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BOOKS - what helped with your recovery?

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    BOOKS - what helped with your recovery?

    Hi all,

    After a very depressing Relapse Prevention Group (my first one), I am looking to supplement the info given there with some 'recovery' reading of my own. Everyone in the group seemed to be a serial relapser so no-one seemed to know the answers!

    So I was wondering what books people have read that they have found helpful. Although I am particularly interested in Relapse Prevention books, anything that has aided you with your recovery would be brill too.

    Thanks guys,
    K x
    Recovery Coaching website

    "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

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    BOOKS - what helped with your recovery?

    The study of the Noble Eightfold Path (Buddhism)

    Noble Eightfold Path - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Dr. Amiesen's book and this website got me started on Baclofen with which I was ultimately able to quit.

    And also, really, any book I was reading helped me, as I wasn't every able to read when I was drunk, so if I was reading, I was sober. I am greatly enjoying getting back into reading. I feel like I am reclaiming a huge chunk of my time that was wasted as a human pickle.
    Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
    That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
    Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
    Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


      BOOKS - what helped with your recovery?

      Kim, there is so much information out there on the internet regarding relapse prevention that you'd be better searching there than spend money on specific books that may not fit the criteria you're looking for. Do a bit of research first before you commit to buying books is my advice. I did a relapse prevention workshop in aftercare not long ago and it was based on Marlett's theories on relapse prevention and cause. Google "Marlett" and "Relapse Prevention" along with "Hazeldon Books". These should all give you some useful starting points.

      The main book that has influenced my recovery is the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous. You can also read this online if you wish. Even if you're not in AA or have no inclination to follow a 12 step program it's still worth a look!

      Many Blessings
      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


        BOOKS - what helped with your recovery?

        "Another bullshit night in suck city" by Nick Flynn -- great fun and terrifying at the same time. I didn't try to quit drinking while reading it, but I saw myself in some of the alcoholic characters, and it added to my awareness that I might have a drinking problem of my own.

        I love the idea of Dr Ameisen's book, and I am grateful that it exists, but having read half of it, I must say it's one of the dullest books of all time... It probably could have been condensed to a quarter the number of pages. After all, the only really interesting bit is the "cure" itself, not the good doctors rather tedious journey into alcoholism. Or did it lose something in the translation?


          BOOKS - what helped with your recovery?

          For me, the MWO book really helped me! I could in relate to RJ's story on so many levels and the Make a Plan and nutritional approach was truly life changing! I also got a lot out of Alan Carr's book.

          After about 6 weeks AF, I began to realize that stopping alcohol was truly on the first step in a long process to stay living happily without alcohol. I realized that I needed a major LIFE over haul! I was finished reading all of the sad and horrible stories in regards to addiction and destroyed lives and climbing out of the bottle. I already KNEW how those stories go, after all, I had Lived That Way for Far Too Long! So I started reading Eat, Pray, Love and even though I could not actually take a year and go on a similar adventure in transformation, I decided I could do it at home!! And, so, I did! This may sound crazy to some people, but this along with reading other books about people who had truly transformed their own live, helped me to begin to transform my own!
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            BOOKS - what helped with your recovery?

            Seethepony;956236 wrote:
            I love the idea of Dr Ameisen's book, and I am grateful that it exists, but having read half of it, I must say it's one of the dullest books of all time... It probably could have been condensed to a quarter the number of pages. After all, the only really interesting bit is the "cure" itself, not the good doctors rather tedious journey into alcoholism. Or did it lose something in the translation?
            See, I so agree!! There was SO much fluff in that book. But when you get to the nugget, ah.
            Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
            That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
            Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
            Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart


              BOOKS - what helped with your recovery?

              I have the same opinion of the book and have told people it was a self aggrandizing drunkalogue untill hte last few chapters where the solution lies. I think it is one of the best books for me.

              Serial relapse of myself and others is the reason I gave up on the AA aproach. Especially after I met someone who had been going for 20 years and still drinking. I fanally found My Way Out with baclofen. It has worked perfectly and to some extent easily. I had told my son I might not succeed in quitting drink but I would keep trying. Glad I did. I almost gave up many times.
              the other book I really like for a general understanding of addiction is "Rethinking Substance Abuse" which reviews the science behind addiction, relapse and potential cures.
              I think AA did me a disservice in that the party line blames the alcohol dependent for their failure by claiming that it is due to an inability to be honest with themselves and by telling me to wait for the miracle. There was no miracle until I left AA and got medical help for this medical problem. IMO. Obviously there are some for whom the big book is the entire answer. Just not for most and certainly not for all.
              Best of Luck. I applaud you for your deep desire to recover from this problem. Many have been in your shoes and hopefully this is the last time you have to do this.


                BOOKS - what helped with your recovery?

                I agree about MWO. I do read the BB of AA, too.

                Amiesen's book gave me so much hope and I am using Baclofen to help me on my journey.

                I also read a book called Smashed that affected me greatly.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  BOOKS - what helped with your recovery?

                  I've read

                  Oliver Ameisen's "The Cure for Alcoholism"

                  Allen Carrs -The Easy Way to Stop Drinking

                  Caroline Knapp - Drinking a Love Story

                  Robert Jewel - My Way Out

                  Seven days to sobriety---not sure of author

                  Now: Law of Sobriety

                  The Law Of Sobriety Book by Sherry Gaba | Facebook

                  Everything I need is within me!


                    BOOKS - what helped with your recovery?

                    Dry by Augusten Burroughs is such an awesome read, even tho it is a memoir. Love it, read it more than once, it's that good. I have also read BB of AA and it is very good as I am in the program. I have also failed at the program so now I am back at it combining anti depressant, naltrexone and AA and it;s working along with actually working the steps which I never did past 1,2,3,...drink before. Not that this is a med thread but geez I really think anyone with a true addiction prob needs to go on anti depressants along with any recovery method. Soooo much easier without the black clouds of depression rolling in. I no longer feel like I'm waiting for the miracle, because I'm not overwhelmed by depression. Drinking: A Love Story, very accurate portrayal but I got bored about halfway thru and stopped reading.
                    I ain't afraid of no ghost....


                      BOOKS - what helped with your recovery?

                      I read Under the Influence back in the late 1980s and found it to be a very interesting read. I then purchased the sequel Beyond The Influence and a lot of the same information but updated. I'd recommend it to anybody who has a drinking problem.

             Beyond the Influence: Understanding and Defeating Alcoholism (9780553380149): Katherine Ketcham, William F. Asbury, Mel Schulstad, Arthur P. Ciaramicoli: Books
                      Dean Wormer to Bluto (John Belushi) from the movie Animal House: "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life son."


                        BOOKS - what helped with your recovery?

                        Reggie;956677 wrote: Dry by Augusten is wonderful.... Allen Carrs is ok too but this helped me oh and films wise "days of wine and Roses" and "Bar Fly"
                        When I was in rehab, they played "Days of Wine and Roses" - great movie. "28 Days" with Sandra Bullock, a real oldie "The Lost Weekend" (Ray Milland and Jane Wyman), and "My Name is Bill W." are also great ones alcoholics can empathize with.
                        Dean Wormer to Bluto (John Belushi) from the movie Animal House: "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life son."


                          BOOKS - what helped with your recovery?

                          Hey guys,
                          Thanks so much for your input. I will look some of these up
                          K x
                          Recovery Coaching website

                          "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                          Recovery Videos


                            BOOKS - what helped with your recovery?

                            Try How to quit without feeling s**t it's fantastic.
                            I have a number of the other books mentioned and none helped as much as the above.
                            A must have for quitting!
                            Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


                              BOOKS - what helped with your recovery?

                              saddly to say you can read and take all the meds and still not get to where you want to be ..untill you really commit to it body and soul .. oh but reading and maybe taking the meds might help you on your way .. but at the end.... it all come down to one thing YOU...
                              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..

