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    Back to Say Hi

    Hi to all my friends! It has been a while and I miss you all! I am not sure how long it's been but it feels like forever. I had to leave though - I was becoming (or was) addicted to this site and neglecting my family, just like I did with alcohol. I have been busy getting my home life back on track. I feel like I have grown a lot since I became sober, that first day February 08 2010. My last drink was on the 7th of Feb and I still do not miss it. I see people drinking and often I am asked if I would like to have one. Honestly, I still do not feel like I could have just one - my drinking in the end was not because I enjoyed the taste of a good beer - it was to get drunk, sad but true. I do not wish to have one drink at all anymore or any for that matter. I owe my sobriety to Baclofen and this site - all of the wonderful people here.

    As some of you may know, I attribute my lack of cravings to the 60mg of Baclofen I was taking. Recently I decided to taper off because of the SEs. Recently I just feel tired all the time - not sure if its Bac or laziness! Dont get me wrong; all SEs are worth the price of sobriety but now that I consider myself sober, I hope that I am strong enough to remove the Baclofen from the equation. A few weeks ago, I dropped 20mg from my dosage. This week I dropped another 20. in a week or so, I may go down to 10mg or stop completely.

    I would like to know how my friends are doing; the ones that I have followed along the way - I hope they check in and let me know.
    Mama, Pink, Rusty, Pheonix, Sol, Ayuria, Lion, RC - God I know I am missing some one - sorry!
    Guys, please let me know how your journey is going.

    I wish everyone here at MWO nothing but the best.
    Take care,
    Your friend - Road.

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    He's allive!!!
    Hope you got my messages!
    Missed you too, so very happy that things are going well! Take very good care! xxx


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      Hey R2R!

      I am doing well, sober and AF for the most part. I have had one or 2 here and there. Three once, but never again - too scary! I owe it all to baclofen. Thanks for your support of me early on. :l
      Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
      That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
      Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
      Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


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        Hi All
        Road good to hear your recovery is going strong. This is the type of good news this site thrives on. We who are achieving some good AF time were no different than anyone here just starting out. We all went through the hell of the first couple of weeks and hung on. It doesn't matter if your bottom has brought you to live on the street or you are a "high functioning alcoholic" it is just as hard for each of us. Road you have been honest with yourself and did what was necessary for recovery. It is so good to hear.
        Stay Strong!

        Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
        AF 5-16-08
        Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
        AF 5-16-08


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          Hey Roadie..fisrt of all I am so proud of the way you are getting your family life back!!..warms my heart!!!....And for me well you already know I am fine and living life...maybe I will have a little more time this fall for a few new projects....All I know is that being sober is the only way that I choose to live!!...
          :heart:AF since May 31 2008.....Happy and Healthy


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            Hi Roadie!
            It is great to see you! And it is even better to hear that your family life continues to get better! You have worked hard on your sobriety and your life keeps getting better! I am doing well, family is wonderful and life is good!
            Stay Well!
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


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              Too cool Road!! I'm so glad you checked in and are doing so well! Your positivity shines through your post!:sun: Very happy to hear about the home front too. Congratulations! I completely understand the need to take the MWO time and apply it to other areas that need fixing too. Every day I say I'm going to stay off at least until the evening but I almost always end up keying in. Just reading people's victories and struggles on their path encourages and enlightens mine. The love, support and humour is a nice pick up too. I am not 100% where I want to be yet Road but a hell of a lot further in the right direction. Thanks for asking. Continue to be well my friend. :l

              Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

              St. Francis of Assisi


                Back to Say Hi

                It's great to read your post! So glad to hear that sobriety and your family life are going strong. All the best to you on your journey! You inspire.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.

