyed being with people, but as my drinking progressed, I preferred to drink alone to keep my problem hidden.

                  I was wondering how long it would take for full MBTI types to come up in this thread

                  Anyway, I'm an INTP and most online descriptions of the type describe me pretty well. I'm not sure whether keeping my problem hidden was a primary motivation or just a bonus side-effect for me with the whole drinking alone thing. It'll be interesting to see if/how my perspective changes as I get more AF time under my belt.

                  KateH1;954980 wrote:
                  I drank alone because, I hate bars...crazy huh, and alcoholic who hates bars!
                  Exactly: I can't even hear myself think in most bars. Nor is there much in the way of mentally stimulating conversation in them either...

                  KateH1 wrote:

                  In response to to Holding Pattern, I am curious,what is your description of a "Hermit"? How much time, and what quality of time spent with others keeps us from being considered a hermit?
                  I'm not sure exactly. If you don't count interactions at work or superficial ones like with with the cashier, or telephone or online communication, I routinely go a month or two at a time without any significant in-person interaction outside of those things. I guess that's not exactly to Ted Kaczynski levels, but it's pretty extreme compared to anybody else I know.

                  Doggygirl;954989 wrote:
                  Sheri, the test you linked is interesting. No wonder I drank - I've been in the wrong profession! ()

                  Who knows. My brain is burning now, in a good way!
                  This makes me curious: what's your MBTI type and the corresponding "wrong" profession?

                  Also, how come nobody else here uses the multiquote function when posting?


                    Introversion and Alcohol

                    Good Morning/Evening from another INTP, in another hemisphere !

                    Love this discussion.
                    I am naturally an introvert who, also, is NOT shy and not socially phobic. Actually I rather like to be involved in meaningful conversations.

                    I now know that my introversion is central to my alcoholism. My abuse of alcohol began with my first social interactions as a young adult (15). My family never understood my penchant for books and quiet pursuits. I was frequently labelled 'the quiet one' with negative connotations. I simply didn't have anything to say, and found their conversation a bit banal, truth be told.
                    Eventually I capitulated and overcompensated by hanging around with extroverted friends who limited their social interactions to pubs and clubs, hence the alcohol/social lubricant association. I was also bored s***less. I would also feign extraversion. In retrospect, I probably appeared to be completely discordant with my environment, and a bit of a fake ('Cos I was ). It felt incongruous, that scene, and made me anxious.

                    I wonder if I had simply managed to ACCEPT my introversion, find friends and activities which were a better fit, how differently my life may have turned out ?

                    Anyway, that's just academic.

                    Thanks for the topic Holding Pattern. I think you'll find a lot of people here who can identify.
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      Introversion and Alcohol

                      Another ISFJ here. I scored 100% on the introversion scale on the Meyers-Briggs. I am in addition to being very introverted.

                      I've always been a solitary drunk. I never get drunk in public, one of the reasons being what Cinders pointed out, the other being I just don't like getting drunk in front of other people.

                      I doubt that introversion and alcohol are linked; I know lots of introverts who don't drink. In fact, I'd postulate that the opposite is true: a positive correlation between extraversion and alcohol. What I think correlates with introversion is drinking alone vs drinking in bars or social situations. Or was that your initial premise and I didn't read closely enough? LOL!

                      I've always said you can tell the difference between an introvert and an extravert by what they want to do at the end of the workweek. The I's want to go home and the E's want to party!!

                      Great thread. I love talking about the Meyers-Briggs and introversion/extraversion. Fascinating topics.
                      Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
                      That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
                      Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
                      Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


                        Introversion and Alcohol

                        Sheri;955043 wrote: I don't know how but I'm willing to learn. Just getting one quote in is work enough for me, so I'm sure I must be doing it the hard way, as usual.
                        The is a link to an explanation on how to do this in the post of mine you quoted

                        Sheri wrote:
                        [...interesting thoughts...]

                        Just some more rambling thoughts.

                        Yeah, I'm wondering if I will want to be around people more the more AF I get. At this point it doesn't feel likely, but I'm not ruling anything out.

                        As for MBTI scores, I'm extremely strong I, strong N, moderate T and very strong P.

                        byebyebridgetjones;955044 wrote:
                        Good Morning/Evening from another INTP, in another hemisphere !

                        Eventually I capitulated and overcompensated by hanging around with extroverted friends who limited their social interactions to pubs and clubs, hence the alcohol/social lubricant association. I was also bored s***less. I would also feign extraversion. In retrospect, I probably appeared to be completely discordant with my environment, and a bit of a fake ('Cos I was ). It felt incongruous, that scene, and made me anxious.

                        I wonder if I had simply managed to ACCEPT my introversion, find friends and activities which were a better fit, how differently my life may have turned out ?
                        Hi Bridget, glad to meet another INTP! Actually, I don't think I know any female INTPs in real life (just based on my personal evaluations of type-- I don't discuss MTBI with people very often).

                        I can totally relate to being insanely bored and feigning extraversion in typical social situations. UUUGGGHH! It's bottomless energy sucking pit. I'd literally rather be working or cleaning the house or some other activity I generally dislike. I always wondered why this was so for me; I mean, other people seem to tolerate or even (gulp!) enjoy that kind of thing!

                        I think I accept my introversion very well personally, but it's really difficult to get other non-introverts (which seems to be most of the people around me) to understand. It's a constant hassle/friction to deal with, so I generally end up just being really avoidant. Which in a way perpetuates the cycle, so to speak. Gah, whatever, it is what it is.

                        PhoenixRising;955045 wrote:

                        I doubt that introversion and alcohol are linked; I know lots of introverts who don't drink. In fact, I'd postulate that the opposite is true: a positive correlation between extraversion and alcohol. What I think correlates with introversion is drinking alone vs drinking in bars or social situations. Or was that your initial premise and I didn't read closely enough? LOL!

                        I've always said you can tell the difference between an introvert and an extravert by what they want to do at the end of the workweek. The I's want to go home and the E's want to party!!
                        That wasn't part of my initial premise; actually, I didn't have much of one, just some thoughts and questions really. But it wouldn't surprise me if extraverts were more prone to alcohol problems.

                        And yeah, like I was talking about above, given the choice to keep working late or go to a party on friday night, I'd choose to keep working (headphones on, concentrating intensely on my monitor... )


                          Introversion and Alcohol

                          INTJ here ....

                          "When under a great deal of stress, the INTJ may become obsessed with mindless repetitive, Sensate activities, such as over-drinking"

                          LOL, finally, the answer to why I have a drinking problem

                          : forums discussing the INTJ personality and alcohol/alcoholism/alcohol abuse; maybe there could be something to this ..........

                          INTJ's and Alcohol(ism) | Facebook
                          Alcohol and the INTJ - INTJ Forum
                          [INTJ] Drunken INTJs - PersonalityCafe
                          Dean Wormer to Bluto (John Belushi) from the movie Animal House: "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life son."


                            Introversion and Alcohol

                            great thread. on the same theme but much more simplistic. i did a personality 'test' years ago at college. basically your were either 'stable introvert' stable extrovert, unstable introvert, unstable extrovert. not surprisingly i was an 'unstable extrovert' and alcohol certainly gave me the 'power' to keep this up. this kind of thing is always great food for thought.
                            Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                            Keep passing the open windows


                              Introversion and Alcohol

                              like bridge i also found i was bored and anxious in the pub/ club drinking scene and covered this with drinking. no escuses here, but i wonder why i didnt just follow what i prefered... definately my own company or the company of just a few 'select' people who i was comfortable with
                              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                              Keep passing the open windows

