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my story

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    my story

    i dont no if ive done this,but after reading T s story the other day ,i was a bit inspired,i like T stopped drinking in oct.26/07,again,as ive said b4 never had a problem stopping,just staying stopped and understanding why i should,igues from the research ive done frombeing here and doing other alternatives over the years,i gotit,whether i totally stop,or lern how to drink as some call as a normal person,i will never be normal tho,my parents were great people,they were actually old enuff to be my gran parents,they were both born in 1915,i was born in 1953,they werent real heavy drinkers but tghe family had alchoholism in it,so ivecome to the conclusion i was born with a form of a.d.d., is was not hurd of in those days,last of a doctors worries for some kid to come out rite,i had a real hard time grasping things,normal things bored me,why would someone want to waste there day reading a book,road hockey,baseball,football and rugby were for the brain dead,but my brain didnt need help,hahahaha,when i was in school over te years i never asked questions,i said once as child.somthing to my mother about drinking,and when my dad returned from work i got thrashed,dont ask grown up questions was destilled into my mind,so over the years,i backed off,until i was 16.i will continou this later,i have to go shoppin with my better half.till later gyco

    my story

    I'm intrigued Gyco, waiting for the next bit. My Dad was old enough to be my grandad as well and died when I was very young - it leaves a gap doesn't it? OK waiting for the follow on
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      my story

      normal things bored me >>

      I can really relate to that, Gyco. Waiting for part 2, : )

      AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
      "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


        my story

        goodmornin all,a novel hahaha,16 and it is nice i can still remember,that was really my 1st xperience with drink beleive it or not,older friend of mine,picked up the beer,didnt drink much but i did dated his sister at 13,and she was a doll,well those were my trqampoline years,not bad at it,but this was a start of an up and down relationship as i view it now,there were good toimes and bad,but thinking back,after doin flips in my friends basement,walking home which was a couple of blocks a way,barffing twice in the process,and steppin on the guitar sittin on the floor in my room which wasnt even mine,gees glad i wasnt driving,i have to say most drinking escapades over the years,b4 i got married at 23 got me into som interstin situations,was what i doing considered society it was,ive never been abusive towards my kids which there 4,2and 2,of each hahahah,and there healthy and smart,dont no wht happened to me,thinking back,over theyears after gettin married,we had altercations and there mostly do to Al,over dose,seen the wife loaded once in 34 years it was a good xcuse for years to drink along with being thrashed as a child,everything up 45 years of aghe had it s moments,until one night 12 years ago,as usuall i was cutting back,just overly tired i thot,slept for about an hour on the couch and woke to what i thot qwas a dream,it felt like someone robbed me of reality,it was like being in a dream but it was really happening,i was having my 1st panic attack,i didnt no what the heck was goin on,didnt say to much at 1st,thot the wife mt think i was going mad,went for a walk nothing made sense,heart rate wa s up,shaking,sweating disorintated,to say the least,welli finallywent for a ride in the car not a great idea,got home and xplained it to the wife,thot i was dying,so we woke everyone and phoned my brother also,said my good byes,had everyone scared to death,it lasted 2.5 hours but it did end,at that point .Woke the next day with me and everyone around me in again im off and this will cont.later.this actually good gettin this out thnx for listenin and readin gyco


          my story

          its good getting it out gyco, keep it coming :-)

          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


            my story

            Gyco, I have ADHD, am the only daughter of a wonderful, doting but alcoholic father 21 years older than my mum, so I can relate (except to the thrashing part). I was a daydreamer at school so I was constantly told I had to try harder. I was a "disappointment" to my high achieving parents. Knowing that was kind of an emotional thrashing I suppose. Anyway, I was bored, like you. I loved to read but didn't get why we had to write out the answers to a whole lot of questions about the story...for pity's sake, I'd read the story, I got it, so why write answers? So I didn't. I gazed out the window.
            I am a total Mathemoron. Truthfully, I have to write out even simple math problems and work them out on paper.
            My first drinking experience was when I was 18 months old. Everyone was pretty-well hammered at my Christening and I went around and drained everyone's glasses.
            Gyco, I will follow your story with interest.
            :h Mish :h
            Never give up...
            GET UP!!!

            AF since 25th November, 2011

            What might have been is an abstraction
            Remaining a perpetual possibility
            Only in a world of speculation.
            What might have been and what has been
            Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


              my story

              hi again,it is nice as i said to release this.thrashing my parents were hard workers in both fields of work,he was a sheet medal master,at a bombardier plant and she was a mom,when they enjoyed thenselves as if to drink,i stil dont beleive they were alchoholic,but as a child i made a comment as a child,to my sister,my sister told my mom,my mom cried all day,i tried to change the word drunk to whatecver by the time my dad got home ,she my mom was distrot from saying they were gonna get drunkwell several seconds later the chase was on for me i tried to hide under the bed but of no avail,well i got nnot spanked but thrashed,beatin i dont no in these times yes i guess,,i even watched my sister and brother cry form this xperience and for years didnt understand why they were crying,i got the thrashing,well it plagued me for years until i ha d therapy a few yaers back and the councillor sai you have to let it go.which comes to my nextpanic attack after six months of none it to wasnt rewarding other then to find out what was goin o,that was sept.1999.but this time i seen my doctor who perscribed a psychiatrist who seem to help me out.he gave me pills i dont even no what they were but got xamined and talked to of couse per say im not exaggerating the hole thing.told me if i had another bout i should take a pill well thats the other part of the story all talk of later.that my friends is when hell broke lose gyco


                my story

                Keep that I'm sucked in I'll be watching this thread all day!


                  my story

                  lol hi gaang,as i said earlier i wa s so inspired by T the other day i thot id get on the band wagon,many of the people here dont say there history,so december of 1999 hockey tournament all was well,hockey turney,o,oh,well on the way back,i died on the bus,i didnt it was al in the mind,panic attack,thats what i thot tho,i died,when the attack came on i took a pill,perscribed it didnt help so not more then 2,o poop,the peple on the bus were aware of my state,i thot i over dosed,now as ive said in other posts,that ids where this addiction can leed you,the brain,mind altering,well iended up in the hospital emerge,everyone fretting,and all hooked up for a heart attack,and ah,ewe think you took a panic attack,so im off work for 6 months being diagnoised,february almost crash my car with the 2 boys,and again im in the hospital for 11 days,this to make a long story short,i dont want to bore you folks,another 10 years.Depression is not a fun thing,but one has to find a way to deal with been very fortunate,i was forced into a treatnet program after 11 years of dealing with unforseen force.i also been thro the AA program and it has helped.i have been hospitalised 3 times,threatened my wife numerous times,thank goodness i never hit her.but the abuse was there.ive had more drugs then canbe amagined,and was totally aghainst them untill i figured out they were doin the same as the alchohol.for me.and i abused them.this site is a saviour,i no for me it was another alternative.i beleive one has to find what works,and always have to be positive,there is no failure in what were trying to accomplish,whether it s total sobriety,which ive had,or moderation which im at,i have be on the outlook for a disaster at anytme,in sobriety or as many of you no ive recently been thro some operations and im now in therapy,there is hope,any way you chose,i never liked just walking,and im now up to 3 walks of a hour each day[i try]not always accomplihing it,xercise ive found is a key success to our recovery,but again not to overdew,we are unique kind of people,we need each other,that is the key to our success thnx gang,i consider myself a success story gyco love you aall


                    my story

                    thnx zen it took 57 years my friend


                      my story

                      Gyco, I've been glued to this. Your perseverance is amazing. I'm glad you are happy where you are in life now.
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        my story

                        Awwhhhhh Gyco, if I was near you, i would give you the biggest ya lots xx
                        "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                        AF 10th May 2010
                        NF 12th May 2010


                          my story

                          Gyco - huge huge hugs to you - you are a true inspiration to all of us!

                          Love, Sunshinedaisies xx
                          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                            my story

                            I admire you so much, Gyco.
                            :h Mish :h
                            Never give up...
                            GET UP!!!

                            AF since 25th November, 2011

                            What might have been is an abstraction
                            Remaining a perpetual possibility
                            Only in a world of speculation.
                            What might have been and what has been
                            Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot

